Ryo music drabble mix (Ryo/ various)

Jul 12, 2015 21:42

Title: IPod shuffle drabbly mix
Pairing: Nishikido Ryo/ various
Beta: gurajiorasu
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys, but the story is mine.
Summary: various Ryo music drabbles


Starlight kiss - Arashi

Maru always had a soft spot for Ryo. Everyone knew that, even Ryo already knew it, but somehow he never reacted to Maru’s attempts to get closer to him.

One day Maru tried it again and jumped Ryo in his usual way. Ryo allowed it but he didn’t say anything further. Maru was crushed. He wished that Ryo would react to his efforts.

“Ryo?” he asked the day after. He couldn’t sleep even for a minute and he knew he needed to talk about it.

“What?” Ryo sounded a little annoyed.

“You know I like you, right?” Maru started.

“Actually I think you just want to jump me. Like you are possessed of getting me to bed”, Ryo replied.

Maru stood there and said nothing. He never had the intention to let it look like this. He really liked the other.

“Totally not. I tried getting closer to you, because I like you,” He replied.

“Then don’t act like you do”, Ryo said honestly.

“How about going out for dinner?” Maru suggested.

“That’s a good idea,” Ryo smiled a little.

Maybe Maru still had a chance to get his “starlight kiss” from the other.

Shomei/ Michiko

One night stand - Sarah Connor

Shomei was doing his work like every day, when Michiko entered his room. Both looked at each other, blushing. Actually he wasn’t the type who blushed easily, but this situation was something different.

“What happened?” Shunta wanted to know.

“Nothing,” both said at the same time.

“Nothing, ah…yes, I somehow can’t believe that. You act like you had a one night stand and now both of you are trying to hide it,” he laughed.

Both blushed much more.

“Oh my god, don’t tell me…,” he had his mouth wide open.

“Shut up and work,” Shomei said harshly.

Both avoided looking at each other, even though they knew that they need to talk about that one day.


Call on me - Eric Prydz

When Ryo talked about a Halloween costume he didn’t think that Pi would come up with this. “You know how we look like?” he said, looking into the mirror in disbelieve.

“We look great,” Pi smiled.

“We look 80s-like,” Ryo answered.

When Pi came home with aerobic costumes Ryo thought it was a joke, a bad joke. But sadly it wasn’t.

“I hate you for this, you know,” Ryo grumbled. If he had known about that, he would have bought something different. But that happened when he let the other decide.

Pi laughed loudly. “Yes, I know. But you know, I don’t care,” he added.

“I know,” Ryo sighed.


Smooth - Carlos Santana

Ryo always loved summer holiday. Just this summer he sat there with Pi and Kame and their lovey-dovey attitude. He sighed. He couldn’t stand seeing them anymore.

Not that he cared much that his love life wasn’t at the top right now, but he had to admit that he got jealous. Just a little bit.

“Can I pay you a cocktail,” Ryo winced when a well-known face appeared next to him.

“Takki-kun?” he asked. “I didn’t know you are on holiday here.”

Takki laughed, “No, me neither.”

They stood there for a moment, just looking at each other. There was a tension between them during Orthros filming, and it appeared immediately again.

Maybe this holiday would get better than he thought.


Kaze no mukou eh - Arashi

Ryo loved standing on the roof-deck. There he could look over the whole town - almost. When he had to think about something he always came here. There was no one disturbing him, no people talking, no traffic. Nothing. Just him.

The wind brushed over his face. He breathed in deeply and closed his eyes, but opened them immediately again. The only thing he saw was the situation he was in before he came here.

“I really like you,” Ryo blurted out half an hour ago. And the other said nothing. He didn’t even react. And then Ryo ran away. That wasn’t the best thing he could do, but he felt ashamed because of his confession.

Ryo heard footsteps from behind. “Why did you leave?” the other said.

“Shingo, I…forget it please,” Ryo said.

He could feel the other coming closer. Hands were placed in his hips and he felt the other’s breath on his ear. “Forget it,” Hina only said.

Aya/ Haruto (1 litre of tears)

Californiacation - Red hot chili peppers

Haruto stood in the room Aya was in till the day she closed her eyes forever. He couldn’t believe that he lost her. Of course he knew that this would happen, but it was far away for him. Now he felt lost. He felt lonely.

He looked out of the window and let the sun warm his face. He knew Aya didn’t want him to cry because of her death, but of course he felt sad. He liked her very much. She was the first girl he really liked.

He didn’t know how it would become without her. “I will find a way to save others,” Haruto said, looking up into the sky like she’d look at him from where she was now.

“And you’ll stay in my heart, you know that, don’t you?” he asked and waited. Of course there wouldn’t be an answer, but for one moment the sun dazzled at him. He knew it was the window from across the building  which made this, but for him it was the sign that she heard what he was saying.

Haruto smiled.


Stereo - Nishikido Ryo

No one knew how these two managed it to get together, but for them it fit. While Nino was gaming, Ryo played the guitar. While Ryo was reading, Nino gamed. While Ryo was cooking, Nino gamed.

While Nino slept, Ryo sometimes watched him. Of course he thought a lot about what made them stay together. Actually they were different. They didn’t share much, but maybe it was exactly what made their relationship working.

Nino let him do what he wanted to, and Ryo let Nino do whatever he wanted too. They understood each other without using many words, and they didn’t need any words for understanding what the other longed for.


Should I stay or should I go - The clash

“You know, sometimes you are a pain in the ass,” Ryo shouted, “You can’t say yes or no, you can’t say if something is off.”

Subaru stared at him, his hands crossed, “And you know, you wait for months till you burst out. You can’t say immediately if something is off.”

Ryo’s eyes got small, “And you are really ugly with your beard.”

Subaru started laughing, “Okay, now it’s getting ridiculous.” First Ryo didn’t say anything, but he couldn’t help and started laughing too.

It always ended like this between them; they fought, they made up, and in the end they laughed together.

“Should I stay or should I go?” Subaru asked.

Ryo snorted, “You already know the answer.”

Both smiled at that.


Stronger - Britney Spears

“Bye bye,”  Ryo said while he held Uchi’s picture in his hands. He didn’t want to do that, but he couldn’t change it anymore.

He cut the picture in two parts and threw it into the water. A sad smile curled around his lips. It was a goodbye forever, it was like a part of him died, but for Uchi he was dead since he got suspended. Ryo fought for the other, but Uchi had already decided to not come back.

And now he made the decision to cut the other out of his life. It was the hardest decision he had ever made, but it felt right and that made Ryo stronger. Their ways parted, and of course he gave Uchi the fault, but in the end it felt like it should have been like this.

“Maybe one day we will meet again and maybe, just maybe we can become friends again,” Ryo said while he watched the pieces of paper on the small waves of the sea.


Eyes like yours - Shakira

Kame walked down the corridor. He felt a little dizzy. He tried to hide that his cheeks were blushed. His lips were red and he had a small bite mark on his neck. His hair were a little mess, but he didn’t care.

“Where have you been?” Ueda asked.

“Upstairs”, Kame just answered.

The others smiled at him. “Does upstairs contain a dark haired boy whose name start with Nishikido and ends with Ryo?” Taguchi laughed. Of course they knew what was going on, but for Kame his relationship was still his, and he didn’t like intruders, even though they just asked.

Since the day Ryo told him, that he had never seen eyes like Kame’s, he couldn’t get enough meeting the other. It was like he had waited for Ryo to enter his life.

“You are stupid, all of you”, Kame said like a five year old child. It was on purpose. It should sound like this, but he smiled because of that.


Explosion - Kanjani8

When they first met Ryo felt like something in him exploded.

When Jin said that he liked him he felt he’d going to explode.

When spent their first night together, Ryo felt like exploding.

When Jin said that he loved him, Ryo felt like exploding.

When Jin said he wanted to live with him, Ryo felt like exploding.

When Jin told him that it’s over, Ryo felt like the pain made him explode.

Shinji/ Ryosuke

Waving Flag - K’naan

They were totally different. They had opposite power. And opposite believes.

Even though they were brothers, they didn’t have much in common. Ryosuke could kill - even though he didn’t want to. And Shinji could heal, even though he didn’t want it.

“Can you think of a way going together?” Ryosuke asked.

“You mean a peaceful way for the both of us?” Shinji said without looking at him.


“Not if you don’t decide to kill.” Shinji answered.

“That won’t happen, you know that”, Ryosuke said, a sad tone in his voice. Of course he wanted to be with his brother, but not for the price the other wanted. He looked at his hand. He could do bad things, but he wouldn’t do that, no matter what.


Life goes on - Arashi

Ryo sneaked around the corner. He didn’t want anyone to see him there. “Do you have it?” someone asked.

Ryo smiled at that. He opened the box and put out two chocolate donuts, “Sure.”

The other smiled at him, “And you really don’t want one?”

Ryo shook his head. He didn’t like sweets. “It’s for you.”

The other’s eyes grew bigger. “Double chocolate. I love them. How could you steal them from Hina and Yoko?”

“You know, Tada, when those two are distracted with more important things like special magazines, they don’t look at food. It doesn’t happen often, but sometimes,” Ryo laughed.

Date/ Kudo

I still haven’t found what I am looking for - U2

“Are you happy?” Date asked out of the blue.

Kudo looked at him. He didn’t know what the other wanted from him. They worked together since months now. It worked without talking much with each other. “Why do you ask?” he wanted to know.

“I am just curious. Sometimes I have the feeling you are still searching for something,” Date replied. He took a sip from his beer.

Kudo smiled a little. The other was really good in reading his expression. “Indeed,” he said after a while.

“What is it?”

Kudo leaned back against the wall. He closed his eyes for a moment. “I feel a little weak. I like what we do, but there is also emptiness around me. I feel like there is no time for private issues.”

“If you need any help, just tell me,” Date looked at him.

Kudo laughed at that, “And you want to fill the emptiness and give me hold?”

“Why not,” Date answered.


Fantastic music - Yokoyama You

Hiroko stood in the apartment. He felt a little lost. He didn’t know most of the things which stood there. We walked around, taking a closer look at the machines there. “What’s this?” he said and pushed a button. “Gambareeee oreee” resounded from there. Hiroko jumped a little, which made Kijima laugh.

“That’s a CD player”, she said still laughing.

Hiroko just nodded, like he knew what she was talking about. This century really was strange, and this man in this machine sounded weird. He didn’t know if he‘d ever get used to this.


Vienna calling - Falco

“Vienna Calling,” Ryo chirped on the mobile.

“What, who?” he heard a sleepy voice on the phone.

Ryo nibbled on his lips. He totally forgot about the time difference. He was so chipper about being on holiday, and he knew that Jun was waiting for a call, but probably he didn’t want a call in the middle of the night.

“Ryo-chan?” he heard the other said.

“I forgot about the time,” Ryo said. “I am sorry,” he apologized.

“How is it in Austria?” Jun wanted to know.

“Do you really want to talk now? I can call later,” Ryo suggested.

“You already woke me up, I can’t sleep anymore. So you can tell me how it is there.”

Ryo started telling about what he visited on this day, and what he planned for the other days, and he told Jun proudly that he ate a piece of Sacher cake, because that’s Austrian, even though he didn’t like sweets. And he loved that Jun was listening to him.


Kyuu jyou show - Kanjani8

Ryo looked at Yasu. He was smiling. Yasu was always smiling. Ryo had never seen someone like him. Of course he was also often in a good mood, but Yasu was different. He really smiled 90% of the year. Not even Maru could top that.

Ryo entered the rehearsal room and felt a slight pain in his chest. There was Yasu sitting in the middle of the room, crying. Ryo couldn’t remember that the other had cried once. “What happened?” Ryo asked.

“I just felt like crying when I heard the new TOKIO song. It just touched me,” Yasu said.

Ryo blinked at him. “You cry because of a song?”

Yasu looked at him. “Yes, it touched me.”

“You never cry.”

“Not in front of others, yes,” Yasu answered, “But that doesn’t mean that I am always happy.

Ryo nodded at him. He felt a little bad because he thought Yasu would always be sunny.

“Can I listen to it too?” Ryo asked.

They sat next to each other, both had their eyes closed and both were touched. But Ryo smiled because he was able to get to know a different Yasu.


Macho, macho - Reinhard Fendrich

When Ohno looked at Ryo, he couldn’t stop starring. Ryo wasn’t a macho, totally not, but he could have been. He was good looking, he had a perfect body, his smile was generous and his eyes were sparkling like diamonds.

“When you look like that, you look like you’re undressing him with your eyes,” Jun whispered at Ohno.

Ohno blushed. He felt caught. Of course it was an open secret about him and Ryo, but he didn’t want anyone to talk about it. Just when Ryo had his solo song, Ohno couldn’t hold back. His face told everyone what he was thinking in this moment.

After concert Ohno took the other’s hand. “Thanks,” he said to Ryo. The other looked at him.

“For?” Ryo wanted to know.

“Just for being mine”, Ohno replied and kissed him.


Beautiful - Christina Aguilera

When Ryo came home, something was off, he could feel that. “Yoko?” he called for the other. There was no answer. Ryo got nervous. He knew the other must have been at home. Yoko’s shifts ended much earlier than Ryo’s. He already feared that he’d see something he didn’t want to see.

The other lied on the floor, not moving. Ryo let everything fall down and rushed up to the other. “Yoko?” he took the other one’s face in his hands.

Yoko opened his eyes just a little. “How many did you take?” Ryo already knew what happened.


“When was the last time you ate?”

“Yesterday. Breakfast,” he answered powerless.

“How often should I tell you that you are beautiful how you are,” Ryo replied.

“I know. I am sorry,” the other said.

When Yoko came home from hospital days later, Ryo was already waiting for him. “You know we need to talk about that,” Ryo said.

The other just nodded.

“I have a plan here, and we are going to work this out together,” Ryo pointed on a piece of paper.

Yoko was insecure, but he was sure that with the help from the other he’d manage to overcome his problems.


White X-Mas - Kat-tun

Aiba walked down the street with the Christmas stands left and right. He always liked this time of year. He liked celebrating Christmas, but this year it was different. Since he was a child he was never alone on this day. All his friends were with their families or they had to work. So it turned out that he was on his own. He didn’t like this feeling. He felt so lonely, even though he had a lot of friends, just not on that day.

“Masaki?” he heard someone saying.

Aiba turned round. “Ryo-kun?” he said in disbelieve. “What are you doing here?”

Ryo looked around,“ just strolling around. My family is on holiday and the others have plans. And you?”

“Same,” Aiba just said.

It seemed that they had the same idea. Hours later they sat together in Aiba’s apartment. They were full after eating far too much.

“It’s really a nice Christmas. Let’s celebrate together again,” Ryo suggested and Aiba agreed happily.

p: nishikido ryo/ uchi hiroki, p: nishikido ryo/ takizawa hideaki, g: romance, g: humor, g: angst, special: drabble series, x: drabble series, c: canon, p: nishikido ryo/ saito kazuyoshi, r: pg13, p: nishikido ryo/ sakai masato, c: au, p: nishikido ryo/ yokoyama you, p: nishikido ryo/ ohno satoshi, g: hurt&comfort, length: drabble

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