EN-GB">I’ve never taken part in a Big Bang, what is it?
EN-GB">A Big Bang challenge involves authors writing a long fic (of at least 10,000 words), artists then claim fics and must create at least two pieces of art for the fic they are assigned.
What is a little/mini bang?
EN-GB">Whilst we love what happens when people write 10000 words (or more!) we know that not everyone feels able to take part in creating such a long piece. So that’s where the little and mini bangs come in. They each have different word count requirements.
Little bang: 5000 words minimum to 10000 word maximum
Mini bang: 1000 words minimum to 5000 words maximum
EN-GB">What dates do I need to know about?
EN-GB">Monday July 2ndmso-fareast-language:EN-GB">: Sign ups open
EN-GB">Monday July 30thmso-fareast-language:EN-GB">: Author check in
Monday August 20th: Fic summary is due
EN-GB">Monday August 27thmso-fareast-language:EN-GB">: Fic claims open
Monday September 3rd: Fic claims close
Tuesday September 4th: Pairings revealed
EN-GB">Monday September 24th: Check in for ALL
EN-GB">Monday October 1stmso-fareast-language:EN-GB">: Posting selection opens
EN-GB">Monday October 8thmso-fareast-language:EN-GB">: Posting Schedule goes up
Wednesday October 10th: Posting begins!
EN-GB">I would like to write for the Big Bang, what do I need to know?
EN-GB">As we’ve stated above, you must write either 1000-5000 words, 5000-10000 words or 10000+ words depending on the category you sign up for. You have until your posting date to complete your story, but that doesn’t mean you should leave it all to the last minute. You are required to submit a story summary part way through in order to be assigned an artist.
EN-GB">Can I write more than one fic?
EN-GB">Yes. You can write as many fics as you like, but please bear in mind the time frame you have. It’s up to you to sign up for as few/many fics as you feel you can handle.
EN-GB">Can I use a work in progress?
EN-GB">Yes, but within reason. If you’re already posted the start of your story online you must delete it whilst you work on the Big Bang. Also, the story must not be substantially written (anything more than 25% already completed will not be acceptable). If you’re writing a mini bang and you want to expand on a drabble then that is okay. If you’re writing a little bang and have already written 1000-2000 words then you may only use the story if you plan to write a total of around 9000-10000 words. For the Big Bang length fic if you’ve written 1000-2000 that’s okay, anything more and we will expect you to write at least 10000 words on top of what you have already written. If you’re not sure, just ask and we’ll let you know if it’s okay.
Can I write a crossover?
EN-GB">Yes you may, however, it’s important to understand that doing so may mean that it is less easy to find a suitable artist to take on your story if the crossover fandom is less well known. If you know someone willing to make art for your crossover then please ask them to sign up and request the fic when the time for selection comes.
Can I find my own artist?
EN-GB">The point of the Big Bang challenge is that authors and artists are paired according to their needs; this means it’s possible you may get an artist who you know well or you may get an artist you’ve never spoken to before. It’s an opportunity for you to meet new people within the fandom. If you have friends wanting to create art then ask them to sign up, they may not be guaranteed your fic but you’ll still both have a great time.
EN-GB">Do I need a beta?
EN-GB">We suggest that fics have betas but the decision is ultimately yours. We will be creating a beta pool at some point if you need help finding someone to beta your fic.
What if I write more/less than than the category I signed up for?
You may change category up until the story summary is due, after that if you go over/under by a few hundred words that's okay. But please try to know either way before the story summary is due.
EN-GB">I would like to create art for the Big Bang, what do I need to know?
EN-GB">You may sign up to create art for a Mini, Little or Big Bang. We accept all kinds of artwork and actively encourage creativity. Your role doesn’t really begin until part way through the process, so keep an eye on the community for the story summaries/artist selection date because it is your chance to choose which fics you might be working with!
EN-GB">Can I create more than one piece of art?
EN-GB">Yes. Artists can sign up as many pieces of art as they like and we actively encourage this, the more art the better! However, like the author sign ups, please only take on as much as you can manage.
EN-GB">Can I use a work in progress?
EN-GB">No. All work must be completed to fit the fic you have been paired with. You may use textures and brushes you’ve already created, but the piece/pieces of art you create must be new.
Can I make art for my friend’s fic?
EN-GB">Whilst we don’t purposefully avoid pairing up friends, we actively encourage authors and artists to sign up separately. This challenge is an opportunity to work with people you may not have worked with before.
EN-GB">What are the requirements for art?
EN-GB">Please note, these guidelines are only the minimum requirements, you may do as much art for each fic you’re paired with as you would like. Just because you’ve been paired with a Mini Bang fic doesn’t mean you can’t create two pieces of artwork if you find yourself inspired/with time to do so, etc.
Big Bang: THREE reasonable pieces of art.
Little Bang: TWO reasonable pieces of art.
Mini Bang: ONE reasonable piece of art, e.g. a banner, 5 icons, wallpaper, 5 track fanmix with cover(s), etc.
EN-GB">Fanvideos must be at least 45 seconds long.
EN-GB">Fanmixes must include at least 5 songs, plus a piece of artwork.
EN-GB">Most other art must be at least 400 by 600 pixels in size, or something similar (e.g. 500 x 500).
If you would like to create a piece of art not mentioned here and need to know the requirements, please comment and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Artists & Authors
EN-GB">I’ve finished creating my art/fic, what do I do now?
EN-GB">Please hold onto it! As part of the Big Bang rules you must not post your art/fic on any websites before the official posting dates. We will let you know when it’s time to post your work, keep your eye on the community.
EN-GB">I’m creating art/fic, can I sign up to write a fic/art as well?
EN-GB">Yes, of course! We recognise that lots of people are authors as well as artists. If you’re signing up for both please only take on as many fics/artworks as you feel you can manage. Please consider your personal commitments (i.e. school, college, work) when signing up.
EN-GB">I’ve signed up for too much and want to change my mind, can I?
EN-GB">Yes. However, please take into account the fact that if you pull out at the last minute then this could impact others so let us know as early as possible. BEFORE the pairings are created if you’re an author and AT LEAST two weeks before posting if you’re an artist. Thank you!
EN-GB">What do you mean when you talk about pairings?
We will post up a story summary for artists to choose from, each artist will be allowed to select as many pieces of art they would be willing to work with and we will match artists and authors accordingly. There will be additional information closer to the time.
EN-GB">Where do I sign up?
EN-GB">Artists can sign up here for the
EN-GB">Authors can sign up for all categories
EN-GB">Wait, you haven’t answered my question!
EN-GB">Please leave a comment or contact a mod and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
EN-GB">If you wish to participate in the Big Bang, please join and watch the community so that you don’t miss any important deadlines of updates.