Changing Lives 30/?? (Sam/Janet femslash) Stargate SG-1

Jul 11, 2009 17:36

The next morning, Sam was up early, and decided to get some fresh rolls for breakfast, to save Janet from having to cook before she went off to work. She crept downstairs, and was pleased to see Cassie was already up and about. "Want to come with me to the bakery?" she asked the girl, lightly. Cassie nodded enthusiastically.

They chatted, companionably, in the car. As they drew up outside the bakery, Sam spotted the small coffee bar in the corner. "I could do with some coffee, how about you Cassie?" she asked.

"Yeah," Cassie agreed, "that would be good. I'll get it, you grab a table."

By the time Cassie came over with the coffees, Sam had a serious look on her face. "What is it, Sam?" Cassie asked, "is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine," Sam said, "really. But there is something I want to talk to you about. If that's okay."

Cassie nodded. Sam took a deep breath. "We were talking, last night. Janet and I. About you."

"About me?" Cassie was confused. "What about me?"

"We're both so happy that you've decided to move to Montana. We want to see as much of you as we can. And then Janet suggested something. She thinks, and I agree, that living on your own in an apartment might be lonely. So she said that maybe we should ask you to move in with us. Not necessarily for ever, not if that's not what you want," Sam started to trip over her own words. "I mean, we don't want to put any pressure on you. None at all. But maybe you'd like to stay with us for a while, until you settle in the area. And then you can get an apartment with friends, or you can stay. Whichever you'd prefer. But please don't feel under any obligation; we don't want to force ourselves on you."

Sam was becoming flustered, and Cassie smiled. "I think that's a great idea," she said, in a soft voice. "I can't believe you've suggested it. I'd love to move in with you and Janet. For a while at least, see how it all goes. You two have been so sweet to me," her voice shook slightly. "For the first time in ages, I feel... this is going to sound silly. But I feel like I'm part of a family again. And I love it. I know you two aren't really my parents. But you feel a bit like parents to me, and that makes me so happy. Catherine was wonderful," her voice broke at that point, "but she's not here any more. And she was never really maternal, though I know she loved me, and I loved her. But since she died, I've felt so alone. You know what I mean, like when you feel there isn't somebody to fight your corner if you need them. I don't feel like that any more."

Sam reached out and put her hand on Cassie's. "We'll always fight your corner," she said, with feeling. "Both Janet and I will always be there for you."

"I know," Cassie replied, a single tear tracking down her face. "And that makes me so happy."

And she stood up and moved toward Sam, enveloping her in a warm hug. "Thank you. So much."

Sam didn't trust herself to speak.

= = =

Twenty minutes later, they let themselves back in the house, where the inhabitants were starting to stir. Janet was standing in the kitchen, spooning coffee into the machine. "I wondered where you two had got to," she said, with a twinkle.

"We brought breakfast," Sam said, and with a flourish produced a huge bag of hot rolls and danishes.

Janet opened the bag and peered in. "All my favorites. Cassie, you are a good influence on Sam. You should stay more often."

"Actually," Sam couldn't keep the smile off her face. "Cassie and I have just had a talk about that very idea. She's agreed to move in with us, for a while at least, once her transfer's through."

"Oh Cass, that's wonderful!" Janet exclaimed, and swept the young woman into her arms. "When can you move in?"

Cassie laughed. "It's going to take me a few weeks to organize the transfer. About the end of the month, I guess, if that's okay?"

"That's great," Janet said. "I can't wait."

= = =

Once Janet had headed off to work, Sam sat down at the internet for a while. Cassie and Anna entered the room. "Hey you two," Sam greeted them, "you okay?"

"We're fine, thanks, Sam," Anna answered. "Thought we might go for a walk, you want to join us?"

Sam shook her head. "No," she replied. "I've decided it's time for me to do some serious job hunting. If I'm going to stay here in Montana, and I definitely am, then I need to find something to do during the day. It's really weird, watching Janet leaving for work. I've always had something to do, this is the first time I can remember when I've had all this free time. And maybe I'm strange," Sam laughed at herself, "but I don't really like it. I want to be doing something useful. So I thought I'd start on the net, see what I can scare up. I'll send out my resume to a few places."

"Your resume?" Cassie asked. "How are you going to explain your history?"

Sam grinned. "Well, not my resume exactly. Beth Porter's resume. That's the name I have to use in this timeline. And the resume will be something of a work of fiction. But I'll still use the skills I genuinely have. The authorities have said they'll pretty much supply me with any paperwork I need, just so long as I don't work in any of the jobs they've forbidden. They're scared I'll try and change the timeline if I get the chance."

"And would you, Sam?" Cassie asked.

"I would have, a few months ago," Sam admitted. "But now... now I'm not so sure. There's no sign of Ba'al as yet. So it's entirely possible that he has been killed by another of the System Lords in the 70 years since he changed the timeline. Or even that the Gou'auld have been defeated. I just don't know. Personally, I've now got just about all I ever wanted in this timeline," she smiled warmly at Cassie, "now that I've found Janet, and you. So no, I don't think I would. Not unless something happened and Earth was at risk. I'll miss working in astrophysics, but that's a small price to pay."

"What do you think you will do Sam?" Anna asked.

"I'm not really sure. I might go into teaching. I used to teach at the Academy quite a bit, and I always wanted to do more of that. I'm just looking right now, to see what's available."

"Well good luck with that," Cassie told her. "We won't be long. Just want to get some fresh air, and to have a look around the neighborhood. After all, if I'm going to be living here," she grinned widely, "I should probably see what the place has to offer."

Anna smiled too. "It's so great Cassie's going to be here with you and Janet," she told Sam. "We all need to be part of a family, I'm just so pleased that Cassie's found hers."

Sam smiled back. "And we're both so happy we've found Cassie," she told her. "Being with Janet is wonderful, but I always felt something was missing. And now we've found her."

Cassie grinned bashfully. "You might not say that when you find my smelly socks on the floor in the bathroom," she said with a laugh.

"I can't wait!" Sam laughed too. "I just wish you could stay longer now. Do you really have to go back tonight?"

"Yeah," Cassie replied, glumly. "I'm on an early shift tomorrow morning."

"You will come back again before we leave, won't you?" Anna, Carolyn and Izzie were set to fly back in nine days' time.

"Oh yes," Cassie said, "I'll make sure of it. I've got three days off next week, so I'll come back then. If that's okay, Sam?"

Sam smiled. "Of course it's okay, Cass," she said. "The more time you spend here, the happier I am."

"I'll try and see you off at the airport too," Cassie said, "I should be able to make it, if my shift ends on time on that day." Cassie knew that it was impossible to guarantee that her shift would finish bang on time, as if they were in the middle of dealing with a patient, they would have to finish the job before they could leave.

"That would be great," Anna said. "I know Izzie wants to see as much of you as she can."

Sam smiled to herself. She knew that it was true that Izzie had come to love Cassie like a sister. But she suspected that Anna was also developing feelings for her. She didn't say anything though, she knew that Anna had been badly hurt by Tina, and that it was far too early for her to think about another relationship. She was just pleased to see the two girls getting along so well, and enjoying each other's company. "Why don't you drive down to the lake, and take your walk round there?" she suggested. "It's beautiful there, and so quiet."

"That's a great idea," Cassie said. "I think we'll do that. Hope it all goes well with the job hunting Sam... or should I call you Beth?" she grinned as they left the room.

= = =

"God, Sam was right," Cassie said, as she looked around her. The scenery round the lake was breathtaking, and the fall colors were just beautiful. "I think I'm really going to like living here." She turned to Anna. "I know you have to go back, Annie. But you will come back and visit, won't you? You're real important to Sam and Janet, I think they really do see you as part of the family. And I'd like to see more of you too," she suddenly became shy. "I mean... it's nice to have a friend."

Anna looked straight into her eyes, her own eyes shining. "I'd love to come back and visit," she said, with feeling. "I'm not sure what's happening, with all of us. Dad's retiring in three months' time, and they're thinking of doing a big holiday, they want me and Izzie to go with them. I think I'm going to try and persuade them to end their trip in Montana. I know Izzie'll want to see Sam and Janet, and you of course. I'll just have to see what happens. But I'll definitely be back. I'm just not entirely sure when yet."

Cassie noticed a wistful look in her new friend's eye, but did not press her on it. She knew Anna had had a rough time of it with Tina, so she didn't want to put any pressure on her. But she didn't want to lose her friendship; she enjoyed her company too much for that.

= = =

"Hey sweetie," Sam met Janet in the hall as she returned from work. "Good day?"

"Not bad," Janet replied, as she shrugged off her coat. She reached up and hung it on the coat rack. She then turned to Sam, and drew her into a kiss. "It's just suddenly got much better," she grinned, when they broke off. "So how about you, hon? How was your day?"

Sam was smiling. "Yeah, pretty good actually. Got a job interview next Thursday morning! Local college is looking for a math tutor. They need somebody to get the kids up to speed before they go to college. Said it would also help if I had a basic knowledge of physics too," she grinned. "Told them I could probably manage that."

Janet exclaimed with delight. "That's so great Sam. It means you really are staying here."

Sam took both of her hands in her own. "I'll never leave you Janet, I swear. Wherever you go, I go. Nothing's going to split us up, ever."

= = =

"So you're back next Thursday evening?" Sam asked Cassie, for the third time, as the young woman made her way to her car.

"Yes!" Cassie laughed. "I swear!" And she drew Sam into a tight hug.

"Looks like Thursday's gonna be a special day then," Janet smiled. "Sam has her interview in the morning, and you're back in the evening. We should do something to celebrate."

"How about I take us all out for dinner?" suggested Carolyn. "I've been wanting to do something to thank you so much for all your hospitality."

"Great idea, Mum," Anna said, "don't you think so Izzie?"

Izzie readily agreed, so despite Sam and Janet's protests, they booked Janet's favorite restaurant for the following Thursday.

Sam hated saying goodbye to Cassie, even for that short period. Something in her was frightened that Cassie would change her mind; about moving to Montana, about living with them in same house, about wanting to be part of their family. "It's okay, baby," Janet took her hand as they watched Cassie's car disappear into the distance. "She'll be back. I know it."

"I hope so," Sam whispered, in a small voice. "I don't think I could take it, losing her after finally finding her."

"You're not gonna lose her, Sam," Janet's voice was gentle and reassuring. "She loves you; she won't change her mind."

Sam squeezed Janet's hand gratefully.

= = =

The next week passed quickly, and before she knew it, Janet was leaving for work on the Thursday morning. "Call me," she instructed Sam, "as soon as you come out. I want to know how it went."

"I will. I swear," Sam was smiling. "I'll call you from the parking lot."

"You'd better," Janet muttered darkly. "Or," and she grinned evilly as she reached up for a kiss, "I shall have to consider withholding bedroom privileges!"

"Now that's something I don't want to risk," Sam's voice was husky.

= = =

Three hours later, Sam walked jauntily to her car after her job interview. Mindful of Janet's earlier threat, and knowing also that the small medic would be on tenterhooks, she took out her cellphone. Janet answered the 'phone on the first ring. Sam laughed. "Expecting a call, Dr Fraiser?" she asked, in a humorous tone.

"Sam!" Janet squealed. "Well? Don't keep me waiting!"

"I got the job!" Sam told her happily, and laughed as she heard Janet's shrieks of delight.

"I knew you'd get it," Janet replied, once she had calmed down. "Sam, I'm so pleased."

"Me too," Sam admitted. "I was beginning to go stir-crazy. I can't wait to get back out in the workplace."

"When do you start?" Janet wanted to know.

"Beginning of next semester," Sam told her. "Six weeks from now. Plenty of time to get prepared, learn all about the curriculum, that sort of thing."

"It'll be a real celebration tonight, then," Janet was full of enthusiasm. "Even better, Cassie'll be here mid-afternoon, she's getting out of work early. She'll be thrilled to hear."

"How do you know that?" Sam asked.

"She 'phoned an hour ago," Janet said. "And there's more good news. She's got her transfer date. She moves here on the 29th. Isn't that great?"

"Oh that's wonderful," Sam replied. "That's only three weeks away. We'll have to get her room ready."

"Well it'll make a change from her sleeping on the couch," Janet joked. "We'll ask her later how she wants the room decorated. I thought we'd put her in the room Anna's in now. It's not the biggest, but it's right next to the linen cupboard. I don't know what you think, Sam, but I was wondering if we could convert that into a small bathroom for her, with a shower. Then she can have an en-suite. What do you think, honey?"

Sam was touched by Janet's eagerness to make Cassie welcome. "I think that'd be great, Jan," she replied. "I'll get a contractor to come in after Annie and the others leave next week."

At that moment, Janet's beeper went off. "Got to go, Sam," she told her, "I'm wanted in x-ray. I'll see you later, I can't wait."

"Love you," Sam said, as she rang off.

= = =

The restaurant dinner was a great success. Izzie was on particularly fine form, and was delighted to see Cassie again. They chose to get cabs to and from the restaurant, so that nobody had to drive, so there were a great many toasts, to celebrate Sam's new job and Cassie's forthcoming transfer to Montana, and to wish Anna, Carolyn and Izzie a safe journey home the following week. Sam noticed that both Anna and Cassie went a little quiet when that toast was made. Izzie declared that she didn't want to go back home. "I want to see Dad," she said, "but I don't want to leave you all here."

"We'll come back and visit soon," Carolyn put a hand on her daughter's arm. "I promise. And you must all come visit us too," she gestured to include Sam, Janet and Cassie. "There'll always be beds for you wherever we are. You'd love Oxford," she told them, "and it's so near London, we can always show you round."

"I'd love to see London," Cassie declared, "and Oxford. And Stonehenge," she added, laughing.

"Well then you must come, and we'll take you to all those places, and more," Carolyn said.

"The important thing is we must all stay in touch," Sam said firmly, and reached out and grasped one of Janet's hands, and one of Cassie's. In turn, everybody around the table clasped hands with the person either side of them.

"Good friends," Janet said, her voice shaking. "Something we all need."

"Good friends," they all chorused in reply.
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