I thought I'd get through ME3 before posting about issues I have with Joker and, of course, EDI. I thought I'd managed to avoid some of the Joker/EDI nastiness by shutting her down hard early on. I was pretty thankful for that, actually.
But I thought wrong.
Last night I triggered the ambient dialogue wherein Joker is basically asking Mordin
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Comments 15
Is it just me or are everyone's boobs bigger in ME3?
And it's not just you, everyone has bigger boobs.
And then the slap-in-the-face rejection. I'd have rathered just not bringing it up, so I could have some canonic ambiguity.
I missed that dialogue in my first playthrough, and I'm glad I did, because I would have flipped to hear it without warning. I'm going to flip hearing it even with warning, but there might at least be less shouting. Maybe.
I... I can't even wrap my head around the thought process that would lead to someone thinking that's a good idea. Especially because there are ways in which Joker is really well-written - there isn't any doubt that he knows his limitations, he knows what he can and can't do, he deflects the hell out of everything with humor, which takes a level of self-awareness that is completely fucking contradictory to "lol how do I sex". And even if he wasn't - I'm younger than he is. I'm so virginal I attract unicorns, for fuck's sake. And I still have a very good idea of how I could go about having sex without hurting myself, because I know how to do everything else without hurting myself. Much. Most of the time ( ... )
And I still have a very good idea of how I could go about having sex without hurting myself, because I know how to do everything else without hurting myself.EXACTLY ( ... )
(I think this hit me harder today than it would have otherwise because I've been roleplaying with someone who gets it. I've been writing Joker for hours on end and processing all these feels through him, and it's so wonderful... and then there's the reminder that I'm writing this character better than canon did, and that the source material doesn't entirely get it, and ugh. Dammit.
Why do you do this to me, Bioware. ;_; )
We take off our armor to A) talk about it at all and B) especially, oh so especially, to write about it. You peel off layers you didn't know were there. That opens you up for taking the hits harder, too.
As far as affirmation/understanding, it's painful to see it offered, start to hope, and then have it crash down around you -- maybe especially when you didn't realize you were looking for it until the 'hope' part.
(guess who found the video on Youtube with all of Joker's banter in it.)
(This is funny, because I just wrote Joker sweet-talking Vega into helping him create a pillow nest in the med bay. Guess I'd better apologize for that post. He's obviously never seen a pillow in his life and certainly would never think to use them as a buffer between hard things and hurty things. )
(I'll shut up now.)
Note to writers: Anyone with Joker's condition has been doing PT (and probably occupational therapy, as well) since he was too young to remember it.
Okay, okay, we're probably just ramping each other up at this point, but... argh. It's hard to have so much emotional load with no way to really let it out.
I'm ... um, what's the term? Body-typical? (On the assumption that neuro-typical is the word for me as well, so ..)
Anyway, I'm body-typical and I use pillows for comfort in bed and on the couch and everywhere else pillows could be used. And there are specially shaped pillows designed for use in sex, for people of every type of body.
I don't get it.
And I think 'able bodied' is frequently used, though personally I rather like 'body typical' -- since having a disability does not make you disabled in all areas, any more than having a physically 'normal' body makes you magically capable. Iffin that makes sense. I've had quite a bit of booze.
I took EDI with me everywhere. I couldn't bring myself to leave her on the ship alone with Jeff. I just ... couldn't let that happen. That said, she's a very competent squad member. And she didn't mention their relationship outside of the bar/cockpit. (At least not for me.)
(There were a few weird glitches where EDI was in my party and also in the cockpit? So I'd talk to EDI in the shuttle and then I would talk to her over the comm from the cockpit. ...or, in one case, she was in the ground crew for Grissom Academy and ALSO in the cutscene in the cockpit... Which ... makes me think that SHE WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE A SQUAD MATE. EVER.)
But. Yeah. I was hoping that conversation had been removed. I saw it in the script and it was just horrid. I thought it was a joke, honestly. Like they were just trolling for reactions. When I didn't trigger it in game, I was relieved. But it's ... there? Still? And they want me to laugh at this? Really?
What the hell, people?
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