Title: Wither Author: sky_dark Genre: Het Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Ed/Gracia Spoilers: Spoilers for Episode 25 Word Count: 3069 (highly unbeta'd) Notes: Written for fma_fuh_q
Awesome. GraciaxEd is the sort of pairing I'd normally avoid, but you wrote it in a very gentle and sensitive way.
"They went into the darkness, where there was a bed and a door. Yes, it needed to be behind a door because for all it's not wrongness, it still wasn't right."
I love those lines for some reason. Just the simplicity of it, the childish way of speaking. Like Ed, who's normally so grown up, has been reduced to someone very small. Lovely piece. ^^
Wow! Absolutely amazing! ^____^ Every word of this was inspired and brilliant, and your descriptions are so powerful! ^^ There are a few little typos here and there, but overall, very nice job!
I also have to thank you, hun...you are the only person in this community who commented on my story, and I am so grateful that you took the time to do that! :) And now that I know what a wonderful writer you are, I feel even prouder that you enjoyed my story! ^^
Well thanks, I'm glad you liked it =D I thought the Noa story was beautiful, I really did. She's a hard one to write and not one of the popular characters, you really rose to the challenge =)
Once again, wow. You are one of the few fanfic authors worth reading. I was surfing yesterday, noting you haven't updated anything, and couldn't find any good fanfiction. Then you leave us this little gem. Thank you. It's just sooo weird seeing a het Ed from you though, I'm going to have to get used to it.
Wow. I...don't have words for this story. That was simply awe-inspiring. Beautiful work, with a sort of helpless sadness that brought it to painful life. I'm so amazed. Beautiful
Comments 44
"They went into the darkness, where there was a bed and a door. Yes, it needed to be behind a door because for all it's not wrongness, it still wasn't right."
I love those lines for some reason. Just the simplicity of it, the childish way of speaking. Like Ed, who's normally so grown up, has been reduced to someone very small. Lovely piece. ^^
I also have to thank you, hun...you are the only person in this community who commented on my story, and I am so grateful that you took the time to do that! :) And now that I know what a wonderful writer you are, I feel even prouder that you enjoyed my story! ^^
And I'll be looking forward to reading more from you soon! (Do you have any other claims for this month?)
Nicely done. Ed + his guilt = OTP
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