Title: Raptor
skeyttles Genre: drama, horror, humor
Warnings: AU!, OOC, violence
Rating: PG-15 (rated for violence)
Pairings: JongTae, Onkey
Summary: Gosh, I suck so much at writing summaries but let’s give it a try. xD
Taemin started studying criminology a while ago and is pretty happy with it. Well, until the day his lecturer tells him he wants him to
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Comments 27
Uhm x__x Gott es is so schwer was zu sagen, wenn man alle Pitel schon gelesen hat... XDD'' Haww <33 Aber ich WUSSTE, dass die FF gut ankommt Q__Q Sowas muss gut ankommen!! Das is so Liebe und Haww und Rawr <33 Raaaaaaaaptor *OO* <3
Ich liebe deine FF so sehr und uhm... .__. Freu mich wahnsinnig drauf, wenn du die andern Pitel noch hochlädst <33 Außerdem kann ichs kaum erwarten, bis du weiterschreibst *OOOOOOO* <3
und jaaaaawww raptor wraaah Ùwu <3 die welt braucht raptor! XDD
und ich schreib bald weiter òwÓ denk ich ... XDD
Erste Reaktion: :Q___________________
QwQ Schön, dass du so fleißig am Übersetzen bist! Òwo Das gehört sich auch so! *streichel* Du kannst uns allen schließlich nicht den Mund wässrig machen und uns dann warten lassen! Û_u Geht gar nicht!
*w* Ich steh so auf deinen Schreibstil. Deutsch sowieso, aber auch in Englisch ist er so hammer und lässt sich so schön flüssig und angenehm lesen! <3
Hab ich schon mal erwähnt, dass ich Raptor toll finde? Nein? Gut. ICH LIEBE IHN! xD
Schreib schnell weiteeeerrr!!! QOQ Fürs Seelenheil & so! *umschmus* <3<3<3
i love this already, so please post again soon ;____;
keep up the good work! :D
thank you so much for loving and commenting <3 i'll try to upload the next chapter soon!
plz can I have a spot!!
sure :D you'll get your spot!
geeeshhhhh...i was so scared when read this one
Without saying a single word Jonghyun sprang forward burying his teeth in the soft flesh of the man’s neck. His sharp canines were instantly drawing warm blood. After a while Jonghyun could clearly feel how the liquid got smeared all over his face and the metallic taste lingering on his tongue made it even better.
Blood always seemed to have some kind of special impact on him.
and this one......
Totally lost for words Taemin stared at Raptor. It was weird how he captivated him by just looking him in the eye.
“What a pleasant surprise! I’m happy to finally meet you, Lee Taemin.”
hiiii.....goose bump appeared immediately... i like the genre u picked..not so many author write about this kind of genre now...it's like found something really tempting to be inside the story too.. u make me like taeminnie( mianhe. i was so hard to read taeminnie's fic cuz he was a baby for me)
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ehehe the first scene you posted actually is my favourite scene xDD can't wait to write more raptor-action >xD
yeah, i know xD that's why i was a little :/ about posting my fanfiction. people tend to love fluff more these days *sigh*
really..we have the same opinion..kekekkee...
for me, i luv reading this kind of genre...hate angst..
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