beta requests!

Jun 24, 2011 06:49

Welcome to the official beta request post! This post applies to both the big bang and little bang, so if you're looking for a beta or would like to offer your own services, this is where you wanna be!

Beta requests will work the same as cheerleader match-ups:

1. WRITERS: If you're in need of a beta (or an additional beta, if you'd like someone else to look over your work), please fill out the following and reply as a comment to this post!

1. Name/LJ Username:
2. Main Characters and/or Pairings:
3. Brief Plot Summary:
4. Projected Word Count:
5. What are you looking for in a beta (ie. spelling & grammar, general plot, characterization, brit-picking, etc.)?

2. BETAS: There will be no official beta sign-up; simply reply to the comment of the fic you'd like to beta for. You can beta as many fics as you feel comfortable doing; just make sure that you're available to give the authors the feedback they need.

ANYONE can claim a fic to beta for, whether you're already signed on as an author or an artist, OR if you're not participating in the Big Bang in any other way.

Remember, Cheerleading Requests are also still open for any authors who just need a little extra encouragement!

*beta request, !round: 2, *mod post

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