artist sign-ups: BIG BANG

May 04, 2011 08:55


Welcome to Round Two of the Skins Big Bang!

Important: This sign up is for the Big Bang only; the Little Bang sign-up will be listed separately if you're interested in that option! Artist sign-ups are open until July 18.

Just a quick reminder: we're using the term artist as a very general term to refer to someone creating fanart (icons, drawing, banner, header, wallpaper, etc), a fanmix, or a fanvid for a story written during this challenge. Artists and authors will be working together to select a date at the end of the challenge to post their art and story to the community. More information is available in the FAQS; feel free to let us know if you have any questions!

Copy and paste the sign-up template in the text box, and fill out your information in the comments! We're excited to have you on board!

1. Name/LJ username:
2. Email Address:
3. Have you read the rules and FAQ? By saying yes, you're agreeing to abide by them.
4. Type Of Art (e.g. banners, icons, fanmix, fanvid):
5. Do you have any preferred genres/pairings?
6. Are you willing to work with more than one story?
7. Anything else you want to add?

~sign-ups, !round: 2, *mod post

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