Title: Better Living Through Alchemy - Chapter 20, Part One Pairing: Roy/Ed Rating: NC-17 Spoilers: None Special Guest Beta: brinylon, much thanks and love!
*falls to the ground and worships Sky* What can I do to get you to continue writing BLTA for, oh, forever? *sighs happily* I'll do anything!!
It was a loooooong day at work, and this is the BEST possible thing to find in my inbox when I came home. XD Edward Elric - relaxed, stretching and dancing for Roy (sans all clothing, of course!!) was some of the best imagery to date. Though I'll have you know that trying to discretely read this as my parents (both of whom are ministers) kept moving around me was excruciating!!! XP
So an engagement huh? It's about damn time!! *does the Fangirl Happy Dance (TM)*
WOW! yep that covers it "WOW!" oh yeah and LOOOOOOOOVed it. can't wait to read the rest of it.
they got engaged. YEAH! that's so sweet especially how Ed reacted to Roy proposing. ^_^
"What did you think we'd be doing? Hanging around in the cabin fucking all day? Wait, don't answer that."
that sounds so like Ed to make it some type of sporting event and it sounds like Roy to make just about laying around and making love to Ed.
i like how you ended this part of the chapter can't wait to read the next part, but i have to wait until tomorrow because my mom won't let me use MY computer after 12:00. did i mention that it was MINE. well anyway can't wait to see what other fun things they do on their vacation
Comments 31
It was a loooooong day at work, and this is the BEST possible thing to find in my inbox when I came home. XD Edward Elric - relaxed, stretching and dancing for Roy (sans all clothing, of course!!) was some of the best imagery to date. Though I'll have you know that trying to discretely read this as my parents (both of whom are ministers) kept moving around me was excruciating!!! XP
So an engagement huh? It's about damn time!! *does the Fangirl Happy Dance (TM)*
*races off happily to part two*
**Guffaw** I nearly died when I read this....you have Ed's voice down pat and I adore the Roy/Ed interaction.
You look a bit flabby and under defined. You're also an amazing shade of fish belly white.”
Roy's mouth pulled down on the sides.
“That's really cruel, here I've done nothing but drool over you for the past half hour and you think I'm flabby.”
Ed looked like he was on the verge of snickering.
“Don't...don't pout,” he got out before bursting into giggles he tried to smother with his automail hand.
This part right here ***quoted above** killed me...
they got engaged. YEAH! that's so sweet especially how Ed reacted to Roy proposing. ^_^
"What did you think we'd be doing? Hanging around in the cabin fucking all day? Wait, don't answer that."
that sounds so like Ed to make it some type of sporting event and it sounds like Roy to make just about laying around and making love to Ed.
i like how you ended this part of the chapter can't wait to read the next part, but i have to wait until tomorrow because my mom won't let me use MY computer after 12:00. did i mention that it was MINE. well anyway can't wait to see what other fun things they do on their vacation
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