Title: Slow Burn
Chapter: 14 Perspective (Part II)
Author/Artist: Killaurey
Word Count: 17,918
Disclaimer: Naruto doesn't belong to me. It's Kishimoto's and I just play with it. AU immediately after the Sasuke Retrieval Arc. Part 14 of ? Unbeta'd.
Chapter 14 - Perspective (Part II) )
Comments 6
Hopefully future chapters will make them easier to keep straight as they all get more development and time in the story to grow!
I'm glad you liked the exam, though, and thanks so much for reading!
I think you know by now (and if you don't, you're about to), that I'm a huge sucker for parallelized narrative structure, so I pretty much love it. Each snippet felt just about the right length, and I thought you divided each team's progress into reasonable chunks (none too short, none too long) for rotating through.
I'm not missing something in thinking that all the POV characters are female, am I? That's not a bad thing, just interesting to me.
I do like the way that you manage to get a good sense of the POV characters' personalities, and the general structure/approaches of their teams through when you have so little time to focus on each one, so well-done there.
Umm... I think that's it from me. At least off the top of my head.
XD; Not missing a thing. They're all girls. I like writing girls.
<3 I'm glad you think I managed that well! I knew that I thought they were defined but they're my creations, so it's hard to tell sometimes how it'll be viewed from other POVs.
<3 <3 <3
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