cheerleader request post!

Aug 02, 2010 04:22

Hey gang! Welcome to the official cheerleader request post. A lot of writers requested cheerleaders in their sign-ups, but I know some of you have found one already. If that's the case, awesome! No need to pay attention to this post, then.

In the interest of making sure match-ups run as smoothly as possible and everyone gets to cheer for a fic they're interested in, here's how it's going to work:

1. WRITERS: If you'd still like a cheerleader (or an additional cheerleader, if you already have one), please fill out the following and reply as a comment to this post!

1. Name/LJ Username:
2. Main Characters and/or Pairings:
3. Brief Plot Summary:
4. What are you looking for in a cheerleader (ie. general support/feedback, someone to discuss plots with, light betaing, etc.)?
5. Number of cheerleaders requested (up to 3!):

2. CHEERLEADERS: Simply reply to the comment of the fic you'd like to cheer for! You can cheer for as many fics as you like, but make sure you'll have the time and energy to give the authors the feedback they deserve. Keep in mind the author's preferences, and remember that this will be done on a first-come first-served basis. If a fic has already been claimed by the requested number of cheerleaders, take a look at some of the other summaries instead! Consider cheering for someone you don't know well; my hope is that this will be a great way for everyone to get to know one another, and for new authors to get recognized.

If you haven't signed up as a cheerleader yet, but would like to show some support, the cheerleader sign-ups are still open here! Go ahead and claim a fic to cheer for, if you like, just make sure to fill out the cheerleader sign-up. :D Remember, you can absolutely sign up to cheer, even if you're already signed up to write/create art/beta!

Alright guys, go crazy! We decided to make the cheerleader match-ups fairly informal, and since beta match-ups won't occur until October (for those of you who want/need them), we hope cheerleaders will be a great resource to everyone as they continue writing. If you have any thoughts/concerns/questions about the process, feel free to leave us a comment or shoot us a PM!

*mod post, *cheerleader request, !round: 1

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