I gather that the world economy and all of us with it, is going to seize up with rigor mortis by the end of next week (if not sooner) because everyone and their dog is calling in their short term loans to anyone who isn't the Federal Reserve or the ECB or someone similarly central banky, reducing the interest rate they offer on the loans to those central banky people to virtually nothing at all whilst pushing up their short term rate for everyone else up to a level that WILL NUKE THE SITE OF ALL BUSINESS and OUR JOBS and THE NEXT PAYMENT OF OUR WAGES EVERYWHERE from ORBIT. That's if they're prepared to still lend at all to average schmoe companies that actually do real stuff in the real world.
If that's so, why aren't the central banky guys taking advantage of this arbitrage opportunity of a lifetime by taking up these offers of loans to them at such cheap cheap prices and then turning around and lending it all back out short term to those average schmoe companies at somewhat less than the LUDICROUS KILL THEM ALL rate, but still more than they had to pay? Wouldn't that make us all (with our taxpayer hats on) some dough on the
interest rate spread, whilst simultaneously saving the world BY RE-ORBITING FINANCIAL MARS TO BECOME A NEW EARTH at the same time?
Or is that what they mean when they say they're 'injecting liquidity'? Or was that what the bailout thing, that didn't pass because everyone hates it for being the slush fund of a guy who looks
very undead, and also being seven hundred billion hectares of taxpayers money long, was for?
Clearly I don't really get it. Or SOCIALISM or something.