I went to the in store event in littleHEARTS, Sendai today.
I was surprised that I actually got number 29!!! So I got to see the talk event too!!! YATTA!(^0^)/
The ticket include this piece of paper where you can write your question to the band.
Before the event starts.
One of the store staff wore Tamiya t-shirt.XDD
I was number 29 so my seat was 3rd row second seat from the right.
When the band came out, Kirishou was on my side!! >< It was (from left) Kenji, Jun, Kyan and Kirishou. I'm fully positive that Kyan looked at me a few times. Buahahaha. Kirishou too but he kept looking to other members so he kept looking to the left side... :(
They wore usual wardrobe but with Halloween hats. Everyone was cute!! ><
(From Jun's blog)
Oh yeah, and the girl beside me brought her father to the talk event. Her father was sitting beside me so... I'm sure they noticed me but I think the father really stands out. orz. Bye bye me... *invisible*
First they answered questions from the audience. I'm sorry I can't remember all the answers. orz
Some of the questions are:
Because today is Halloween, what cosplay do you want girls to wear?
Kyan answered nurse cosplay. XD
What was the most memorizing present you've ever received?
Kenji answered he received this hair product that help reduce baldness.XD
Jun answered he received this marriage application form with his name and reita's name. XDD
What is inside Shou's head that makes it look so big? XD
Shou wasn't sure himself. XD
Who they like most among V6 members.
I have no idea what they were talking about because I don't know V6 that well. orz
Next, is the drawing contest...
They'll ask someone from the audience to give a character for them to draw.
First, of course, they point to the father beside me. The father didn't talk so the girl ask them instead.
She asked the member to draw "Junko@Reita no Yome"↓↓
Kenji lost.
Next, this girl at the front ask them to draw Dokinchan.
I didn't know what it was until I asked the person sitting next to me. XDD
Kirishou lost. His drawing looks like Atonu. XDD
Next was the last.
The girl cosplaying Kirishou got picked and at first she asked for "MY MELODY". I didn't quite understand what it was. The band too so... they asked for another thing and the girl said "Nishikawa-san"
Everyone except Kenji draw Nishikawa-san with winds blowing. XDD
So Kenji lost.
Jun's drawing of Nishikawa was absolutely gorgeous. It didn't look like Nishikawa Takanori but... just an usual manga-like character. Everyone said "umai~" to him. Then Kirishou started showing older drawing and... yes, he can draw an ikemen really well. O_o
So Kenji lost and other member got to draw on his face. At the same time, last talk from all the members.
Then a short break and on to the handshake!!⊂(^-^)⊃
The order: Kyan >> Jun >> Kirishou >> Kenji
I'm a little bit shy to report about this....(((^-^)))
I think I should post a dialogue from Kyan and Kirishou only. Jun and Kenji was too ordinary. But they were nice.(((^-^)))
イダ: お疲れ様です~
Me: Otsukaresamadesu~
キャン: ありがとう!
Kyan: Thank you!
イダ: キャンさ~ん、大好きです!
Me: Kyan-san, I like you very much! ><
キャン: 本当に?やったZE! (なんかこの反応かわいいいいwww)
Kyan: Really? I did it! XDDD (He was really cute!! ><)
イダ: カッコイイです!
Me: You're really handsome!
キャン: ありがとう~
Kyan: Thank you~~(#^.^#)
Then, he said "see you again" while I was being pushed to the next person, which was Jun.
イダ: 翔さん~!⊂(^-^)⊃ めっちゃ好きです~(((^-^)))
Me: Shou-san!!⊂(^-^)⊃ I like you very very much!(((^-^)))
翔: ああ、ありがとう~
Kirishou: Aah.. thanks~
イダ: えと、翔さんのすきっ歯可愛いです。
Me: Uhm, your gap teeth is really cute! ((^-^))
Then he started showing his gap teeth and started to talk.. (Haaaaa.... he was so cute!! I wish I could hug him.(((^-^))) )
翔: ああ、今度また・・・また会おうね~~また来るうう~~ (この時、顔が切ない見たい。なんか必死で、また会いたいって感じ。ウヒヒヒ)
Kirishou: Aahh.... Next time... Let's meet again next time, okay... We'll come here again... (Uwahh.. his expression here was... unn.. *dead*)
イダ: うんうん~
Me: Yes! Yes!
That was it... (;_;)
I wanna meet them again... They are really so nice!!! I wanna meet them again!!! ><
Please come out with another single or album soon!! I hope I can join again next time......><
Shou-sann!!!! ><
So my GB weekend end here... (T-T)
Next time I'll be meeting them will be this December.
Ahh... so far away. So many hurdles that I have to get over-with before that. SCHOOL! Mid-term presentation!!(((^-^))) I HATE PRESENTATION!
Good Night!ノシ