This is the Banner Makers entry. If you are interested in making winners banners for the community please leave a comment here. The more people making banners the better.
So far the following people are in the rotation to make banners.
endlessdeepmscamkereiavtressfurribootswillow_livesmeganlovesjared When you see your name in the winners post to make banners please acknowledge that you have seen your name by posting a comment to that entry.
Please include the following information in the winners banners when you make them:
Skarsgård Stills To make the circle over the second "a" hold down the alt key and press 0229 on your keypad (Keep in mind this will not work for some fonts). If you are not able to do this on your computer for some reason, be creative. Use a little heart, make a circle yourself, a little flower, a little sun, a little crown, whatever you like. :)
Challenge # Replace the # with the number of the challenge you are making banners for.
1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Best Cropping(or whatever the special category happens to be for the particular challenge you are making banners for) and Mod's Choice
Username of the winners.
If someone places and wins the special category in the same challenge you may make two banners or combine them into one.
Dimensions: not more than 400x300 and not less than 300x125 pixels.
The rest is up to you and your creativity and imagination.
Please post winners banners within a week of the winners being announced. If you are not able to make banners within this time frame or on the week of your rotation, don't worry, just let me know and I'll get someone else to do it. And then you can either do the banners for the next challenge or the next time your name comes up in the rotation.
If a week has passed and you have not made the banners on your rotation the next person in the rotation will be asked to make them.
If you are no longer able to make banners for whatever reason, please let me know. I will not be upset. I've had to back out of doing things before for one reason or another, so I totally understand. You don't even have to tell me why. I'd rather just know that you can't make them anymore, than put you down to make banners and they never get made. Know what I mean? So just let me know.
If you have any questions please ask.
Thanks. :)