EDIT (Apr. 21, 2008): Greetings to the one or two of you (who are not natesac's mom and/or boyfriend) who have found this LiveJournal entry via the wildly successful PieSpace.net! Now, I am sure you are all riled up after reading about what a LIAR and a THIEF I am! After all, I am the big, evil demon who has apparently claimed to create PieSpace (and for good measure, until yesterday, October 28th, 2006 was the first and only time that I have even uttered the word "PieSpace". I mean, really.. come on. Who says "PieSpace" seriously and expects to get laid ever again?).
I only ask, as you rally around me with your torches and pie tins, that you take care not to light each other on fire. Fire is dangerous and not to be trifled with. If you do burn yourself a little, do NOT use butter on the scorched area! When you are done, feel free to check out an update on this fast-moving, dramatic internet web of deceit at
http://skratte.livejournal.com/394755.html. And now, without further adieu.. the offending comments from 2 years ago...
I've started designing a website for people to show pictures of pies and share recipes. It's called PieSpace. This could be one of the best, most profitable ideas I've ever had. You wait and see. I hope you're all hungry... for success. Internet success.
I'm forcing myself to do something this weekend. I'm not forcing myself for any other reason than the fact that the whole idea makes me nervous. The whole idea makes me nervous because it is way outside the comfort zone that I've grown accustomed to: it involves leaving the house.
It may seem odd to most people that leaving the house would make someone nervous and anxious, but that's pretty much what I've known since January. I feel safe and secure here. I don't leave here, ever.. outside of walks in the neighborhood or the occasional short ride in a car. This is what has become of me.
The therapist was really pushing for me to go out and do something for Halloween, my favorite holiday of the year. sad thing is.. this year, I've lost all interest in Halloween. Why? Well, because it's a significant anniversary for me. I moved here to Berwyn, IL, a year ago and just as my mental decline took a turn for the worse. In psychology, anniversaries are pretty significant factors. It makes total sense, too, why I have no interest in Halloween, this year. I'm avoiding it.
So.. I'm forcing myself out. Making myself go to a party in Racine, WI, tomorrow. It will involve riding on trains and people I don't know, outside of one. It sounds bad to say I am forcing myself, as it has nothing at all to do with my friend,
onewinter, who I'll be visiting. I'd like to see her. It's the whole prospect of leaving my comfort zone. Going outside of these walls.
And to think.. I used to be a totally different person. It was hard to keep me in one place for long. This is what I've become. A recluse. Anti-social. Anxiety-ridden and neurotic. I'm half expecting to make some kind of excuse not to go. I've tried a few and successfully pushed them all away, so far.
I'm sure I'll have an update for you when I get back.