Title: No, We're Not the X-Men: Hiatus
Author: skellig8
Fandom: NCIS
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo (sorta), past Gibbs/Shannon
Warnings: none, rating only for slash reference
A/N: Finally got this done! :D It was specifically requested...
Disclaimer: I own naught but the plot.
All he was aware of was a cacophony of sound in his head. Shouts and whispers over the top of his brain. )
Comments 5
And how sad poor Tony *hugs him* "Come get it back when you're ready." oh Tony and that last line just killed me. Kinda feel sorry for Gibbs too he sounds so vulnerable :(
A great addition to your X Men !verse and a really sad (but lovely) tag to Hiatus
Thank You Muchly x
Well I'm keeping my fingers crossed and my eyes open for it
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