HOW TO JOIN (Update June 2014)

Jan 24, 2014 03:29


Membership for the LJ-community SoS is CLOSED as of now, since it is being moved to DW (Dreamwidth). Old as well as new members will have a chance to join the community over there, when the time is right. I will keep you updated.

Thanks for your understanding!

Postings like dorama reviews, discussions, introductions as well as overviews and polls are open for the public but you need to be a member of this community to access my subs.

For now, membership is moderated. For joining the community, please follow the following steps:

1. Please introduce yourself (any information is OK, a really short introduction is enough).

2. State at least one of your favorite actors/actresses.

3. Read the RULES here and state that you will follow them!

4. Don't forget to press the "join" Button!

5. Wait for my approval. :D

Please make sure that you did both - comment here onto this post AND press the join button!


From now on (August 18, 2014) I will ONLY accept people with ACTIVE livejournal accounts (so NO google+, NO facebook, NO twitter etc., if you have such an account and are already a member, it's fine though) which means at least 1 journal entry and at least 20 comments given somewhere!*

Exceptions are people I already KNOW from somewhere else (knowing like in I met you personally or I chatted with you already some time, it is not enough if you just say, your user xy from d-addicts or such, please consider that)!

Since I'm working fulltime it might take some hours until I see your request to join the community. If you don't get accepted within 1 week there might have gone something wrong, in this case please contact me!

Thank you!


*(I went down from 3 to 1 journal entries so please at least check that you made a proper self-introduction post or something in your journal. I will NOT add users with a blank journal to the community! I want to know at least a little bit, who is joining, please understand! For the 20 comments - it's really not so hard to do so! I want to see that you are a bit active in the fan community, so join some communities to comment there, comment to the open entries here in this community or go read some of my fanfictions in my private journal or somethinig *gets hit for self-advertisement xD*. So please put some effort into your journal and make some friends to chat with. You'll see, it will even be more fun!
Thank you.

[modpost], [rules]

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