fic: Green is Not Your Color

Jul 23, 2011 15:37

Title: Green is Not Your Color
Author: slacker_d
Pairing/Characters: Rachel/Santana, Brittany, Puck, Marisa, Mike, Quinn, Will, Sue
Rating: R
Summary: Santana gets jealous. Rachel does not approve of her coping methods.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Word Count:~7,250 (this part) / ~27,600 (total)
Spoilers: Just the previous stories in this series
A/N: Follows Everything's Different, but Nothing's Changed. Apologies. I know it's been over a month. But at least it's the longest thing I've written yet. I'd promise next time it'll be better, but that might be a lie. However, I do have several stories still floating around, so I'm not giving up on this series. I'd actually planned on the next part being part 2 of the Ambitions trilogy to be next, but then a comment from darcelynn was the missing piece I needed for the next fic, so here we are. So yeah, hopefully this was worth the wait.
2nd A/N: Unbeta’ed, so all mistakes are mine.

series masterlist

"This is going to be fucking epic!" Puck crows.

"I still don’t think this is a good idea, Noah," Rachel tells him.

"If you really thought that, we wouldn't be here right now."

"I was curious," Rachel replies. "I'm allowed."

"Uh huh," Puck says. "Whatever. You totally love this shit."

"Really, must you curse so much."

"You've been corrupted Rachel Berry," Puck continues. "Admit it."

Rachel glares at the smirking Puck for a full minute before, "Fine. I admit it. Now give me the damn helmet."

"That's my bro."

"We're not losing," Santana tells Brittany.

"Of course not, San," Brittany replies.

"I don't care if it's only Puckerman and Berry," Santana continues.

"You mean you're girlfriend and her bro?"

"Santana Lopez doesn't lose."

"Well then maybe I should be the one pushing," Brittany suggests. "I mean, cause I'm not sure I can go after Rachy."

"I thought you wanted to win," Santana replies.

"I do."

"Okay then," Santana says. "I'm pushing."

"This is stupid," Quinn says.

"It could be worse," Mike replies.

"Well, sure," Quinn agrees. "I'm not on fire or anything, so that's nice."

Mike raises an eyebrow at her. "That's a bit of a jump, don't you think?"

"It's just not what I had in mind when Santana asked me if I wanted to hang out," Quinn explains.

"Oh. Well that makes sense," Mike replies. "Luckily for me, I had no idea what to expect when Rachel wanted to hang out."

"It's barbaric."

"We'll get our turn soon enough."

"Yeah, yeah, we get the winner," Quinn says. "I remember."

"Smile, Fabray," Mike replies. "It's the weekend and we're out doing stupid teenage stuff that won't end with anyone getting pregnant."

Quinn glares at him, but Mike can see her fighting a smile. "Keep saying things like that and I'll be the one pushing. And I'll hide the helmet."

"It might be better if you do push," Mike replies. "Your competitive nature would probably be helpful."

"Didn't you say the same thing about why I should be riding instead?"

"Your competitive nature is helpful in both situations?"

Quinn chuckles. "Good answer."

"So are we doing this or not, Puckerman?!" Santana shouts

"We're ready!" Puck yells back.

Rachel adjusts her helmet again. It feels awkward.

"So are we!"

Brittany tightens the strap of her helmet.

"Fabray and Chang?!"

"We're ready!"

"Like it matters," Quinn mutters.

"We're the judges for this round, Quinn," Mike mutters back.

"It's just not fair," Quinn continues. "Why do they get to have all the fun first?"

"Because it was their idea?"

"Puck has a lot of ideas," Quinn replies. "What's your point?"

Mike shakes his head.

It's late, nearly midnight and the six of them are on the McKinley High football field. Quinn can admit to herself, at least, that she's impressed that Rachel managed to get the flood lights turned on and that for whatever reason, no one's comes to bust them.

She and Mike are sitting at the fifty yard line in lawn chairs. At the forty-five yard line are Rachel and Puck, while Brittany and Santana are on the other forty-five yard line. Rachel and Brittany are wearing football helmets, holding pool noodles and sitting in shopping carts. Behind them are Puck and Santana posed to push them.

Quinn can't wait to see Puck and Santana push the carts through the grass; she knows it's going to be difficult. But Quinn agrees with Rachel, if anyone falls, the grass will be much more forgiving than concrete ever will.

Still, this definitely wasn't what Quinn had in mind when Brittany asked if she wanted to hang out tonight. She doesn't mind, exactly, because she knows being included in this ridiculousness means that she, Brittany and Santana are definitely back to being friends. A little warning would have been nice is all.

Both pairs look ready, so Quinn stands and waves the red flag Rachel handed her earlier. Santana and Puck begin to push the carts.

Mike and Quinn watch as the shopping carts move closer. Rachel and Brittany sit with their pool noodles out like bats. When they're in swinging range, they eagerly go after each other as Santana and Puck push and the carts whiz by each other.

Both Santana and Puck stop and spin the carts around. And then they're off again. They repeat this several times.

Mike and Quinn watch, trying to judge who is getting in the most hits. After five passes, each has picked a winner. They hurriedly confer with each other before standing and walking over to the others.


"Brittany got in more hits," Mike says.

"What? No fucking way," Puck argues.

"Noah, language."

"She did, Puckerman," Quinn says. "So Mike and I are up."

"Fine," Puck replies. "But no matter what, you guys are up against us after this."


Puck helps Rachel out of the cart after she hands the pool noodle to Quinn. She takes off the helmet and hands it over as well.

Quinn smirks as she puts the helmet on, though she has to adjust it. "Your head's smaller than I thought it'd be, Berry," Quinn snarks. "I mean, that ego should take up much more room."

"Like I'm the only one here with an inflated ego, Fabray," Rachel replies.

"There's some mud over there if the two of you want to throw down," Puck suggests.

"Yeah, totally," Brittany adds. "Hot."

"One thing at a time," Rachel says. "Let's finish this first."

"They're not mud wrestling, Puckerman," Santana adds.

"Spoil sport."

Mike helps Quinn into the cart and he begins pushing it into position as Santana does the same. Puck and Rachel back off. Rachel grabs the flag where Quinn dropped it.

"You guys ready?!" Puck calls out.

Brittany happily waves the pool noodle as Quinn calls out. "Let's do this."

Rachel waves the flag and they're off.

This time when the carts pass, there's a much bigger flurry of movement as Brittany and Quinn go after each other. They do five passes before stopping and waiting for the verdict.

Rachel and Puck walk over to them.

"So?" Quinn asks.

"Brittany," Puck says. "Sorry Q."

"Whatever," Quinn replies. "Get your ass in that cart, Berry. It's on."

Santana helps Brittany out and Rachel in. Brittany then puts the helmet on Rachel and hands her the pool noodle. Then Puck and Mike push the carts back into place.

Brittany picks up the flag and waves it about. Both Mike and Puck take off while Quinn and Rachel brace themselves. Both girls are less crouched then they were previously, making themselves less steady as the boys push.

When the pool noodles begin flying, it's even more furious than before; most likely because the carts are moving slower than before as the boys are tired. Each pass, both girls get in numerous hits and it's difficult to tell who won.

They know this because once they do five passes and wait for the winner to be declared, Brittany excitedly tells them, everyone wins.

"I couldn't tell," Santana shrugs. "You two were swinging so energetically, it was tough to tell."

"You suck, Lopez," Puck growls.

"Yeah," Quinn adds. "How hard was your job?"

"Whatever," Santana replies. "Maybe if you and Rach weren't so insane, it wouldn't have looked like a blur of neon orange and green."

"Yeah," Brittany adds. "It makes me want cotton candy."

"I suppose it doesn't really matter who won," Rachel says. "It was fun, right?"

"Yeah, it was cool," Mike agrees.

"It didn't suck," Quinn adds.

"Jeez, Fabray," Santana says. "Don't be too excited about anything. You might feel something."

"Just because I don't find this the height of entertainment, doesn't make me boring."

"Not just this, you mean," Santana counters.

"Watch it," Quinn growls.

"Oooh, now I'm scared."

"Think I can nudge them towards the mud," Puck mutters to Mike and Rachel, fully expecting to be hit by Rachel.

"We can hear you, Puckernone," Santana snaps.

"In your dreams," Quinn adds.

"Hell yeah, you will be," Puck leers.

"Nice to know your association with Rachel hasn't stopped you from being a pervert."

"A guy has needs, Q," Puck replies.

"You know what you need?"

"I think we need to get out of here," Mike interrupts. "I'm surprised no one's busted us yet."

"It's Lima," Santana replies. "I doubt anyone cares."

"Perhaps," Rachel says. "But Mike's probably right. We should leave sooner rather than later."

"Can I have the green noodle, Rach?" Brittany asks.

"Of course, Britt," Rachel replies.

Brittany picks it off the ground and begins to happily bounce around with it.

Both Rachel and Santana grab one of Brittany's arms and pull her off the field with Puck, Mike and Quinn trailing after.

Because it's pretty late, they all go their separate ways. And for the first time in forever, Puck goes home instead of over to Rachel's. Instead, after dropping Brittany off, Santana heads over to Rachel's.

Brittany teases Santana the whole way to her house.

"Awww, did Sanny miss her Rachy? You can't even go a whole week. You're so whipped."

If it was anyone other than Brittany and the fact that she was right, Santana would have left the blonde on the side of the road. Instead, she stays quiet as she pulls into Brittany driveway.

"Bye S," Brittany says, getting out the car. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"What? Like homework?"

Brittany smirks and blows Santana a kiss before slamming the car door shut and skipping into her house.

It's late enough that all Santana wants to do is crawl into bed and curl around her girlfriend. She uses her key and walks up the stairs slowly. The hall light is on and Rachel's door open slightly.

Inside the room, Rachel is stretched out in bed, unmoving, but Santana can tell she's not asleep yet.

Santana strips as she walks to the bed, before slipping under the sheets. Rachel is wearing a tank top and boxers, so Santana begins trying to remove her clothing.

"San, I'm tired," Rachel mumbles.

"Me too, babe," Santana replies. "Just want to feel you."

"Okay." And Rachel allows herself to be stripped.

Santana tosses the clothes onto the floor and pulls the blanket back over them. She then pulls Rachel on top of her and wraps her arms around her. She feels Rachel smile against her shoulder and knows this is exactly how things should be.

With feelings of complete contentment surrounding her, it's not long before Santana's asleep.

They spend Saturday in bed. For some reason, it feels like they've been apart longer and so neither feels the need to do anything but spend the day in the other's arms.

It might also be because of all the sex. Santana seems intent on making up for lost time and so every time they wake up, ends in an orgasm and a nap. It becomes an almost endless cycle. Though the second to last time, it's Santana who wakes up with Rachel's head between her thighs.

Santana groans," God, babe, I've really missed your mouth."

"And I've missed tasting you, San," Rachel moans back, flicking her tongue. "I think I might need to practice a lot in case I've forgotten how."

Santana gasps. "You, uh, defin--oh god, you're doing, just, uh, fine."

Rachel just smirks.

Sunday morning while in bed, reading the Sunday New York Times, Santana decides to broach the subject she's been wondering about for days.

"You never did tell me what exactly happened with your dads," Santana says.

"I told you the important parts," Rachel replies.

"Actually you've told me almost nothing," Santana counters.

"Yes, well, there's not much to tell."

"Which means there's plenty to tell," Santana surmises.

Rachel doesn't say anything.

"I let it go before because you said you were emotionally exhausted," Santana says. "And I didn't want to push. But it's been a week and you still haven't told me anything."

"I'd just really rather not," Rachel explains. "I'm not particularly pleased about how things turned out and I'd rather just move forward."

"It's unhealthy to bottle things up like that," Santana tells her. "And you know it."

"Discussing it won't solve anything," Rachel replies.

"It might make you feel better," Santana offers.

"Not talking about it makes me feel better."

"Rach, come on," Santana says. "If our positions were reversed, would you let this go?"

"Of course I'd respect your privacy," Rachel replies.

Santana raises an eyebrow at her.

"Fine," Rachel sighs. "No, I wouldn't."

Santana waits as Rachel pushes the newspaper onto the floor and curls into Santana's side. This isn't enough contact though and Santana pulls Rachel onto her.

"It was bad, San," Rachel whispers. "Really bad. I've never seen daddy that angry before. And disappointed. I disappointed them both so badly, they're never going to think of me as their little girl anymore."

"Well, you are growing up," Santana offers.

"This is different. By rejecting their parental offerings, I've made myself into a stranger in their eyes."

"But they're the ones that abandoned you first," Santana points out.

"They don't see it that way. They thought they were setting me up for something amazing while they went off to provide for me. And in a way, I suppose they were. They just forgot that more than anything, I'd need their presence. I suppose it's my own fault for being so independent."

"What do you mean, that you rejected their parental offerings?"

"We were talking about you," Rachel replies. "And no matter what I said, all they could reply is that you're not good for me. Nor would they agree to meet you to quell those concerns. And so my tenaciousness kicked in. Daddy didn't like that. He reacted badly."

Santana's quiet for a moment before, "What does that mean, exactly?"

"He got angry," Rachel explains. "Really angry. I don't think I've ever seen him that angry before.

Santana's quiet for longer this time before, "What aren't you telling me babe?"

Rachel's silent for so long, Santana doesn't think she's going to answer. And then Rachel presses her face into Santana's shoulder.

"He slapped me," Rachel whispers.


"I was rather rude and he slapped me," Rachel says, pulling away slightly.

"He didn't."

Rachel nods. "It's fine."

"Is that why you were wearing so much make up this week?" Santana asks. "To cover up a hand print?"

Rachel nods again.

"But you're not angry," Santana says.

"Why should I be?" Rachel asks. "It's over and done with. There's nothing I can do to change it."

"He slapped you."

"I know. I was there."

"Well I'm pissed," Santana says.

"Why?" Rachel asks. "I mean, yes, it was an unpleasant experience, but it's over and done with. And many things were figured out between daddy and I."

"What was your dad's reaction?"

Rachel thinks about it for a moment. "You know, I'm not entirely sure," Rachel says. "I was so focused on daddy and our stalemate that I just can't say."

"You can't say?"

Rachel shakes her head.

"Well what did you do?"

Rachel shrugs. "Nothing really. What could I do?"

Santana sits up. "You did nothing?"

"What was I supposed to do?" Rachel asks. "I certainly wasn't going to hit him back."

"He shouldn't have slapped you in the first place," Santana growls.

"Agreed. However, it happened. There's no undoing it."

"Did he at least apologize?"

"We both did," Rachel says.


"About the situation," Rachel clarifies. "We both regret that our relationship has deteriorated to nothing."

"But what about the slap?" Santana asks. "Did he apologize for slapping you?"

"What? Of course not."

"Of course not?! What the hell Rach?! Are you saying it's fine he did that?"

"Certainly not. But I didn't expect him to apologize."

"Why the hell not?"

Rachel thinks about it a moment. "I don't know, exactly. I just didn't."

"God, why are you such a fucking doormat?!"

"Santana Lopez, I am no such thing."

"Oh yeah?" Santana sneers. "We spent two years calling you names and throwing slushies in your face. You should hate us. But instead all it took was an apology and we're all suddenly BFFs. Sounds like a doormat to me."

"Are you including yourself in that little equation?"

"Hell yeah, I am. I was a complete and utter bitch to you."

"People can't change?"

"Course they can, but why'd you give in so damn easily? I mean, all it took was some drunken sex between us and all's forgotten. I mean, I know I'm good in the sack, but come on."

"Yeah, well it's about all you're good for," Rachel sneers. "You should be proud of yourself that you were able to win me over so easily. All it took was a couple of orgasms. Congratulations. You must be really fucking good."

"You know I am babe. Too bad it took you so long to learn."

"Then you must be easier than I thought, Lopez," Rachel snaps. "Because I remember you getting off plenty."

"Maybe I was just faking it. Didn't want to hurt you and sensitive little ego."

"As if you care about my feelings."

"Well you sure as hell don't," Santana replies. "So why should I? Doormat."

"I am not a doormat."

"Could've fooled me," Santana sneers. "I mean, you daddy slaps you and doesn't apologize and you're fine with it? Pathetic."

"You watch your fucking mouth, Santana Lopez," Rachel growls.

"Why should I? When I pretend to apologize tomorrow you're just going to forgive me. Just like the doormat you are."

"You're a fucking bitch."

"Oooh, that hurt, doormat," Santana mocks.

Rachel picks Santana clothes off the floor and whips them at her. "Get the fuck out my house before I smack that smirk off your face."

Santana begins to get dressed. "Like I'm scared of you, Tiny Tim."

"You should be."

"Whatever, Treasure Trail, I'm out of here," Santana sneers. "I've got better places to be."

Now dressed, Santana stomps down the stairs and out the door.

"I hope the door hits you on the way out!" Rachel yells after her.

They ignore each other the next day at school. Everyone notices, but no one has the guts to say anything. Not after Brittany was rejected by Santana and Puck was literally pushed into a locker after asking Rachel.

Both Puck and Brittany were surprised that neither girl confided in them. They sat together at one end of the glee table and discussed it during lunch.

"Maybe I should talk to Rachy and you can talk to San," Brittany suggests.

"No way," Puck replies. "Lopez would probably kick me in the nuts."

"Yeah, she probably would," Brittany agrees. "But we have to figure out what's going on."

"Why?" Puck asks. "They're so damned dependent on each other, I figure they'll work it out themselves because they miss each other."

"Maybe," Brittany says. "But there's also a chance that their stubbornness won't let them do that."

"Yeah, but I still don't think it'll last long. A couple days."

"I hope you're right," Brittany replies. "They're both rather dangerous when they're like this."

Rachel is having lunch alone in the choir room, just enjoying the silence when the door slowly creeks open. Knowing it's not Santana, she wouldn't be so timid, Rachel keeps eating her sandwich.

Marisa peeks her head in. "Can I join you?"

Rachel nods. Marisa slides in and quietly closes the door behind her.

Thankfully, Marisa doesn't seem to have the need to talk. And so the pair eat their lunch in silence. Rachel is grateful because she's still feeling so angry and she's worried she'll react badly like she did earlier with Noah. Rachel isn't worried because she knows he's used to worse, having dated Quinn and Santana. But Rachel's not sure about Marisa.

Santana sits at the Cheerios' table at lunch with Quinn next to her. The blonde is the only one brave enough to do so. The scowl on Santana's face is angry enough to scare off everyone but Quinn or Coach Sylvester. Even the other Cheerios who are used to a bitchy Santana, stay away. Talking to her would be like poking a bear with a stick, dangerous.

As it is, Quinn isn't actually brave enough to ask about Rachel. She knows the fight is the reason Santana's so upset; like the others she's very curious. However, she's not in the mood to be bitched out, Lopez style, so she keeps eating her lunch hoping it'll all blow over soon.

Kurt and Mercedes are fascinated. For as long as Rachel and Santana have been dating, they've never witnessed a fight. Brittany once assured them that the pair do fight, just that they usually resolve it before it becomes noticeable. But then Brittany went on to explain that this fight is about Pepsi™ versus Coke™ and since neither girl drinks soda, so Kurt isn't sure how accurate Brittany's reporting skills are.

"Brittany's probably just joking," Mercedes says.

"Or she's messing with us."

"I doubt it," Mercedes replies. "Girl's too clueless."

"You think?"

"Yeah," Mercedes answers. "She's probably just enjoying having all the answers for once."

"That makes sense," Kurt agrees.

"We'll just have to pay attention," Mercedes continues. "And we'll figure it out eventually."

Tuesday morning, Rachel approaches McKinley with apprehension. It's day three of her fight with Santana. Technically it's been forty-five hours, and seventeen minutes, or rather it would be if Rachel was keeping track, which she definitely is not.

Brittany is waiting for her at her locker. Rachel cringes because almost any reason Brittany has for waiting for Rachel is going to be something Rachel doesn’t want to talk about at the moment.

"Hi Rach!"

"Morning Britt," Rachel replies.

"How's it going?"

"Adequately," Rachel says. "You?"

"Not adequately," Brittany replies.

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that."

"Yeah. My best friend is sad and I don't know how to cheer her up."

"Yes. Well. I don't know either," Rachel says.

"That's not true, Rachy," Brittany replies.

"Brittany, I love you, but please stay out of it," Rachel tells her.

"It just makes me sad when you guys are sad," Brittany says.

"I know, Britt," Rachel replies. "And for that I'm sorry."

Rachel closes her locker and walks away before Brittany can say anything else.

Rachel eats her lunch in the choir room again. Marisa joins her again as well. Rachel spends most of lunch waiting for Marisa to say something, but she never does. Rachel wonders if Marisa's waiting for her to speak. It is after all, what she's known for.

Rachel prefers the quiet. She figures it's most likely because she hates fighting with Santana. Usually their fights only last a few hours. This is the first time it's lasted over a day and Rachel's pretty certain it's going to continue. They're both so stubborn and for once neither girl is going to back down.

When the end of lunch bell rings, Rachel sighs and gathers her stuff. Marisa offers her a hesitant smile that Rachel returns before exiting the choir room.

Rachel is first to glee per usual. She spends the time warming up, as she watches the others trickle in.

Santana, Brittany and Quinn are last. Brittany is the only one that looks happy to be there. Quinn looks extremely irritated while Santana just looks pissed. Rachel sighs because Santana looks how Rachel feels. Sometimes Rachel wishes she didn't feel the need to always put up a positive front. She wants to sulk around the school all day as well.

Mr. Schue comes in a moment later look exuberant. It diminishes a bit when he sees the state of the room.

Rachel is sitting next to Puck looking aggravated. Kurt and Mercedes look bored. Finn is sitting the drums and not really paying attention. Mike is the back row with his eyes closed. Tina and Artie are quietly talking the in the front row. And the Cheerios are sitting haughtily in the corner.

It feels like their first year all over again. Mr. Schue puts on a wider grin and tries to infuse them all with his love of glee.

It doesn't work. Mr. Schue lets them go early and tries to figure out what went wrong.

Santana is glad to see that Rachel seems to be as affected by their fighting as she is. She hasn't really seen her girlfriend around. Santana figures she's avoiding her. Because Santana's definitely avoiding Rachel. However, for some reason, Santana was worried that their fight isn't affecting Rachel like it is her.

But the scowl on the girl's face in glee seems to be a good indication because singing almost always makes Rachel Berry happy. If Santana can just hold out a little longer, they'll be having hot make up sex in a day or two. Santana can't wait.

Rachel exits McKinley to find Marisa leaning against her car, reading The Theatre and Its Double. She checks her watch when she sees Rachel coming toward her.

"Mr. Schue let us go early," Rachel explains.

"And you're okay with that?"

Rachel shrugs. "It was a rather unproductive day."

"Too bad," Marisa says, sliding into Rachel's car.

"Perhaps not," Rachel replies starting the car. "If we're not focused and dedicated, practice is sometimes a waste of time."

"I can't believe you just said that with a straight face."

Rachel sighs. "I really just wanted to get out of there," she admits.


The short drive is spent in silence and Rachel feels a bit bad, but the melancholy mood she's in has been difficult to escape. Even though they'll just be studying, Rachel hopes she'll snap out of it eventually.

The one thing Santana enjoys about fighting with Rachel is how everyone else jumps out of her way in the halls. She’s in a bad mood and she knows it shows, especially judging by how people react. She must look angrier than she thought.

It's a pitiful bit of relief to the low she's in.

But for now, she'll take it.

Marisa has been enjoying having lunch alone with Rachel Berry. Even if the past couple days have only been filled with silence. She's gathered that Rachel is in the midst of a huge fight with Santana, but that's just from rumors she's heard around school. She doesn't have the courage to ask Rachel and the girl hasn't offered any information.

Marisa had sort of hoped her crush would go away. But spending time with Rachel probably isn't the best way to get over it.

She knows she's still a goner because the grateful smile Rachel shoots her at the end of lunch every day still gets her heart pounding and makes her hands sweaty.

Some days she wishes she had the guts to go after Rachel. Because she knows the older girl really has no idea. Marisa figures it's her history. Being known as the school loser probably lowers one's self esteem about her date ability.

But going up against Santana Lopez is a daunting task. And Marisa knows enough to avoid that at any cost.

Still, she's allowed to day dream.

Brittany still doesn’t know what the fight was about. She’s kind of surprised by this because she thought both of them would have said something to her or even Puck about it, but they’re being amazingly tight lipped about it. She wonders if that means it's something stupid and embarrassing.

Still she's not sure how she ended up hanging out with Rachel and Mike. She's not complaining. She and Mike have always gotten along just fine. She is a bit surprised about Mike and Rachel's friendship, though. Not that it isn't allowed, she's just never really seen them together.

They're at the park; Brittany's suggestion. She figured acting a bit childish might cheer Rachel up. And she knows Mike is usually up for swinging; something about pumping being good leg exercise.

She has to agree as she, Rachel and Mike compete to see who can get the highest. She's barely ahead, then Mike and finally Rachel; who is complaining it's unfair because she's the shortest.

"Yeah, but your determination should make up for it, Berry," Mike teases.

"Will power rarely overcomes physical fact, Chang," Rachel shoots back. "Besides, you two totally cheated."


"You started before I did."

"It's not our fault you see confused by the concept of swinging," Mike replies.

"I was not, Mike Chang."

"You were probably too busy as a kid to properly learn," Mike continues.

"I was not," Rachel argues.

"Prove it," Mike says. "Swing higher."

Brittany chuckles. Mike really seems to like teasing Rachel. If she didn't know better, she'd think he has a crush on Rachel. But then again, that could just be her need to protective Santana's feelings than reality. Though she's been told plenty of times that she sees things a lot of people miss.

Rachel is almost frantically pumping her legs now as she fights to gain height over them. Brittany wonders if she'll be able to get Rachel to jump off the swing with her. Mike is grinning widely and Brittany decides to give him the benefit of the doubt about Rachel. God knows the girl needs more friends. And Mike's never been anything but a nice guy to Rachel. Unlike the rest of them, he's never really gave into peer pressure.

Brittany watches a giggling Rachel match Mike swing for swing, valiantly trying to get higher. She doesn't think Rachel'll win, but a tie seems likely. Brittany's glad; seeing Rachel happy always makes her happier.

Santana's starting to hate being a stubborn bitch who has a ridiculously obstinate girlfriend. Usually after one of their fights, one of them will realize they're in the wrong and apologize. Apparently not this time.

Maybe Santana shouldn't have called her a doormat, but it just came out. And Santana still thinks she's right, Rachel doesn't stand up for herself enough. Sure, she does things that are almost like payback, like the pranks, but in Santana's mind it doesn't really count. It does in Rachel's, but to Santana, people have to know who's doing it and why for it to have an impact. Rachel's internal cathartic approach is something she's never understood.

As one of Rachel's primary torturers over the years, Santana knows she doesn't exactly have a leg to stand on; especially as someone who simply felt into line behind Q, who was only doing it because of gay panic.

Looking around the lunch room with a sigh, Santana can't find her girlfriend anywhere. In fact, the only time she's seen her is during glee on Tuesday and that had been a rather disastrous afternoon. Santana's never seen Mr. Schue more frustrated. She finds it ridiculous how unsupportive of Rachel he is and yet he expects her to have his back for glee. It makes her want to slushie him again.

It's not a bad idea, actually.

"What the hell, Lopez?" Quinn grouses when Santana jumps up.

"Just thought of something I need to do," Santana tells her, dashing off.

"It better be making up with your damn girlfriend," Quinn mutters watching her leave.

"Want to hang out again after school?" Rachel asks Marisa.

Marisa almost falls off her chair, she's so surprised. It feels like it's been so long since Rachel's said anything during lunch. She manages a nod.

"I realize I haven't been as… engaged as I usually am," Rachel continues. "And for that I apologize. I just haven't felt up to it."

"It's okay," Marisa tells her. Because it is.

"It's not," Rachel replies. "I'd like to think we're friends."

Marisa nods.

"And just because I'm preoccupied, doesn't mean I'm allowed to be rude."

"Rachel," Marisa says. "It's okay. Quiet is nice sometimes."

"I think so as well," Rachel agrees. "Though I know that would surprise many people."

"Not the important ones."

Rachel smiles. "You're sweet."

Marisa fights back a blush. "So are you."

Rachel looks at Marisa as if she's seeing her for the first time. The scrutiny is Rachel Berry intense and Marisa struggles not to squirm under it. But after a moment, Rachel physically shakes herself and smiles.

"We'll have to do something fun after finishing our homework, then," Rachel says.

Marisa can think of several fun things they can do, but simply nods instead.

"Good," Rachel says.

Thursday glee begins with Mr. Schue getting slushied as he enters.

He's last as usual and so Santana is easily able to set it up.

No one says anything for a moment and then suddenly it's nothing but the tittering of everyone trying to understand what just happened.

"I'll be back in a few moments," Mr. Schue says, sounding resigned, before exiting again.

Santana spare a glance over towards Rachel. The permanent scowl that seems to be on her face this week hasn't changed. Santana had had vague hopes of cheering her girl up enough to perhaps smooth things over. She probably should have known better. After all, if Rachel thinks it's fine for her daddy to slap her, she probably feels bad for Mr. Schue.

"I thought slushies were banned," Kurt says.

"There are," Santana growls.

"Then what's you explanation for what just happened to Mr. Schue?" Kurt asks.

"I don't have one," Santana replies.

"Are you going to do anything about it?" Tina asks.


"What? Why not?" Kurt questions.

"Because it's not happening to you guys," Santana explains. "Yeah, it sucks for Schue, but one slushie to the face won't kill him."

"You're rather lackadaisical about it," Rachel comments quietly.

"Yeah, well I have better things to worry about than Mr. Schue," Santana replies.

"Doubtful," Rachel grumbles.

"What was that, Berry?"

"None of your damn business, Lopez," Rachel snaps.

"Everything in this damn school is my business."

"Actually, I would argue that it's Quinn," Rachel smirks. "Lackey."

Santana jumps up and everyone else scrambles out of her way.

"Considering I was the one to stop all the slushies, are you so sure about that?"

"Positive," Rachel nods, still smirking.

Santana growls and slowly advances on Rachel.

"Something you want to say to me Berry?"

"I believe I've already said plenty."

Glowering, Santana looms over Rachel who is still sitting looking almost relaxed, except for the hard expression on her face.

Everyone is holding their breaths wondering if they'll find out what the hell their fight was about.

However, the reentrance of Mr. Schue causes Santana to back off and sit down next to Brittany.

Sensing the tension in the room, Mr. Schue looks around the room. "Okay, what did I miss?"

This time Rachel finds Marisa reading Battle Royale after glee. The girl actually jumps when Rachel clears her throat to announce her presence.

"Hey," Marisa says, sheepishly.

"I didn't mean to interrupt."

"No, it's fine," Marisa replies, climbing into the car. "Just an intense part is all."

They're hanging out at Marisa's today because she's supposed to be watching her younger brothers today. Rachel doesn't mind. She often wonders what it'd be like to have siblings.

"Mom, I'm home," Marisa calls out as they enter.

A tall blonde woman in her forties comes scurrying down the stairs. "Great, honey. They're playing Wii in the living room."

"All right. We're just going to do homework in the kitchen."

"Are you going to introduce us?" Mrs. Lawson asks.

"This is Rachel Berry. Rachel this is my mom, Diane."

"A pleasure to meet you Mrs. Lawson."

"You as well, Rachel." Mrs. Lawson grabs her purse and pulls out a twenty. "Why don't you guys order pizza then?"

"Thanks mom."

They stop by the family room to tell Tyler and Calvin where they'll be, but neither boy pays attention, simply waving them away as they continue to play Death Jr.: Root of Evil.

After getting settles with a couple bottles of water, they sit at the table and start their individual homework.

About an hour later, they're interrupted by the stamped of feet that claim they're hungry.

"Mom gave me money for pizza," Marisa says.

"Awesome," Tyler says. "Pepperoni and green olives."

"No way," Calvin says. "Sausage and mushrooms."

"We'll get one of each like usual," Marisa tells them. "Go away so I can order."

They both run out and back into the living room to play.

"I know you're vegan," Marisa says to Rachel. "I'm sure we can figure out something--"

"It's okay, actually," Rachel replies. "Do you mind if I order?"

Marisa shakes her head.

Rachel pulls out her cell and dials the pizza place. Marisa watches in awe as Rachel places their order and manages to get a small vegan pizza for herself.

"How'd you get them to agree to that?" Marisa asks when Rachel hangs up. "I can barely get them to throw in napkins."

"Why would you need napkins when you have some here?" Rachel asks. "Oh. Right. Well, I find persistence to be quite useful some days."

Smiling, Marisa just shakes her head and tries to stop her crush from growing.

"He said it'll be about forty minutes," Rachel continues.

"Sounds good."

Santana picks Brittany up Friday morning and drives to school. The blonde can't believe this stupid fight has gone on for as long as it has. She thought for sure she'd be ditched tonight while Rachel and Santana make up. She supposes there's still time, but judging by the scowl on Santana's face, the odds don't look good.

Marisa exits a bathroom stall, third period to find Santana Lopez leaning against a sink, apparently waiting for her. A cold wave of panic washes over her; she tries to ignore it as she goes to the far sink to wash her hands. She decides her best choice is to ignore Santana for as long as possible.

Santana chuckles when Marisa grabs some paper towels.

"Scared kiddo?"

"Course not," Marisa manages. "Why should I be?"

"You're not as subtle as you think, kid," Santana replies. "I know how you feel about my girl."


"And even though we're fighting at the moment, she will always be my girl." Santana grabs Marisa's shirt and pushes her back towards the stalls. "You understand me, kiddo? This silly little crush you're harboring? Stops. Because. You. Will. Never. Have. Her," Santana says, taking a step closer with every word.

"I don't, uh, I don't know what you're talking about," Marisa spits out.

"Don't play dumb, kiddo," Santana says. "You're not good at it. Better work on that whole acting thing a bit more."

"We're just friends," Marisa tries.

"That's right," Santana replies. "You're just friends. But just in case you're thinking you can be more because we're on the outs, I have a little preview of what's to come if you do."

The door swings open, though neither girl notices as someone enters.

Santana hold up a large slushie cup that she'd had behind her back. She smirks and then tosses it at Marisa.

Because of the close proximity, it hits Marisa square in the face and covers most of her clothing.

Marisa's never been hit by a slushie, but she's heard about it from Rachel and a few others. Their stories made her glad that they'd stopped by the time she'd started. Having now experienced one, she definitely certain. The shocking cold leaves her sputtering and sticky.

She really hates blue raspberry.

They both turn at the gasp just behind Santana. Not having heard the door open, both are shocked to find Rachel standing there looking stunned.

"Santana," Rachel manages. "I can't believe you would do that."


"What were you thinking?"

"I'm thinking this freshman is moving in on my territory and I have to stop it," Santana snaps.

"Your territory?" Rachel snarls. "How dare you? And what? We have a fight and suddenly you're so insecure?"

"We're still fighting," Santana points out.

"So? Don't take your frustration out on Marisa."

"She's totally into you,' Santana snaps. "How can you not see the huge crush she has on you?"

"After all this time, you still don’t trust me?" Rachel questions. "Thank you. I find that immensely reassuring about both our relationship and your faith in me."

"What am I supposed to think, Berry," Santana asks. "When you're hanging out with her Tuesday and Thursday?"

"Are you spying on me?"

"People talk," Santana shrugs.

"So the only solution you can come up with is to corner her in the bathroom and slushie her?"

"I'm protecting what's mine," Santana replies.

"By slushing her?!"

"I could have done worse," Santana says.

"You shouldn't have done anything," Rachel tells her.

"I had to do something," Santana argues.

“This isn’t enough?” Rachel asks, pointing to her left hip.

“Not if no one knows about it,” Santana replies.

“You want the whole school to know?” Rachel asks. “Because if they know about mine, they’re going to know about yours.”

“Well, no. I just want people to know what’s mine.”

“They do.”

“Well obviously she doesn’t.”

“That’s just your paranoia talking,” Rachel replies.

“How can you be so blind?” Santana asks.

“You really don’t trust me, do you?” Rachel asks, incredulous. “Your name is permanently on my body and you still don’t trust me?”

"It's her I don't trust," Santana replies.

"So what? She says she likes me and I completely forget about you?"

"Well, no…"

"As if I could," Rachel says, almost to herself. "Even when I try to, I can't."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Santana asks, incredulous.

"It means, Lopez, that you're a thorn in my side."

"Yeah, well, you're a pain in my ass," Santana snaps.

"Are you going to apologize to Marisa?"

"Why should I? I'm not sorry."

"So what?" Rachel asks. "You just stopped the slushies to keep getting into my pants?"

"So what if I did?"

"It's like I don't even know you," Rachel says.

"I could say the same thing to you," Santana retorts.

"So after all this time--"

"You said it first," Santana interrupts.

"Because it's true," Rachel insists. "If you can slushie someone because of jealousy, then I don't know you."

"Yeah, well, if you're suddenly surprised that I'm possessive, then you're a fucking idiot."

"I'm not surprised by that," Rachel replies. "I can't believe your reaction."

"Well you shouldn't be."

Rachel presses her fingers to her temple. "Fine," she says finally. "If that's really the way you feel, maybe we should just end this."

"No way," Santana replies. "I'm not done being angry yet."

"You misunderstand me, Santana. I don't mean this fight," Rachel says. "I meant our relationship."

"You're breaking up with me?!"

"So it seems."

"I'm Santana fucking Lopez! You do not break up with me."

"It seems to be what you want," Rachel says.

"What I want?"

"I'm apparently very untrustworthy," Rachel answers. "Besides, I'll be honest that this slushie incident is wearing heavily on my mind."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You know damn well what it means," Rachel replies. "And when you calm the fuck down and just think a little, you'll realize it."

"I don't want to calm the fuck down," Santana snaps. "I want to keep fighting and figure this out."

"Unfortunately, that's not what's going to happen," Rachel says. She grabs Marisa's hand. "Come on. I'll help you get cleaned up in another bathroom."

"Don't you dare," Santana snarls.

Rachel doesn't answer, just drags Marisa out of the stall and out of the bathroom. Leaving Santana staring slack jawed after them.

Part Two

fic, rachel/santana, glee fic, iwpurasifil series

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