♪ the answers that are ringing in my head... ♪

Mar 30, 2011 17:29

Got the idea from hezio2 who managed to snag Dean Winchester as her ideal TV Hubby. I wasn't sure who I would end up with and all I knew was that Dean Winchester and Jim Halpert were both in there - and as much as I love writing about Dean (and pairing him with Buffy) I would never want to be married to him :P And Jim doesn't really have enough backbone for me, despite how sweet and caring he is. I have to say, I am pleasantly surprised :D

Who is Your Ideal TV Husband?

And for everyone on my f'list, I have a something for you! Snagged this from dhark_charlotte and thought I should share it with all of you. *HUGS* :D

♥ When you are sad, I will jump on the person who made you sad like a spider monkey jacked up on Mountain Dew!!!
♥ When you are blue, I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you.
♥ When you smile, I will know you are plotting something that I must be involved in.
♥ When you're scared, we will high tail it out of here.
♥ When you are worried, I will tell you horrible stories about how much worse it could be until you quit whining, you big baby.
♥ When you are confused, I will use little words.
♥ When you are sick, stay away from me until you are well again; I don't want whatever you have.
♥ When you fall, I'll pick you up and dust you off - after I'm done laughing my ass off.

smallville, meme

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