scullyraptor, I got your package in the mail today 8D! I can't believe how gorgeous it looks like in person! You should sell posters of it! Hee hee ^-^, expect something small in the mail from me as soon as I mail it out on Monday!
Last night, I saw
KSTP's final segment on their latest, "Where Are They Now?" stories about the husband and wife team
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Comments 12
For the record, I think the peanut butter outside is to die for and the inside tastes like a chocolate filling with the consistency of the regular peanut butter. We can agree that they are darn good!
Yes 8D, they were LESS than $6.00 per box of 36! The sign said one time only buy, which means I don't think they'll be able to restock them once they're gone O~O!
As for the inside out Reece's.. I'm glad to hear that it wasn't just my taste buds playing tricks on me! I found these several months ago, when I first moved here, and was quite caught off guard when the center tasted like their regular peanut butter center. I felt so cheated that it really wasn't an inside out Reece's that I actually found the things distastful and couldn't finish the ones I bought. :/
But today I did find the white chocolate Reece's! I had one of these last summer when I found a lone pack calling out to me in the Merrill vending machines. It was very yummy, but it was never to show its face again... But the ones I found today don't say limited edition! Mebbe they're permanent now? I wish the dark chocolate ones would be permanent! I think I only found those once, too... *sigh*
Whee, we can be dorks together, again XD! Hey, since I still have about an hour or so on your tape, I'll dub some Good Company for you, hee hee ^-^! Anything in particular you're looking for?
As for the White Chocolate Reece's Peanut-Butter Cups, I just saw them at Sam's Club too (FINALLY) when I bought the Inside-Out Cups. I also saw them at REGULAR supermarkets around here without any limited edition label too, so I think they're permanent! I NEVER saw the dark chocolate cups, sniffle ;_;, and I've been searching for those everywhere! What in the heck is wrong with MN's food market?! Why has everyone forsaken us?!
I have special candy for you! I am thinking of sending it by itself, because I don't want it to go stale while I suss out the box of other stuff I'm gathering for you. I am going to have to get new copies of the gargoyles cells n' such as I had an accident that ruined the first set *~_~* gwahhh... which isn't all that bad as I have new stuff to copy for you anyways.
I do have something extra, extra special for you though. *^_^* -- I just need your absolute solemn oath you won't make copies of this packet for anyone, or lend it out because it's an ultra rare and exclusive gift from me to a very very select group of friends.
meows and purrsss
That reminds me that I need to get my copying but in gear as well ;b! I've got to give you a copy of the Michael Turner Fathom piece I commissioned from him when he was at Fallcon. It was VERY pricey O~O! Don't worry about me 'spreading' copies. You're the only one I give copies of anything art related. The only other copies I give out are press kits stuff to my fellow voice actor fan friends ;). CANDY 89!!!
Well, found out my local Sams also does the White Chocolate and the Honey Roasted Reese's Peanut Butter cups... oooggggghhhhhhhh
Of course, this is after I bought the last box of Honey Roasted Reese's at the grocery at full price (x_x);;... sigh... Oh well, better safe than sorry *nods as kitty scarfs honey roasted peanut buttery goodness* ooohhhhhhh ...soooooo good!!!
The white chocolate reese's didn't do much for me. It was tasty, but not so splendiferous I'd go out of my way for them. hmmm... I'm a dark and milk chocolate girl, with occassional deviations into flavored chocolates. Ooohhhhh *has chocolate flashback*
Oooh Michael Turner!!!!!!!!!!!! He is sooooo good!!!! yah me want to see!!!
Okay, I will send the extra special box with it's nifty keen stuff. I will try and get it out this week. *resolve face*
I'm in art mode. Must draw!
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According to my friend, Alice/mooncatx, Kit-Kat has NEW limited edition mint and orange flavors =9! So far, the only Kit-Kat variety I did see here were those white and dark chocolate limited edition ones they had out 2 years back --;! I haven't seen anything else since. We did get the Honey Roasted Peanut-Butter Reece's Cups though, but those were a little too sweet for my tastes. Sniffle ;_;, I don't think I ever tried those Twix variations when they were out in the early '90s! I either never noticed them since I was in college at the time, or MN got the short end of the stick again 8(! I suspect the latter since I tend to want to try every new concoction that hits the shelves! DAMN, why is MN forsaken in the taste bud market?!
Yay, glad to hear it finally arrived ^^;! Sorry for the delay --;!
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