
Nov 12, 2008 21:50

The following new members will have until Friday to post their applications:

If you need an extension please let me know. :)

Heather & Heidi - I need pictures from you for a new icon and picture for the USERINFO as soon as you can, thanks ladies! ♥ You rock my socks!

mod post: mod info, mod post: community business, mod - sunrise_girl

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Comments 8

bella_rugger November 13 2008, 03:29:29 UTC
I don't really have any good, recent pictures of myself.. so just use what I have or if you want to get creative you can cut yourself out of one of our running pictures and use it - since it would be pointless for me to resave one, upload it to photobucket, and repost it since you already have them all. :)

ps. I CANNOT WAIT TO WORKOUT WITH YOU TOMORROW. omg. I feel so lonely working out by myself. lol


inthistwi_light November 13 2008, 03:58:01 UTC
I don't know if you will get this or not... but I have a test tomorrow in my 9:30 class so I will be done early, I'm gonna lift weights or bike or both before you get there, but I'll meet you at the track at 11am. :)

Send me a comment to let me know you got this, if you don't get it before I leave I'll send you a text. ♥


bella_rugger November 13 2008, 04:12:15 UTC
hehe. I totally didn't even read that last line and just sent you a text. oh wellz I will reply anyways.

I won't be done til 10:45 then I'll walk over there. I want to lift some weights before I run so take your time :)


inthistwi_light November 13 2008, 21:42:50 UTC
Check out your pic on the userinfo and let me know if you like it. :)


toolatetofight November 14 2008, 02:12:53 UTC
sorry ill try and post it tomorrow..ive been really sick all week and havent gotten to post, just read a little


inthistwi_light November 14 2008, 14:31:58 UTC
Ok, that's totally fine. It seems like everyone has been getting sick lately. :( Hope you're feeling better!


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