Frequently Asked Questions

Apr 10, 2010 18:22


So I got dumped into a city floating in the sky. What's the deal with supplies and whatnot? SOMEONE'S got to be running this place, right?
Fortunately for you, the city's supplies are constantly being replenished. Don't think that you can abuse this, however; taking more of your share can get you in trouble.

What about transportation? I'm too cool for the walkways and getting from one side to the other takes too long on foot.
Fortunately for you, there are several stables with gryphons in them. They're already saddled up and ready for you to ride when you need them. They're fast, free, and reliable. If you want to, you can also ride them on the ground instead of in the air. Don't think about taking them too far outside the city, however; they'll just turn around and fly right on back.

WTF happened to my powers, dood!?
A virus infects all newcomers. Although it has no official name, we all know for certain that it disrupts your powers. It may block off onyl part of your powers, or it may limit your power instead. For example, Spiderman might not be able to shoot webs very far or stick very well to buildings, or he might be able to stick to buildings but not shoot webs at all. The choice is yours, but either way your powers aren't what they used to be.

Are there any monsters to terrorize us?
Fortunately, Skynest is kept relatively safe, and monsters only come near on rare occasions. The only creatures you'll find here are highly docile and even friendly. However, on occasion you may find a small herd of dragons - each about the size of a large horse - flying around or above Skynest. They won't stray near you, but if you come too close they are more than happy to chase you back toward the safety of the city by whatever means necessary.

Sometimes. there is also an ominous growl from the shrine at the very center of the city. Perhaps there is a mighty beast in there, as well...?

Who's in charge of this place, anyway?
Who indeed? Although you may occasionally hear of a guardian of sorts, no one truly knows who rules the city. Be warned, however, this doesn't mean you have free reign. Someone IS watching you, making sure you don't get yourself or others killed.

But what if I do get myself killed?
That's rather unfortunate for you, isn't it? Well, not to worry; you'll be fine. Well, except for the whole dying bit. Shortly after your death, one of those smaller dragons that you may see from time to time will swoop down out of the air, snatch up the body and fly away. There's no stopping them; they know the lay of the city far too well and they fly too fast to catch on gryphon or on your own.

After about a day, you'll wake up in the nest you first arrived in. There's a catch, however. If you got rid of that pesky virus somehow, it came right on back. Plus, you might have lost all or some of your memories of being in Skynest.

The second time you happen to die, it'll take two days to come back. Third time, three days, and so on. After the fifth time, whoever's putting you back together won't be too impressed, and from then on it'll take you a week to come back every time, and you won't be feeling as wonderful, either.

Okay, do we communicate?
Remember those gemstones you woke up with? They work on voice command and transmit voice signals, as well as video and text (via holograms). Currently there's no real way to lock any posts...well, there is, but it's very faulty and failed locks will happen.

But what about the language barrier?
Fortunately, the gemstones are also capable of translating spoken language...but only as long as you are wearing them. If you happen to lose your gemstone or leave it behind, you may find yourself unable to understand anyone that does not speak your native language.

I lost my gemstone! Can I get another one?
If you ask a fairy or messenger bird for another gemstone, they will promptly fly off in the direction of the shrine, and return a while later with the original one you lost. Just try not to do it often, you kinda need it.


I hate samples! Can't I just reuse the ones I had from other RPs?
Yes, you may! So long as they are your own, then it's fine.

What's the character limit?
Currently you are allowed four characters. Depending on how the game grows, this rule may change.

I want to pick up a character I dropped! What do I do?!
You'll have to re-apply for a character you've dropped if you want them back. It's perfectly fine for you to re-use your old application, though. Also, they may or may not retain their memories; this is up to you.

So, what's the minimum allowed activity?
Currently, we would like to see one post per month. We won't feed you to the dragons or toss you overboard if you forget, but you WILL be listed on the activity check the first week of every month. If you are currently on hiatus, you'll be exempt from this, but only if you've posted on the hiatus notice page.

Can I apply for a different version of someone who's already here?
Sure, go right on ahead! However, some canons handle this differently, so if you have questions, contact a mod. If background and personality significantly changes (for example, certain Final Fantasy characters between their own canon and Kingdom Hearts), then it's perfectly fine, but please talk it over with a mod if you're in doubt.

Are there any restrictions on what I post?
Anything that's large font, sparkly, blinky, or doing anything else fancy should be under a livejournal cut, as well as embeded videos or music. Any explicit posts MUST be underneath a LJ cut and have a provided warning.

I changed my mind. I want to take my character from another point in time! Can I canon update?
Sure! You can take your character from earlier or later in their canon, but be warned that in doing so they will leave Skynest for three days. Like with death and re-applying, they may not retain their memories when they return. Again, this is up to you.

If there is anything you want to know that isn't listed here, feel free to head over to the Concerns and Inquiries page or contact a mod.
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