I'm glad you updated, Di. I feel bad for A. It's gotta be rough to be saddled with something so serious at his age. I'll keep up the hope that this'll scare him into staying on his med schedule.
Poor Anthony. He's young and in denial, as anyone his age would be. I still remember being in the "invincible 20's" where I smoke, drank and stayed out all night with my friends. If not for his heart troubles, his behavior would be completely fine and normal for one his age.
He's very lucky to have family who cares for him. A little intervention might be good at this point, counseling (if you can get him to go) would be ideal.
My God, Di -- this is shocking news! I can't imagine how helpless you must feel! For a young man like Anthony, though, I can only pray that this is the wake-up call he needs so he takes proper care of himself. It's like a hard knock upside his head, a reminder that his body, even though young, is compromised. For his sake and his family's (you especially!), he needs to make a better effort. I so wish it hadn't come to this. Hang tight, {{{Di}}}
Comments 5
He's very lucky to have family who cares for him. A little intervention might be good at this point, counseling (if you can get him to go) would be ideal.
I'll keep Anthony in my prayers, Di.
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