Title: Life After Truth Chapter 7 Pairing: Roy/Ed Rating: NC-17 Spoilers: None Summary: Call for allies. Notes: Previous Chapters found on The Master List
And not to be an entitled demander of updates, but I'm seriously looking forward to what you've got planned for all there guys. I trust Ling will be on his best behaviour and will in no way attempt to take advantage of Ed with poorly-timed flirting? XD
You snuck in a new chapter! That's a way better Easter gift than a hollow chocolate bunny.
I loved that Al gamely went to do his brother's bidding, even when he thought it was nuts and I really love that he found out Ed wasn't crazy after all.
I am really worried about poor Roy. The real one.
Ling's entrance was perfect! He's such a sweetie to rush to Ed's rescue. I hope they can sort it all out without anyone's heart being broken.
I love this fic. It was a long wait, but worth it!
Poor Al, so whooped. Ed can get him to do anything, it's shameless really. You would think Al, being the reasonable and reliable brother would be immune to Ed's half-baked schemes, but he is an Elric after all. I think they are all brain damaged. Let's blame Hoho.
I hope and pray Ed comes up with a way to help Roy because I'm stumped XD He's got good!
I'm sure no one is surprised that I brought Ling back in my fic >.> XD
Comments 87
No I shall read.
And not to be an entitled demander of updates, but I'm seriously looking forward to what you've got planned for all there guys. I trust Ling will be on his best behaviour and will in no way attempt to take advantage of Ed with poorly-timed flirting? XD
Ed pushed him out a window. XD Hilarious.
I just kind of love you, okay? Another brilliant chapter.
I loved that Al gamely went to do his brother's bidding, even when he thought it was nuts and I really love that he found out Ed wasn't crazy after all.
I am really worried about poor Roy. The real one.
Ling's entrance was perfect! He's such a sweetie to rush to Ed's rescue. I hope they can sort it all out without anyone's heart being broken.
I love this fic. It was a long wait, but worth it!
I hope and pray Ed comes up with a way to help Roy because I'm stumped XD He's got good!
I'm sure no one is surprised that I brought Ling back in my fic >.> XD
Thanks for reading! <3333
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