So I noticed this place hasn't really been kick started yet and I don't know if that's just because it's technically not all beginning, but I hope nobody minds me beginning a game of drabble tag, which I did suggest in the opening post. Don't know how to play? Keep reading!
Welcome to Skins Bang Drabble Tag!
I’m sure many of you will understand
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She can’t believe it.
Nick and Liv. Liv and Nick. It seems so wrong.
She and Nick, they were in love. She loved him, he loved her. Okay, so he never actually said it. Dodged the bullet, said she was hot and sexy instead. But it didn’t matter. Deep down, Mini knew he cared.
Or thought she knew.
The problem was what to do next.
Because it wasn’t just Nick that had hurt her, it was Liv too. Liv was meant to be her fucking best friend.
But she decided to wait.
Hot fury left you looking like a fool.
Too much, too much to mention
Was I really seeking good
Or just seeking attention?
- No Good Deed, from Wicked
She could only wonder why she acted the way she did. It wasn't as if she was protecting her twin, not really, by the way she acted. She wanted attention, craved it, and she used the male population to do just that.
She shouldn't have been surprised when karma came back to get her in the end, and when she dumped her little, yet hung, boyfriend after finding the news that would ruin all her dreams, she vowed to change.
Change for herself, for her twin, for Emily.
Katie changed a lot in S4... a huge transformation, and I loved it.
Hannay: Oh, but only at first. Got over that a long time ago. When I first did a crime, I was quite squeamish about it. I was a most sensitive child.
-Dialogue from Hitchcock's The 39 Steps
It all began the night he found Freddie’s blood drenched clothes in Foster’s house. It all really began when he used his fists to knock the cunt unconscious before smashing him up with his own bat. The bat he probably used to kill Freddie.
The first time Cook ever hit someone, he was ten and he punched Freddie in the mouth for calling his mum hot.
He wasn’t afraid of a punch up, of feeling the skin and bone of his knuckle colliding with someone’s cheek or nose. At first the feel of bone breaking made him recoil, feel sick to his stomach.
Then that night with Foster, it got better. Suddenly it all became so much easier to crush bone, to smell blood.
I do, and I shall be joining him shortly. Wait for me, Freddie, just wait a little longer.
My breath is getting shallow, my heart pumping loudly in my ears as the now tepid water around me is blazing red, like a satin sheet covering my naked body. I feel myself slipping into the darkness, and for once, I'm not afraid of it, I embrace it, because I know Freddie is waiting for me.
I stunned you!? Wow!
Our upbringing?
The blood through our veins?
Why didn't the pills help? They didn't help my mum, and they don't seem to be helping Effy.
Maybe it's their destiny to go mad. Maybe we're all mad, some just learn to mask it with drugs and vices, while others can do nothing but let it consume them... like my mum... like Effy.
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