Fic Dump #2

Aug 22, 2011 03:53

I think I'm going to try do one of these per week. The last week has been MANIC and the next couple of weeks look as though they will be spent in a similar state of panic; luckily, I have enough pieces to make updates for at least a couple of weeks before I need to start writing daily again.

The first piece this week is for alt_29k, who a few days ago elegantly expressed in a chat conversation the sentiment "OMG ZEUS HERA CUTENESS AND I NEED MORE OF THIS IN MY LIFE". Well it's not really cuteness but let's be honest they don't do cute in a traditional way as it is.

Characters: Hera, Zeus
Content Warnings: None, though it may do to acquaint yourself with this myth if you are unfamiliar with the story. The TVTropes summary is particularly hilarious.
Setting: Past
Word Count: 578
She paced back and forth at the foot of the bed, her heart still pounding in her breast. When the door opened she started, but she relaxed when she saw who it was.

"Did you see-?"

"I think everyone saw." The annoyance in his voice was obvious.

"How could he dare to even think about doing such a thing?!" she spat. "After we have treated him with such grace and courtesy he throws it back in our face and violates the fundamental laws of hospitality!"

"He is a fool," Zeus replied, his voice seething with anger. The tips of his hairs were crackling with electricity. Hera scoffed.

"He is more than a fool," she said, pacing again. "He is impertinent, improper, impetuous, completely devoid of any sort of moral code or standard, utterly ungrateful for any grace shown to him, and totally lacking in any kind of forethought or intelligence! I just... I cannot..." Zeus touched her arm and she stopped.

"He will be punished. He will be punished severely." He spoke quietly, but his anger and disgust were plain. Hera sighed and blinked hard, trying to ignore the tears that were welling in her eyes.

"He is despicable," she muttered, her tone full of cruelty. He rubbed his hand gently up her arm, and the tension dropped out of her shoulders. With a sigh she leant her forehead against his collarbone, and he wrapped his arms around her to draw her close. A handful of tears dripped quietly down her cheeks as he ran his fingers gently through her hair.

"He will be blasted out of the palace," he growled.

There was a quiet, rhythmic knock on the door and Hera pulled away slightly to wipe her face. Zeus looked at the door with a frown.

"It's alright," she said softly as she felt his grasp on her tighten slightly. "It will be Hebe. Come in." The door opened slightly and Hebe slipped into the room. She looked anxious.

"Mother, he has left his room and he is heading to this end of the palace." Her voice was low. "What should I do?"

"Cut him off, distract him, misdirect him. Get your brother to help you if you need it. Just prevent him from reaching this room."

"No," Zeus cut across before Hebe could answer. "I have a better plan. You will stay with me tonight. Hebe, go back to your own rooms and act as if nothing is wrong. If you run into him give him the proper directions to this room. Go now." Hebe looked confused but knew better than to protest. She curtsied nimbly and slipped out. Hera frowned.

"What do you have in mind?"

"Do not concern yourself with it," he replied. "Take your things and go to my room. I will join you in several minutes." Hera pursed her lips but turned away and gathered her night clothes. As she left the room, she pulled the Mist close about her before making her way down the hall to her husband's chambers. Once there, she changed quickly and slid in between the sheets of the bed and leant against the pillows. After a short while, Zeus joined her in the room.

"What did you do?" she asked immediately.

"I told you not to worry about it," he replied. Most of the anger was gone from his voice. "We will see in the morning if it has worked. For now we will to bed."

Characters: Hestia, Hades
Content Warnings: None
Setting: Present
Word Count: 314
She'd never really meant to keep the jacket. But the evening she borrowed it they had had such a great time she completely forgot she was even wearing it until she got back to Olympus. Then of course she'd hung it up in her wardrobe with the intention of returning it when Hades was next over for tea, and of course they both kept forgetting because so much else was going on. It was several weeks before she actually remembered to return it, and when she tried to he had shrugged and told her to keep it. He had outgrown it, it seemed, and anyway, it was wearing at the elbows. It was so unlike anything else she normally wore it went back into her wardrobe and she promptly forgot all about it. It wasn't until she was having an off day several months later and couldn't get quite warm enough that she stumbled across it while looking for something to keep her cosy. She had paused for a moment, surprised, before she shrugged and put it on. Leather was a fantastic insulator, after all. The sleeves were slightly too long and it didn't fit across her shoulders at all, but it was soft and broken in and surprisingly comfy to wear. The next day she was still feeling under the weather, so she wore it again, and the next few days after that. By the time she was back to normal she was quite fond of wearing it. So it came that one particularly wintry Thursday when she was curled up playing video games and Hades visited he was a little surprised.
"Isn't that my old jacket?"
"Yeah, I wear it a lot."
"You do?"
"Yeah. It's a good fit."
"A 'good fit'? Hes, you're practically a third of my size."
She shrugged. "Well I like it. Put the kettle on, will you?"

Characters: Persephone
Content Warnings: None
Setting: Past
Word Count: 116
The night she returned to Olympus she lay in bed wide awake, her mind refusing to settle. Her mother had been so angry about the food, adamant that she had been tricked, and Persephone had not had the courage to correct her. As she turned over the day's events in her mind, she still could not quite believe the decision she had made, nor did she quite know why she made it. What she did know, to the very core of her being, was that it had been her own choice, not someone else's. Not only did she feel she had chosen correctly, but she felt that this would change her life forever. It was thrilling.

Comments loved and appreciated ♥

character: persephone, myth, character: hera, fic dump, character: hestia, fic, character: hades, character: zeus

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