A new BBC 3 tv show "In the Flesh" (3 episodes of 60 minutes) started filming last week the North West of England.
The zombie drama is written by Dominic Mitchell and directed by Jonny Campbell.
In the Flesh is the story of a teenager Kieran Walker(Luke Newberry)and his reintegration both in the local community and the heart of his family.After his death four years ago,his friends and family thought they'd never see him again.But then,shorty after his funeral ,thousands of the dead were re-animated in one freak night.Now after months of rehabilitation and medication ,the zombies are gradually being returned to their homes.
A slightly different synopsis :the Zombie Uprising has been quelled by the Human Volunteer Force and life is starting to return to normal.Any surviving zombies have been captured, medicated, held in an NHS holding facility in Norfolk and are being slowly re-integrated back into society, with the help of contact lenses and cover up mousse. The story follows teenager Kieran Walker and boldly goes where no zombie drama has gone before.
"With its central themes of redemption, forgiveness, acceptance, denial, and the very essence of what it means to be alive or dead, In The Flesh is a complex but tender look at what happens when families get a second chance at mending their past and working together towards an unpredictable future."
Alex is playing a character called Alex ;)
Source :
http://screenterrier.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/new-zombie-drama-in-flesh-for-bbc3.html http://primetime.unrealitytv.co.uk/royle-family-actor-ricky-tomlinson-to-star-in-new-bbc3-zombie-drama-in-the-flesh/http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediacentre/latestnews/2012/new-drama.html This sounds good but I won't forgive them for cancelling The Fades.
It reminds me a lot of this new French tv show "Les revenants" (this was also a movie) who will air in a few weeks and which sounds so good.