Huh. I kinda liked Ellen, but Tigh/Caprica is creepy and wrong. I'm also not sure about where Sam/Kara was going, but then again, Lee and Dee were on a DATE right before she killed herself, so it pretty obvious the writers can't quite figure where they are going on those peeps. Sadly. I missed Gaius.
As for Dollhouse, I found Echo creepy, but Eliza kickass. And there's never anything wrong with shirtless Tahmoh. ;l)
You're an actor we like but the character you're playing was on meant to be a recurring! How to get you back with a personality we can do stuff with despite that? Now you're a Cylon!
the pilot is not NEARLY as big a mess as I was led to believe. The episode that aired wasn't the messy pilot we've been hearing so much about, that one's listed as "unaired pilot" at Looks like it'll never see the light of day.
Until this show gets canceled after episode thirteen and Joss puts it on the DVD and the fans cry up that the show would have been better without executive meddling.
Comments 6
As for Dollhouse, I found Echo creepy, but Eliza kickass. And there's never anything wrong with shirtless Tahmoh. ;l)
The episode that aired wasn't the messy pilot we've been hearing so much about, that one's listed as "unaired pilot" at Looks like it'll never see the light of day.
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