Title: My word is my bond
Pairing: Aiba Masaki/ Matsumoto Jun; Ninomiya Kazunari/ Sakurai Sho
Rating: up to NC-17, but PG-13 most of the time
Warning: It’s dystopia mixed with steampunk and futuristic elements combined with elements from the 18th century, I guess... So it’s a little bit darker at some points, but nothing too dark, I promise.
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Comments 16
I am really angry at them!
but thanks to aibas dad, nothing worse happened. at least not for now.
and aiba is so nice *sigh*
i like that they like each other already. ^^
and i am looking forward to the trip of nino and sho. ^^
till next chapter *waves* ^^
Yes, they pretty much like each other, they are just dancing around each other *lol*
Thanks so much for reading and commenting *hugs*
Nino is getting more adorable with each chapter. I can't wait for him to give Sho his present.
^^ Let's see what happens on the trip.
Thanks for reading and commenting *hugs*
Poor Jun, but it's actually his fault. And a birthday trip, it can't be better...
Let's see :D
Thanks for reading and commenting *hugs*
thank for the update! cant wait for the next chapter!
Much love<3
=) Let's see what happens on the trip :D
THanks so muc hfor reading and commenting *hugs*
Argh! Jun!!! What are you doing?! Now Masaki's father will be in danger if those men told about it to others!
THanks so much for reading and commenting *hugs*
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