-- arsenicCatnip [AC] began trolling alternateGenesis [AG] --
AC: :33 < *ac cr33ps up toward ag and tacklepounces her!!* AC: :33 < omg ag!!! AC: :33 < *ac has not s33n you fur a while!!* AC: :33 < where have you b33n?? :OO
AG: um hello AG: i dont know why and what you are doing and what is going on AG: so please e☠cuse me but i dont know who you are AG: i think you are mistaking me for someone else
AG: AG: AG: AG: oh boy AG: this is a bit awkward and i will try to let this onto you in the most easy way possible but AG: janie is not with us anymore AG: in most senses of the word
Comments 27
AC: :33 < *ac cr33ps up toward ag and tacklepounces her!!*
AC: :33 < omg ag!!!
AC: :33 < *ac has not s33n you fur a while!!*
AC: :33 < where have you b33n?? :OO
AG: i dont know why and what you are doing and what is going on
AG: so please e☠cuse me but i dont know who you are
AG: i think you are mistaking me for someone else
AC: :33 < you are not janie??
AC: :33 < :??
AC: :33 < i thought this was her account though!!!
AG: oh boy
AG: this is a bit awkward and i will try to let this onto you in the most easy way possible but
AG: janie is not with us anymore
AG: in most senses of the word
CA: Has your copy Arrived yet?
CA: I'm still Waiting for Mine.
AG: not to be rude or anything but i dont think weve talked before and if we had i would have remembered
CA: I'm Elijah.
CA: Why are you typing Differently? Is it Fun?
AG: oh no not again
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