Thanks for the update, and giving so much info! I always find the most concerning thing about the internet to be the fact that someone or something you have had a connection to for years can simply disappear overnight without warning or explanation and you can be left never knowing what happened. It's a relief to know that won't ever be the situation with skyehawke.
Thanks for the update, thanks for the service and although you might think no-one wants to hear your excuses on the contrary I can fully understand and be deeply admiring of you continuing to run a site for so long when you have real life and work to deal with.
Yay *is happy*. I've always found this renewal system most hosters have weird. Luckily, we don't have that in Germany, and a site stays up as long as it's paid for. Totally hassle-free.
Anyway, you know I'm still looking forward to the update/upgrade. And a download as ebook feature sounds particularly good. (Says the person who bought a Kobo last year.)
Comments 36
Anyway, you know I'm still looking forward to the update/upgrade. And a download as ebook feature sounds particularly good. (Says the person who bought a Kobo last year.)
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