Mobile phone case
by Skreyola
Use size F/5 hook (3.75mm)
Front loop is farthest from you, and back loop is closest to you.
Chain 11
sc in second st from hook
sc in st across, turn (11 st)
Even rows:
ch 1
sc in back loop of each st across, turn (11 st)
Odd rows:
ch 1
sc in front loop of each st across, turn (11 st)
Continue rows until piece measures 9"
If needed, do an extra row to end up at left edge of wrong side (side with unused loops), i.e., finish with an odd row.
Remaining stitches use both loops.
Row 1:
ch 1, skip first st, sc in both loops of next 9 sts, turn (9 st)
Row 2:
ch 1, skip first st, sc in next 7 sts, turn (7 st)
Row 3:
ch 1, sc in each st across, turn (7st)
Row 4:
Repeat Row 3.
Row 5:
ch 1, sc in second st from hook and next 4 sts, turn (5 st)
Row 6:
ch 2, dc in second st from hook, dc in next st, ch 2, dc in same st, dc in next st, sc in same st, turn (5 st + 2 ch)
Row 7:
slip st in first dc, slst in each st for 6 sts (7 st)
continue slsts down side to side of Row 1 of flap.
Sides and belt loop:
fold piece with WS out and end at base of Row 1 of flap
Before next st, draw yarn into the fold so that it will trail out on RS when side seam is finished.
slst through original chain, then 1 slst through eacho inner of two loops on each row, alternating front and back sides so that seam is on WS and RS is smooth at seam, until fold is reached. That is, slst through loops of rows, not through straight lengths of yarn between rows. Yarn should trail over to RS in the fold when finished.
ch 1, turn piece RS out and pull loop to RS.
slst in any loop of first st in row one up from fold.
ch 1, sc around or in any loop of third st of next row up and each st of this row for 7 sts, turn (8 st)
ch 1, sc in each st for 8 sts, crocheting through front loop of previous row and any loop of the next row of the back side of the pouch, turn (8 st)
ch 1, sc in each st of previous row, turn (8 st)
Repeat previous row for 9 rows or until loop is 2.5". Finish on row facing away from pouch so next row will be done facing pouch.
ch 1, sc in each st through belt loop loops and through any loop in nearest row to end of belt loop.
Repeat previous row.
ch 1, slst in next st of Row 1 of flap and slst in any sts to edge.
Turn piece WS out.
Repeat seam instructions without bothering with where the yarn from skein falls.
Fasten off and work in ends.
Sew on a button, use your favorite button or knob pattern, or leave buttonless and simply tuck flap in.
Web cam capture of my project using Medium/4/Worsted weight Red Heart Super Saver color 0971 Camouflage:
I also photographed it with my film camera in better lighting, so I'll probably post that image when I get the roll developed.
Note that I skipped rows 3 and 4 in the flap. This makes the flap very short.