I brought my camera to W00tstock, and it was rad. I was stuck in my seat towards the back of the theater for the duration, and there was a very tall person with a gigantic head sitting in front of me, so there wasn't much leeway for artistically-compelling shots. (and don't get me started on stage lighting... jeesh)
BUT, it was a darned good time, so here are just a few of my photos from the show:
And my personal favorite, for its moment-ness:
The rest of them are here. The show was incredibly hilarious, entertaining, and wholly enjoyable, and there was so much verbal interest and wit that photos just can't quite convey. Y'all know that I heart Wil Wheaton pretty much forever, but I think Matt Fraction and Adam Savage may have stolen the show for me. I really, really enjoyed what they had to share.
Still, the whole thing was completely kick-ass, and laughter is such powerful and healing force. Nerd victory? YES.