You Do Something to Me (Part 4 of 4)

Mar 19, 2007 17:06

Title: You Do Something to Me (Part 4 of 4)
Rated: G
Pairing: Willow/Oz
Timeline: Post Chosen. AU in light of Season 8 Comics.
Author's Notes: This fic is finally done! Woohoo! :) hehehee... sorry it took so long.
The lyrics are from Four Star Mary's song "She Knows" (the song that Willow says Oz wrote for her in 3x05 - Homecoming)
Written for

Part 1 here.
Part 2 here.
Part 3 here.

The next days seemed a blur. Like riding on a carousel backwards. Never quite sure where you're going, but you can see where you've been. He found himself at Valentine's Day wanting desperately to show Willow how happy he was. Their relationship in the past was fraught with demon hunting, vampire slaying and general pain and mayhem. And homework. He remembered lots of the homework.

So the plan was to make it up to her. He had a lot to make up for. Veruca, leaving, the day he dyed his hair blue... well, maybe not so much the blue hair. Mostly Veruca. If there was a way to cure male stupidity, he'd be first in line. So many things he could have said, but didn't. Men and their men-ness.

He woke her up late in the afternoon. Sliding the covers down and kissing each part of her body slowly until she smiled sleepily up at him. "It's my Oz shaped boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" He repeated casually. "I thought this was just going to be a series of one night stands lasting until the next end of the world.

"Just that long?" She pouted softly. "The end of the world comes so soon."

"I hadn't thought of that. You're right. Ever since I met Buffy the end of the world seems to happen at least once a year."

"Regular like clockwork." She grinned.

"But this isn't the end of the world."

"It's not? And here I was wearing my Apocalypse best."

Oz arched an eyebrow. It was an almost imperceptive move, but Willow saw it. "You're not wearing anything."

Willow smiled even bigger. "As I said, my best."

Oz laughed. Not a lot of times I've heard that laugh, Willow thought smiling up at him. She remembered each time she had heard it like she was watching a movie of her life. Each time it seemed to only be when they were alone and each time felt magical.

Oz rolled off her, laying on his side and she stretched in a long, lazy movement. Like a panther goddess, Oz thought. The connection between her feline-ness and his wolf-ness had never occurred to him before, but it fit. They were perfect balance together, ying and yang and he laughed inwardly at that thought. He had spent a lot of time in Tibet and most of it was learning balance. She made him balanced and imbalanced, how ironic.

Tracing a finger along her arm he closed his eyes as she purred for him. "I have a surprise for you."

"Oh?" Her eyes bright and wide now, she looked like one of those Precious Moments statutes his mom collected sometimes. Though much more adorable than any figurine could be.

"Yes," he moved up and looked down on her. "Something I should have done a long time ago."

He moved off the bed and offered her his hand. She took it and he pulled her up and into his arms. "Get dressed," he said. "Sadly the place we're going requires clothing."

"Prudes." She said, her voice and eyes laughing, even though no laughter came out.

A couple hours later she was blindfolded and in Oz' car. "You know, I could see through this if I wanted to."

"Gonna work the magic on my blindfold?"

Oz glanced over just to catch her "as if" smile. "Of course not," Willow said. "your blindfold is just thin."

"I'll remember that for next time I kidnap you willingly." Oz looked to his right as he drove. Driving in Brazil  always interesting, he thought as they rounded the next corner. Rio was amazing and Oz thought that the city had chosen a great official song when it chose "Cidade Maravilhosa," which in English is "Marvelous City." Finally they reached the spot Oz had picked out, a park called Passeio Público. Built around 1779, it was one of the oldest public parks in Brazil and it seemed seeped in history. Oz sensed it's specialness, even though to the un-Hellmouth-born and breed it probably seemed normal. They were still in the process of renovating the park, but the trees, the grass and everything just seemed idyllic.

He pulled the car over and parked it, telling Willow to wait. He grabbed the supplies from the back seat and helped her out. Guiding her was a bit tricky since his hands were full, but he finally managed. Spreading a blanket out and placing the picnic basket and other things down, he watched her. She fidgeted and made small "humph" sounds. So he hurried to not keep her waiting long.

Rising he stepped behind her, removing the blindfold. She grinned. "A picnic? For me?"

"For you," He agreed and kissed her lightly.

She sat on the blanket and he pulled out the last surprise - a new guitar.

"Oz!" Willow said, words spilling all out at once. "I thought you had stopped, ever since you sold your old one. Oh, this is great."

Oz's fingers found the strings. "Going back to the way things were." Oz said finally. "The way they should be." With that he plucked a couple of them until his heart found the song, the song he had written a lifetime ago for the girl he loved.

She knows that side of me
Can't help it
Can't help that side of me
Just a little more
Just until i know what i'm feeling
Just a little more to find my sanity.....

willow, oz, buffy, willow/oz, fanfic

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