As you
may have noticed, we've turned into ficlet fans as of late. The problem is that now we're running out of ideas to give each other, and trust us when we say that you don't want to see what
boweryd will try to make
fallintosilence write when she's bored and out of ideas.
So, we thought we'd ask you guys for ideas! We'll write (or at least attempt to write - we are easily distracted and can't promise we'll get to every prompt, sorry!) 500 words (look, 300 words is really hard) of any pairing from Glee excluding Will or Karofsky pairings. We'll also give pretty much any RPF pairing a shot. We're not guaranteeing porn fic, although obviously if a prompt is smutty it's more likely to go that way.
Ideally, your prompt should include a pairing or character, a prompt, and any notes, like if you want the fic to be gen or non-romantic or would prefer a PG or PG-13 rating. Please try to keep prompt words and notes relatively simple! For example:Good: Sue/Figgins, hazmat suit, NC-17 preferred.
Bad: Sue/Figgins, hazmat suit, NC-17. In a world where William Schuester's hair gel became sentient and slowly infected the halls of McKinley high until all the slobbering, mindless children were slobbering, mindless zombie children, only two people remain to stand against the hormonal hoard: Sue Sylvester and Principal Figgins. Can they learn to work together? Will their passion for zombie slaying turn into a passion for each other?
Okay, so that last one isn't bad in the technical sense, we would totally read that fic, but the point stands! We'd prefer if you posted anonymously so we can be completely unbiased when filling prompts. We have anon commenting on and we don't log IPs, so don't worry! \o/