Title: Anticipation and Bad Behaving
skintightsocksRating: R
Pairing: Blaine/Kurt
Word Count: 5,400+
Summary: Blaine is one of the top students at Dalton so Kurt knows he's not stupid, which is why there's no reason for him not to get the giant, blatant ways that Kurt has been throwing himself at Blaine.
Warnings: Frottage, characters are underage but
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And it's not the sex, it's the trust and the beautiful description that you made about them <3 They're so sexy, and it's strange that I read something like this, because usually I always find this kind of story (fic about "sexy times")... uhm, I don't know, like meaningless? Like the sexual connection between them is something simple :/ And I don't like it :/
But HERE, here it's perfect <3 It's hot but not... dirty? I don't know if I can explain myself, but I totally enjoyed it <3! So thank you so much, really :)
[This review takes part in the “Recensioni d'Autunno 2 - La Vendemmia” challenge @ maridichallenge]
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