Challenge #63 - PaleyFest

Mar 16, 2011 10:07

Welcome to Challenge #63, featuring PaleyFest '11.

I know that Challenge #62 isn't over yet (if you haven't entered that one, please go do so), but I thought that there was no sense in waiting any longer to post #63.

+ You may make up to 4 icons.
+ You may blend the images or use an image more than once.
+ You may use brushes, gradients, textures and or any other photo-editing techniques you like.
+ No Animation. This is a stillness community.
+ Your icon must meet LJ standards. Not more than 100x100 pixels and no more than 40k.
+ Your icon must be new for this challenge. Please DO NOT use old icons.
+ Please do not post your icon anywhere until voting is over. You will be disqualified.

Album (or you can use other images, as long as they feature Alex at PaleyFest)
Images in album are from

Post your icon like this:

Entries are due Wednesday, March 23 @ 11:59PM CST
World Clock

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challenge 063, !2011 challenges, challenges 061 - 070

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