Drabble #2 - Bravery

Jan 09, 2008 23:48

Another ficlet.

Title/Prompt: Bravery: Martha and Leo talk, for catlovestea
Rating: PG
Characters: Martha, Leo
Spoilers: For the end of S3
Disclaimer: Doctor Who belongs to the BBC.

Leo stayed over at their parents' house that night, the first one after the year that never was. All of them stayed over, and even though Martha didn't think Leo really understood, he seemed to sense that they needed him there.

The rest of the family had gone to sleep, but Leo was still up, lying back on the bed in his old room. Martha entered and handed him a hot cup of tea.

"What's this for?" he said.

"Nothing special," said Martha.

Leo took a sip, then said, "Thanks." He was silent for several moments. "So. All this. It's hard to believe."

"Yeah," said Martha. She couldn't get enough of looking at him. Her brother, whom she had feared was lost to her forever.

"If you all weren't going on about it I would have thought you'd finally cracked up," Leo said brightly.

Martha smiled wanly at his attempt at a joke. "I'm just really, really glad to see you," she said.

"So where was I?" Leo asked. "I mean, that year never happened, I had to be somewhere, right? Even if I don’t remember?"

"You were never caught," said Martha, smiling wider as she thought back. "You were one of the leaders of the resistance, and you traveled with me for awhile. People looked up to you. You gave them hope."

"I traveled, huh? Where'd we go?"

Martha paused for a moment, then said, "We went all the way to Japan together."

"I’ve always wanted to go to Japan," said Leo. "So I was pretty brave, yeah?"

Martha remembered the fire and the screaming and how her brother wouldn't leave without first trying to save everyone he could. "Yeah," she said. "You were pretty brave."

fanfic: dw

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