submission 5 (part a)

Nov 28, 2009 16:23

Title: The Life and Study of Threesomes
Characters/Pairings: Shihanchul
Rating: +15
Warnings (if any): None
Word count: 17,067

Siwon grew up sheltered. Being privileged could do things to a person: being privileged could make someone spoiled, but Siwon had also been raised with good values. Siwon never wanted anything. He never coveted anything. This was his reasoning for why when he really wanted to move out, his parents couldn’t exactly say no. Sure his mom could comment that they had no problem letting him stay, it was what they had planned for after all, and sure his father could, and had, given him a disappointed look, but Siwon was set in his plans.

He had spent weeks looking through the newspaper and web ads, narrowing down neighborhoods that were both reasonably priced and reasonably safe. Roommates would be nice too; Siwon had never met anyone outside of the elite prep school he had attended since elementary school, and he wondered what others were like. He wondered if there were people like in books and dramas, not that he had watched a lot of dramas or movies (to his parents’ knowledge), but he had certainly read a lot, and they say “reading is knowledge.”

His luck hadn’t been so good though. Nothing had grabbed his interest; no place felt like somewhere he could call home. Siwon persisted though. Good things came to those who waited after all.

The ad had been pretty simple. Two bedroom apartment in a neighborhood not too far from his university, specifically for students. Siwon marked it and immediately placed the phone call to the woman, a Ms. Kim.

Ms. Kim was delighted to show him the apartment. It was the last room on the floor; Ms. Kim said that there were thirteen other tenants currently living there. Siwon wasn’t really paying attention because he was enthralled with the tiny apartment. The two bedrooms were right next to each other, each furnished with a bed and dresser. There was a common area and a furnished kitchen. It was everything he had hoped for.

“We usually have at least two people to a room but if you’re willing to pay full price I’ll take out the other ads.” Ms. Kim spoke and interrupted his thoughts.

“No, no.” Siwon looked up and shook his head. “A roommate would be good.”

Ms. Kim smiled. “Okay I’ll keep it up. You do want the place, correct?” Siwon nodded. “You can move in immediately, if you want.”

Siwon met her the next morning bright and early to get his key and begin moving in. His parents hadn’t been too thrilled at how quickly he was ready to leave but Siwon wanted to start off quickly. School was starting soon after all and it would be better if he were settled in.

After Ms. Kim had handed over the key he offered to walk her out as she explained a bit more about his new home. “The guys on this floor are pretty friendly. My son lives in this room.” She knocked on the door and there was a brief scuffle before a broad shouldered twenty-something poked his shaven head out. “Youngwoon,” Ms. Kim was still all smiles even through her son’s glaring. “This is Siwon Choi. He’s moving into room 206.”

“What do you want me to do ma? Call a floor meeting?” Her son stuck his head further out into the hall. “Hey! Everyone! New kid! Don’t scare him!”

The door next to the son’s room opened and Siwon saw a pretty young man stick his upper body out. “What the hell Kangin! It’s 10:00 in the morning!” His demeanor changed the moment he saw Ms. Kim; the brightest smile Siwon had ever seen replaced the scowl. “Oh! Hi Ms. Kim! Wonderful morning isn’t it?”

“Hello Sungmin. We didn’t wake you up did we?” Her smile was polite but teasing.

“Not at all. Can’t say the same for Kyuhyun and Zhou Mi though. You know how those two are.” Siwon thought he detected a hint of resentment but it was hard to see through the bright smile.

Ms. Kim nodded. “I understand.” She turned back to Siwon. “Ask Youngwoon if you need anything if you can’t find me.”

Siwon nodded to her as she left and then it was just him, Sungmin and Kangin. Kangin rolled his eyes. “Call me Kangin. The little brat over there is Sungmin.”

Siwon introduced himself just as Sungmin retorted with a biting remark about being a ray of sunshine and shoving it somewhere, but Siwon wasn’t sure he had heard right.

“You were talking about me?” Another boy popped out above Sungmin and Siwon realized he had been wrong when he thought Sungmin had the brightest smile ever; this boy had him beat by a landslide.

“Nothing.” Sungmin rolled his eyes and patted the other guy’s chest.

“Oh! There’s a new tenant!” The other man stepped out into the hall, hand extended. “I’m Zhou Mi! If that’s too hard for you to pronounce I suppose Joomyuk is okay.”

Siwon was immediately shaking his head. “No. I studied Chinese in high school.”

Zhou Mi immediately burst into rapid fire Chinese and Siwon’s eyes widened. He caught only a few pieces; Zhou Mi seemed to be asking if he had ever been to China, and maybe something else about a group of people but Siwon couldn’t be sure.

“What got him so excited?” Siwon heard the other voice before he saw the person. There was another boy that had come out of Sungmin and Zhou Mi’s apartment and he was resting his hand on Zhou Mi’s shoulder. “You must be the reason Kangin woke us up.”

Behind him Kangin scoffed and Siwon heard the door shut.

“I’m Siwon Choi.”

“Kyuhyun. I see you’ve already met my roommates. They’re the worst of the lot so if you can handle them you can handle anything.”

Zhou Mi pulled a pout and tapped Kyuhyun’s shoulder. It disturbed Siwon how cute Zhou Mi could be. “Why are you so mean Kui Xian?”

“Yeah! I’m definitely not as bad as Zhou Mi. I can speak Korean at least.” Sungmin crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe.

Siwon was half expecting Zhou Mi to stomp his feet when he threw the pout Sungmin’s way, but if he had any urge to do so he held it in well. “Kyuhyun! Tell him my Korean is fine!”

“It is better than Hankyung’s, and he’s been here longer.”

Zhou Mi immediately brightened and slung his arm around Kyuhyun’s shoulder. “Thank you!”

Kyuhyun rolled his eyes and mouthed something to Siwon but Siwon had always been bad at reading lips. Kyuhyun let a sigh. “I’m going back to sleep. Unlike some princesses I wasn’t asleep before midnight.”

This sent Zhou Mi into another fit of protests that Kyuhyun waved off as he headed back into the room. “Stop by sometime.” He called to Siwon before shutting the door, locking both Sungmin and Zhou Mi out.

Siwon looked confused when all Sungmin did was sigh and even Zhou Mi just looked upset, no theatrics like before. “Does this happen often?” He asked.

Sungmin shrugged. “We can get in either through Kangin’s room or Donghae and Kibum’s room. All the room are connected with doors inside and we don’t usually bother locking them. Everyone is pretty nice.” He arched an eyebrow at Siwon’s continued confusion. “You did know that, right?”

“I guess I just thought it was another closet.”

Sungmin laughed and Zhou Mi followed after him. Siwon couldn’t help cracking a smile. When he finally headed back to his apartment to finish unpacking after talking to Sungmin and Zhou Mi in the hall, he was happy to have chosen this place.

Sungmin and Zhou Mi watched him leave and Sungmin let out a hiss. “New boy is hot.”

Zhou Mi sent him a pout, arms crossed. “Good. Go date him.”

“Jealousy is an ugly colour on you, Mimi.” Sungmin chastised teasingly, shooting him a smirk.

“At least I don’t accessorize it with whore.” Zhou Mi sent back, still smiling.

“Oh go fuck yourself.” Sungmin rolled his eyes and headed to knock on Kangin’s door.

“Kyuhyun already did this morning.” Zhou Mi trilled out causing Sungmin to roll his eyes, and Kangin to retch as he let the two into his room so they could go back into their room.

“Sungmin says room 206 has a new tenant.” Henry flopped down on the couch next to Hankyung who was scratching out steps to a new dance routine.

“He’s met him?”

Henry nodded. “Don’t know who else has. Ryeowook and Yehsung just got back from holiday, and Kibum is a hermit so I doubt he has. Donghae’s been busy at the new studio, how is that going?”

“Good. Good. We have our first class on Friday and…” Hankyung trailed off as he bit the end of his pen.

“You’re nervous as shit?”

Hankyung looked up and over at Henry. “Who taught you that word?” He narrowed his eyes as Henry only continued to smile. “Kyuhyun is a bad influence.”

“Just remember Zhou Mi taught him.”

“They’re all going to be the death of me.” Hankyung muttered as he went back to his dance steps.

“So you haven’t met the new tenant?” Hankyung shook his head. “Well then you’re not worth pumping for information.”

“If you’re that curious why don’t you just open the door?”

“Happened to me already. Remember? Sungmin. Me. Shower, a lack of towels and a fruit basket.”

“Oh yeah.” Hankyung looked up thoughtfully. “It doesn’t sound like he’s showering.”

“It didn’t sound like I was showering.” Henry pointed out.

Hankyung’s next words were cut off by the door across from them opening and Siwon poking his head in.

“So this is the door to the other room.” He muttered to himself and then he saw Hankyung and Henry on the couch. He smiled and waved. “Sorry, I wasn’t intruding was I?”

Henry jumped up from his seat. “Not at all.” He paused. “You do speak Chinese right? Zhou Mi wasn’t lying to make me look like an idiot right?”

Siwon was silent for a moment and then he smiled and answered back in rusty Chinese. “No. I speak Chinese.”

Henry threw his arms up in the air. “Awesome. Another person I can talk to!”

Hankyung sighed. “You can talk to just about everyone.”

“Except Eunhyuk.” Henry pointed out, looking back at Hankyung.

“I don’t think anyone can talk to him except Donghae.”

Henry cocked his head to the side but turned back to Siwon. “I’m Henry. Canadian export. What’s your name?”

“I’m Siwon. I just moved in.” He made a vague gesture and Henry took a peek into the other apartment to see there were still a few boxes lying around. “I just wanted- Sungmin had said that the rooms were connected.”

Henry grinned. “Yup. We’re your new neighbors. This is Hankyung.”

Siwon’s eyes lit up and he stepped into the apartment. “Kyuhyun mentioned you. It’s good to have, face to name.”

Hankyung put down his notebook. “It’s okay. I can speak Korean pretty well. Henry can understand, but his accent is pretty bad.”

Siwon looked at Henry who shrugged, still grinning. “Oh.” He grinned sheepishly. “I’m new to this.”

Henry arched an eyebrow at Hankyung who shrugged. “Do you have a roommate?”

“Not yet. Ms. Kim said she would keep the ad out.”

Hankyung nodded. “That’s how Donghae and Kibum met. They live across from you with Donghae’s friend Eunhyuk; he’s a permanent crasher. Yehsung and Ryeowook too, they live next to me and Henry.”

“And Kangin lives alone?” Siwon asked, trying to piece everything together.

Hankyung shook his head. “Kangin lives with his friend Eeteuk and Shindong.”

“So you and Henry knew each other?”

“We met through an exchange project. Henry came to China for a summer three years ago.”

“Then you are in Korea because?” Siwon finally took a seat at their kitchen table.

“Gege just opened a dance studio with Donghae, Eunhyuk and Shindong.”

“Really?” Siwon was impressed. “All by yourselves?”

“Shindong pulled a lot of the strings. He’s the most charismatic out of us.” Hankyung admitted sheepishly.

“That’s still really impressive. How is business?”

“We start on Friday. Our first class.”

“Gege is letting me help Donghae teach a few classes, since Donghae tends to space out when explaining things.” Henry said proudly.

“So a lot of you dance.” Siwon looked down. “Wow, studying biology sounds boring compared to that.” Hankyung and Henry shared a look. “What?”

“Kyuhyun is a physics major. And Kibum does chemistry.” Henry explained.

Siwon perked up. “What year are they?”

“First years.” Hankyung answered, smiling. “Like you?”

Siwon nodded excitedly. He was really beginning to like this place.

Siwon had been living at his new place for two weeks and there was still no roommate. It didn’t feel like that though, with the ease that people moved in and out. He would come home some days and find Kibum camped out, needing the quiet of his apartment when Donghae and Eunhyuk’s enthusiasm over their new business got in the way of his reading. The door between his and Hankyung and Henry’s room was almost always open, and in turn the door to Yehsung and Ryeowook’s. Sometimes Siwon fell asleep to the sound of Yehsung and Ryeowook’s voices following the quiet melody that Henry would play out after dinner on his violin. Hankyung would usually follow and Siwon would wake up in the morning on their couch, arm curled around Hankyung and his neck stiff. The breakfast Hankyung would cook helped, even if Henry’s insistent laughing didn’t.

His parents wanted to visit, his mother especially, but Siwon wasn’t sure he wanted them too. He didn’t know how they would react to the arguments that seemed to break out constantly between Sungmin and Zhou Mi which usually resulted in one of them crashing on Hankyung’s couch half naked until Kyuhyun would come and retrieve them a few minutes later.

Siwon didn’t even understand that, and he knew his parents wouldn’t.

“Is something going on with them?” Siwon asked Kibum and Hankyung one day when Kibum was reading in Siwon’s room.

“Who?” Hankyung asked from where he was cleaning Siwon’s countertop. Siwon hadn’t wanted him to clean but Hankyung said it was calming and so Siwon left him to it.

“Sungmin and Zhou Mi and Kyuhyun. For roommates they sure do fight a lot.”

Kibum smirked as he flipped a page in his book. “Relationship problems.”

“I didn’t know they were dating. They never mentioned a girlfriend.” Kibum held back a laugh. Hankyung sighed. Siwon looked between the two of them. “What?”

“Nothing.” Hankyung said as he continued to clean the counter with more vigor.

Siwon balked at being cut off and he scrambled. “I just want to understand. I’m really bad at this whole thing.”

Kibum held back another laugh as he looked at Siwon’s earnest face and finally put down his book, taking pity on Siwon. “They’re together. The three of them. Dating.” Siwon continued to be perplexed. “Like me and Donghae. Except with one more.”

“You and Donghae are dating?” Siwon asked, voice quiet and shocked.

Kibum arched an eyebrow as Hankyung’s back stiffened. “I can’t believe I’m admitting this but yes. We are.”

“And you’re happy? And healthy?”

Kibum laughed outright at that. “As happy as someone dating Donghae could be I’m sure.” He shook his head as he went back to his book.

Siwon looked at Hankyung. “And you’re dating Henry?”

Hankyung’s shoulders shook with the force of his laughter and Siwon looked hurt at the reaction. When Hankyung finally calmed down he shook his head. “I’m not dating anyone.”

Siwon nodded and smiled because Hankyung was finally looking at him. “I’m not either.”

“Fascinating.” Kibum commented.

Heechul wasn’t having a good day. His girlfriend had kicked him out. That hadn’t been anything new because their fights were a part of daily life. They fought. They threw stuff. They called each other names. Heechul stormed off. She slammed the door. Heechul came back later that night and they had really angry make up sex.

It was hard to have really angry make up sex when his girlfriend was in their bed, his bed, with another man.

More yelling. More fighting. A bloody nose, not his, and Heechul ended up at his friend Mithra’s apartment.

“I give you a week. Then I’m kicking you out.” Mithra had told him as he handed a blanket over and cleaned off the couch. Heechul had tsked and fallen right asleep.

A week had turned into two, turned into three and by then Heechul was contemplating either marrying Mithra or moving out. A quick glance in the newspaper made him reconsider the marriage and a quick phone call made him flippantly tell Mithra that he was never going to see him again because he was moving onto bigger and better things.

“You need to be there. To approve the new roommate.” Ms. Kim told Siwon a month after he had moved in. He hadn’t been in his room when she was looking for him, and it had taken Kangin screaming down the hall to finally find him in Kyuhyun, Sungmin and Zhou Mi’s apartment watching Kibum and Kyuhyun play video games together.

“I’m sure if you like him I will too.” Siwon reassured but Ms. Kim was adamant. No one else would be home either because of work or school and so Siwon could only wait patiently in his living room for Ms. Kim to knock with his prospective roommate.

He wasn’t what Siwon was expecting. He had long hair, pulled back in a haphazard ponytail. He wore a pink sweater that Siwon was pretty sure Sungmin owned and he wore his nails longer than average. They had a slight gleam on them that Siwon couldn’t look away from.

Siwon sat on the couch, staring at the other man, Heechul he had introduced himself as. His movements weren’t like Sungmin or Zhou Mi’s, but something was still there. Siwon watched Heechul’s fingers trace over the countertop as he looked at the kitchen.

“What was that?” Siwon asked when he realized Heechul had asked him a question.

“I asked if you minded sharing the fridge?”

Siwon shook his head, leaning back into the couch. “I don’t actually buy a lot. Hankyung, next door, he cooks for me a lot.”

Heechul nodded, mouth pursed closed. “So you can’t cook?”

Siwon shrugged. “Not really.”

“This Hankyung, he can though?”

“He’s really good.” Siwon said, smiling at the thought.

Heechul went back to speaking with Ms. Kim about rent money and how it would be split.

“So do you like the place?”

Siwon perked up at this part, waiting to see what Heechul had thought of both the place and him. He had tried to make a decent impression. Sure, he had complained to Hankyung about having a roommate the night before but that was mostly jest and drunkenness speaking.

Heechul looked back at Siwon, seated on the couch looking anxious for the approval. Heechul sighed, and then turned back to Ms. Kim. “I suppose he’s kinda adorable. I’ll keep him.”

Siwon didn’t know what to think of that statement but Ms. Kim took it as Heechul’s agreement and handed over the key.

Heechul told Siwon that he would be back in an hour and that he didn’t have to wait. Siwon protested and Heechul left laughing. He returned with a suitcase and nothing else, and Siwon was surprised because Sungmin and Zhou Mi had a lot of stuff. So did Donghae, and while Kyuhyun and Kibum both lived on the lighter side of life they definitely owned more than a suitcase.

Siwon watched from the door as Heechul began to unpack, carefully folding the clothing he had in it and putting them to the side. Heechul’s hands came up and took his hair out of the ponytail, letting it fall to his shoulders. Siwon licked his lips.

“Are you gay?”

Heechul stopped unpacking his suitcase and arched an eyebrow at Siwon. He turned and put a hand on his hip. “Why? Are you interested?”

Siwon’s eyes went wide and he immediately shook his head, hands out in front of him. Heechul watched the display of emotions on Siwon’s face with a smirk. “No, no.” Siwon stuttered out his explanation. “It’s just that, you look gay.”

Heechul’s eyes darkened and he closed his suitcase. “You’re really rude.”

Siwon’s eyes widened again and he held up his hands. “I’m so sorry. I just. I just. I’m really bad at this.”

“That’s no excuse.” Heechul crossed his arms and looked thoughtfully at Siwon. “You aren’t talking about hitting on me, are you?”

“No!” Siwon exclaimed. “This whole word, conversation thing.”

“Then stop.” Siwon shut up. Heechul looked at him and then sighed. “I didn’t mean it. Here, help me unpack and maybe I’ll consider, eventually beginning to explain the world to you.”

Siwon walked cautiously into the room and began to help Heechul unpack. When Hankyung came home a little while later that was how he found them.

“Siwon.” Hankyung poked his head into the room. Heechul looked up at him.


“Hankyung.” Siwon smiled. “This is Heechul, he’s just moved in.”

Hankyung offered a smile to Heechul. “Pleased to meet you. Uh, we just cut our first check and wanted to celebrate. Do you want to come?”

Siwon nodded excitedly, but then he paused and looked at Heechul. Heechul rolled his eyes. “I’ll be fine alone, lover boy.”

Hankyung arched a brow at the nickname. “You can come. If you want?”

Heechul smirked and tossed down the shirt he was folding as Siwon headed to the door. “I suppose it could be fun.”

Fun might not have been the word to describe the evening. While Heechul was charismatic enough to fit in with the rest of the group, it turned out that he and Sungmin already knew one another. It was a passing knowledge; they had had a class together at one point, but it was enough for the two to mingle together, and begin playful arguments.

Zhou Mi took the distraction to monopolize Kyuhyun. Siwon kept glancing at them as Zhou Mi’s touches got more adventurous as the night wore on. He hadn’t seen them act like a couple, at least in terms of displays of affection and it was fascinating. It helped that Kyuhyun was blushing and that seemed like something he wouldn’t normally do.

Hankyung leaned on Siwon’s shoulder as the night wore on. Siwon’s hand came up and he played with his hair at the nape of his neck, causing Hankyung to nuzzle into his shoulder. Siwon was vaguely aware of Heechul looking at him as he helped Hankyung up out of the seat after he had told everyone he was taking him home. While everyone else waved them off, Heechul just sat still, looking thoughtful.

Siwon shot an apologetic look to him. “Are you okay here?” He asked.

Heechul pointed to Sungmin who had realized that Kyuhyun was closer to Zhou Mi than him and was now trying to pull him closer. “I have entertainment.”

Siwon nodded and pulled Hankyung out of the bar. They made it back to the apartment safely and Siwon brought Hankyung into his room, not wanting to leave him alone. Hankyung fell onto Siwon’s bed. Siwon let out a breath as he brushed Hankyung’s hair out of his face.

“This is gonna hurt in the morning, isn’t it?” Hankyung muttered in Chinese.

Siwon laughed and nodded. Hankyung always pointed out the obvious when he was drunk, Siwon had learned. Last time it had been all about how everyone was a man with a penis. Sungmin had gotten a good laugh out of that one, and Siwon hadn’t been able to look at Hankyung the next morning.

“I’ll go sleep on the couch.” Siwon said.

“Stay.” Hankyung pulled on Siwon’s wrist and Siwon looked into Hankyung’s glassy eyes. Siwon swallowed and nodded, leaning down next to Hankyung. Hankyung wrapped an arm around Siwon’s shoulder, head tucked close to his. Siwon could only watch as Hankyung slowly drifted off to sleep, breath hitting his lips.

Siwon didn’t fall asleep until after he heard Heechul walk in.

He woke up with Hankyung’s back pressed against his chest, his own arm tossed around Hankyung’s hip. Siwon slowly untangled himself, careful not to wake Hankyung. He couldn’t help but linger at the doorway until he realized he was staring and he scurried off to the kitchen.

Heechul was already eating a soppy bowl of ramen when Siwon entered.

“Is that your breakfast?”

Heechul glanced up. “Can’t cook. Remember our conversation yesterday?”

Siwon looked back over his shoulder. “Hankyung can cook us something. He’ll be awake soon. It should be more filling than what you’re eating.”

“So you’re gay. Explains a lot.”

“What? No!” Siwon dropped the glass he was filling with juice. The juice spilled all over the floor.

Heechul pushed his ramen around. “Then you’re just the type to spend the night in a small bed with a friend.”

“He was drunk.” Siwon tried to explain.

“And that makes your case better how?”

“Nothing happened. I don’t. I’m not like that.” Siwon was vigorously cleaning up his spill. “I don’t think.”

“So Hankyung is free then?”

Siwon head spun. “You are gay.” He hissed, looking accusingly.

Heechul waved his hand. “It’s really not fair to box people in by labeling them. Shouldn’t you try to learn something about the individual and not block off possibilities with assumptions?”

“Labels exist so we can organize things better.”

“By right and wrong you mean.” Heechul sighed and pushed his bowl forward. “Listen, we obviously got off on the wrong foot. You were definitely right when you said you were bad with the whole human interaction and I’m just, well me. From the beginning; I’m Heechul, I’m twenty three and an English major at university.” When Siwon didn’t speak quick enough Heechul huffed and motioned with his hand. “Your turn.”

“Oh. I’m Siwon. I’m twenty and a biology major.”

“There. See. No labels. No preconceptions. Just two people with hangovers and no food.”

“Food!” Siwon turned heel and left the kitchen; Heechul was mildly offended until Siwon returned with a box of food. “I forgot Hankyung had left some for us in the refrigerator. He didn’t think he’d be up for cooking.” Siwon put a little on two plates and popped them in the microwave. “Hankyung likes to makes sure we eat.”

“He’s a regular superhero.” Heechul said dryly. “Are you sure you aren’t dating? He sure seems like he wants in your pants.”

Siwon shook his head. “We’re friends.”

“Sungmin was friends with Kyuhyun once.” Siwon looked surprised. “Yup. Back when Sungmin and I had a class together. Sungmin would go on and on about his best friend Kyuhyun who was still in high school. They were just friends too, granted that seemed to be more because of the guy Kyuhyun was seeing. I guess it was that Seasoning guy. End of story you’re always ‘friends’ at some point.”

“I… thought. Weren’t you interested in Hankyung?”

“We aren’t talking about me. I’m recovering from a relationship.” Heechul waved his hand as the microwave beeped. “Something you’ve never been in.”

“All boy’s school.” Siwon said quietly, grabbing their breakfast.

“Oh god. No wonder you are humanly challenged. I’m officially your mentor in all things human. Tonight we go out and find you some lady.”

“No!” Siwon said quickly. “Not tonight. I have school tomorrow and, besides, we went out last night.”

“You are allowed more than one night of pleasure a week.”

“Next week. Please? I’ll go then.”

Heechul snorted into his food but didn’t push.

The two of them were finished eating by the time Hankyung came out of Siwon’s room. Heechul was talking about what the two of them had missed by leaving early, apparently Eeteuk sang karaoke without any music and Sungmin and Zhou Mi had gotten into a lap dance contest. Hankyung didn’t pay them any mind as he pulled together breakfast for himself, before finally sitting down in between Siwon and Heechul.

“What have I missed?” He asked, speech garbled.

“Do you need any medicine? What about water?” Siwon started to stand up, but Hankyung’s hand on his knee stopped him.

“Excitable little puppy isn’t he?” Heechul teased. Hankyung made a sound in the back of his throat as Siwon looked down blushing.

“You are fine right?” Siwon asked as Hankyung took his hand off his knee.

Hankyung nodded and went back to eating. The other two watched him eat in silence. Heechul occasionally made a quip about food dribbling, but other than that there was silence.

“Some party last night.” Heechul said with a stretch as Hankyung started on the dishes. Hankyung shrugged. “We’re going to go out again next week. You’re invited, of course.”

“I’m honoured.” Hankyung said, though Siwon could sense his sarcasm.

“So do you guys have any plans for the day?” Heechul asked, once he realized that Hankyung wasn’t going to give him the reactions he wanted.

Siwon shot up. “Oh no.” He cursed, causing Hankyung to turn around, shocked. “My parents.” Siwon was scrambling out of his seat and heading back into his room.

Hankyung sighed affectionately and went back to cleaning. Heechul looked confused as Siwon rushed back into the kitchen, dressed and trying to tame his hair.

“I’m having lunch with my parents, and maybe dinner. I’ll be back soon.” He gave Hankyung a half looped hug and patted Heechul on the head, causing him to shout in surprise but before he could form anything Siwon was out the door, slamming it behind him.

Hankyung shook his head, laughing softly. Heechul tried to flatten his hair from the mess Siwon had made of it but it seemed pretty useless.

“So what’s the deal with Siwon?” Heechul asked as Hankyung finished the dishes.

“Why do you care?”

“He is my new roommate.” Hankyung gave him a look and Heechul sighed. “Besides, not many people I know freak out about their parents.”

“Siwon doesn’t talk about his parents.” Hankyung finally said.

“Wonder why.” Hankyung shrugged. “What about your family?”

“What about yours?”

“Happy.” Heechul shot Hankyung a smirk. “They live down south, and they’re happy with me and my life choices. Sure my dad teases that he wishes I could be a lawyer but then he really thinks about it and decides that he doesn’t want me having the power of sending people to jail. Something about corruption through power.”

“Makes sense.”

“What does that mean?” Hankyung didn’t answer as he sat down next to Heechul. “So is your family like mine or do you have stuff to hide?”

Hankyung shrugged. “I came here because the business was better. My parents weren’t thrilled but they know it’s for the best. We can’t talk all that much because of money and rates but we mail letters.”

“How sweet.” Heechul said and Hankyung thought he might be sincere.

The week passed by with little incident. Heechul, despite coming off strong initially, seemed to enjoy spending time by himself. He would join Siwon, Hankyung and Henry for dinner, but otherwise he was usually off by himself. The time he did spend with them though was usually filled with laughter and Hankyung trying to not kill him with whatever kitchen utensil he was holding. All in all it wasn’t a bad fit.

The only problem that Siwon could see was that he thought he might be coming down with a cold. This was confirmed when he met up with Hankyung for lunch at the dance studio on Friday. Hankyung took one look at him, sighed and immediately dragged him back into his office.

“When did this happen?” He asked as he pulled out a thermometer.

Siwon looked up at him and blinked. “What?”

“How did you get so sick right under my nose?” Hankyung shook his head. “Here, keep this under your tongue.”

Siwon didn’t even protest as Hankyung ruffled around for their lunch and Siwon looked confused when Hankyung sighed. “I gave the soup to Heechul.” He looked apologetically to Siwon. “The noodles should be fine but the soup would be better on your stomach.”

When Hankyung finally took the thermometer out of Siwon’s mouth, a sigh of relief at the fact that Siwon didn’t have too high a fever, Siwon began to protest the caring that Hankyung was giving him. Hankyung waved him off though and began to feed him.

“I don’t want you going out with Heechul tonight.”

Siwon looked up and he sighed as he remembered. “I’d forgotten about that. Hyung is going to be upset.”

“You’re sick. He’s got no reason to be upset.” Hankyung looked at his lunch. “And if he does get upset, I’ll beat him up for you.”

“You don’t need to do that.” Siwon said before letting out a round of coughs that had Hankyung rubbing his back.

When Siwon came home from lunch, skipping his last class on command of Hankyung, he was immediately pounced on by Heechul.

“Ready to head out and meet real people?” Heechul asked. He had been waiting at home for this, it seemed. Siwon shook his head, nose stuffy. Heechul dropped off of his back, lip pursed. “Come to think of it, why are you home so early? Are you okay?”

Siwon shook his head and made his way for the couch. “Hankyung told me to come home. I think I’m sick.” He fished in his pocket and pulled out a note. “He wrote this.” He coughed and Heechul sat down next to him to read the note.

“Go lay down in your room.” Heechul said. Siwon wasn’t even sure he had read the whole note. “Did your boyfriend at least leave me something to feed you?” Siwon shook his head. Heechul looked concerned. “Hey, where’s the protest about him not being your boyfriend?” Siwon let out another cough and Heechul pushed his shoulder. “Get to bed. I’ll get take out or something.”

When Siwon didn’t move Heechul grabbed him by the shoulder and managed to maneuver him into his room.

“Thank you.” Siwon finally let out as Heechul was pulling away from tucking him in.

Heechul lingered at the door for a moment and then he smiled. “Yeah, yeah. I better get paid for this shit.”

Siwon was asleep when Hankyung came rushing home. Heechul stopped Hankyung before he could go storming into Siwon’s room.

“He’ll be fine.” Heechul said, hand on his shoulder.

“I know. It doesn’t stop me from worrying.” Hankyung grabbed Heechul’s hand and squeezed.

When Siwon woke up the next morning he saw Heechul curled up in his computer chair with a blanket over him. Siwon tried to sit up but his head made him lay back down. He cradled his head and looked at his bedside for the glass of water Heechul had left for him. The door popped open and Siwon looked up to see Hankyung coming in, rubbing his eyes.

“Morning.” Siwon croaked, and his wanted to hide his face in embarrassment at how he sounded.

Hankyung glanced up and a smile broke out on his face. “You’re awake.” He went over to Siwon’s side and pressed his forearm to his head. Siwon jolted away for a moment at the difference in their body temperature but when Hankyung repeated his motion he stayed still. “You’re fever feels like it’s gone down.” Hankyung licked his lip as he absently tucked the blanket around Siwon. “Are you hungry?”

Siwon nodded sheepishly and then glanced at Heechul. “You should get something for hyung too.”

Hankyung nodded, patting Siwon’s knee as he stood up and headed out of the room.

Siwon settled back into his pillow and listened to Hankyung shuffle around in the kitchen. He returned with a bowl of soup and handed it to Siwon, taking a seat on the bed.

“You don’t have to watch me eat.” Siwon muttered shyly as he took a sip of soup.

“I want to make sure it doesn’t make you sick.”

Siwon took another sip and glanced over at Heechul and after a moment Hankyung followed his line of sight. “I think you had him worried. He was waiting here when I got home.”

Siwon nodded and tried to sit up further. “You put the blanket over him?”

“He was starting to shiver. Don’t need two people sick.” Hankyung looked back at Siwon and rubbed his hand over Siwon’s knee in a comforting gesture.

Siwon laughed softly and put his bowl down. “He’s not that bad.”

Hankyung shook his head. “You’ll feel better, right?”

Siwon nodded and watched as Hankyung went to leave. He paused at the door and then sighed. Hankyung turned around and approached Heechul, gently shaking him awake. Heechul protested for a moment, arms stretching and Hankyung moved to avoid being hit in the face, but when his eye cracked open he only smirked.

“Wanted to be the first thing I saw in the morning?”

Hankyung rolled his eyes while Siwon almost choked on his soup. “You’re going to hurt your neck. You already slept here long enough.” Hankyung said reasonably.

Heechul glanced around to look at Siwon and pushed the blanket off of himself. “Are you feeling better? Did your boyfriend feed you?”

“Of course I fed him.” Hankyung said just as Siwon made his protest about calling Hankyung his boyfriend. Heechul smiled wickedly at Hankyung as he stood up. He patted Hankyung’s shoulder and walked into the kitchen. Hankyung just tossed up his arms in defeat and followed after Heechul, taking Siwon’s empty bowl with him.

Hankyung opened the door to his apartment to see Heechul on his couch, soda between his legs and video game controller in his hands. Hankyung stared for a hard moment.

“Who lent you the console?”

“Grabbed it out of the Henry’s room.” Heechul glanced over at Hankyung’s disbelieving look. “What? Sungmin asked him for me.”

Hankyung shook his head, as he took a seat beside Heechul. “So why didn’t you go back to your room?”

Heechul shrugged and continued killing zombies. “Siwon’s television is in his room. I didn’t want to intrude.”

Hankyung just shook his head. “Of course you didn’t.”

Heechul picked up his soda and took a sip. “So are you going to cook for me?”

“Excuse me?” Hankyung asked surprised.

“Don’t tell me the goodie act is only for your boyfriend.”

“Siwon isn’t my boyfriend.”

“Of course not. Because he doesn’t know he’s gay.” Hankyung sighed and stood up. “That is it right?”

“It’s none of your business.”

“Hey! Don’t get all reserved.”

“It’s none of your business.”

Hankyung heard Heechul sigh behind him and get up. The television clicked off and Hankyung resigned himself to having the new guy hate his guts.

“Listen. Do you want to talk about it?” Heechul asked from behind him. “Or at least, do you want me to do anything?”

Hankyung pressed his palms against the counter and let out a breath. “No.”

“Okay. But if you ever do, know I’m here.”

Hankyung was really shocked by that. He looked at Heechul and sucked in a breath. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome. Now make me food.”

Hankyung sighed. “One day I’m not going to be here and both you and Siwon will starve. It would be better if I taught you to cook.”

“Fine. Try and teach me.”

Hankyung looked unsure but Heechul was already washing his hands. Hankyung sucked air through his teeth and pulled out some meat and vegetables.

“Can you handle a knife?” He asked. Heechul gave him a look and Hankyung sighed. “Start washing the vegetables. We’ll get to the knife another day.”

Heechul nodded and started with the tomatoes, while Hankyung began filling a pot with water and setting it to boil.

Siwon came home to an empty and dark apartment. That was a first. He turned on the light, and looked around. He glanced into Heechul’s room and still didn’t see anyone.

Sound started to walk towards Hankyung’s room. Two voices, Hankyung and Heechul. A smile broke on Siwon’s face and he opened the door between their rooms cheerfully.

Arguing filled his ears.

“Stop it! You’re going to burn it!”

“I’m more worried about burning you.”

“You’re not gonna burn anyone unless it’s intentional.”

“Like this?”

Siwon heard Heechul shriek and when he poked his head in Hankyung had the dish hose and was spraying Heechul with it while they both laughed.

“Hey guys.” Siwon said and both of them looked at him.

“Hey! Siwonnie! Get in here and help us.” Heechul demanded as his fist hit the counter top.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m attempting to teach Heechul how to cook. It’s not going too well.” Hankyung admitted.

“And whose fault is that?” Heechul asked, slapping Hankyung’s shoulder. Hankyung grasped his shoulder and held up the hose again.

“Play nice.”

Heechul dissolved into laughter as he leaned over the counter trying to get out of the reach of the hose. It was pointless because Hankyung opened fire again and Heechul shrieked and jumped because it was cold water this time. He ran behind Siwon, and Siwon shrieked from the shock of the cold water and grabbed Heechul’s shoulders when the water hit him as well.

The two of them clung to each other as they laughed and tried to get out of reach of the hose. Hankyung eventually turned off the hose as he leaned back against the counter, trying to calm his laughter.

Heechul let go of Siwon’s shirt and shook his head to dry off. Hankyung pointed and laughed as Heechul rubbed his ear with his finger. Heechul glared at him.

“I’m going to stab you in your sleep.” Hankyung laughed and it was quickly followed by Siwon’s laugh. Heechul shook his head again. “Both of you. Dead.”

Siwon wrapped an arm around Heechul, tugging him close. “You don’t mean that.”

“You’re naïve.” Heechul snorted as Hankyung turned back to the pot that had settled down from boiling.

“Who’s naïve? And what happened to this apartment?” Sungmin asked from the doorway.

Heechul rested his hand on Siwon’s hip. “Hankyung attacked us! He was jealous of our love.”

Siwon coughed and tried to untangle himself from Heechul but Heechul only tugged him closer, throwing one leg up to wrap around Siwon. Hankyung sighed from behind them.

“Do you see what I have to deal with?” He spoke to Sungmin.

“Your life is hard.” Sungmin said straight faced. “We all bow before your struggle.”

Hankyung sighed and muttered something in Chinese.

“So what are you doing here?” Heechul asked, finally untangling himself from Siwon, which caused Siwon to let out a sigh of relief.

“I decided to be nice to Mimi and give him the night with Kyuhyun.”

“How, saint-like.”

“I know.” Sungmin flicked his hair and smirked. “And because of my sacrifice, I’m going to be spending the night here, and will be demanding that you entertain me.”

“Of course.” Heechul ran a hand through his hair in a mimic of Sungmin. “But I’m not sure we want you.”

Sungmin sniffed. “You seem to misunderstand. This isn’t about want. It’s about what’s going to happen.”

Before Heechul could make another retort Hankyung announced that dinner was ready and that Sungmin could join them. Sungmin took his seat next to Siwon with relish, making sure to grin extra greasy until Heechul kicked him under the table.

“You never let me have any fun.” Sungmin said with a pout.

Heechul just gave him a look as Hankyung put more food on his plate. Siwon made sure he kept glancing down.

Henry came home soon after, looked around at the mess and grabbed his game console before locking himself in his room, muttering something about crazy roommates and how he definitely didn’t sign up for that when he started rooming with Hankyung.

“We’re going out tonight.” Heechul announced a month after moving in. “And nothing short of offering both of you up for my sexual desire is going to stop me.”

Hankyung just arched an eyebrow while Siwon looked around. He’d grown used to Heechul’s comments, especially the vulgar ones. He didn’t seem to ever mean anything by them, and Hankyung’s dull reaction only helped Siwon believe that they meant nothing. It didn’t stop the pit of his stomach from dropping out when the images came to his mind.

He’d be lying if he ever said he had dated before, and it was a stretch even to say if he had any interest in dating. Before he moved out of his house the idea of two men together hadn’t crossed his mind, and three of any coupling was unheard of. But Heechul constant reminder brought up the thought of too many hands, and feet tangling together, with voices that pitched low when they whispered his name and it all made him very hot and bothered to the point where some mornings he couldn’t even look at Hankyung or Heechul until long after he had showered.

The bar that Heechul took them to was one none of them had been to, but from Sungmin’s whispered comments to Zhou Mi Siwon gathered it was supposed to be very popular. Siwon was dragged off by Heechul and Hankyung followed with the roll of his eyes.

“Jessica, Sunny. Good. You came.” The two girls Heechul had addressed looked up. They were both pretty, one more delicate looking and the other cute. They greeted Heechul with a kiss on the check and the shorter, cute one, shot a cocky grin at Siwon.

“You brought a treat oppa. You’re so nice.”

Heechul flicked her nose, making her giggle as she touched where he hit lightly. “Now, now, Sunny. I only brought him for you to look at. For now.”

Siwon’s eyes went wide and he held up his hands, but Heechul and Sunny each grabbed a wrist. Jessica was looking down shyly.

“Hyung, I really don’t think.”

“You don’t have to think. Just do what I tell you.”

Hankyung watched as Heechul dragged Siwon off with Sunny. Jessica followed after a moment, chewing her finger. Hankyung sighed and headed to the bar. Kyuhyun was seated down, shoulders hunched over and Hankyung realized he was tapping away at a DS. He motioned to the waiter for a drink and turned to Kyuhyun.

“I thought the point of having two boyfriends was so you never were alone.”

Kyuhyun shrugged lightly as he continued to tap away. “They went on to the dance floor to try and seduce me I think.”

Hankyung shook his head. “To the common observer it would seem like you don’t like them fighting over you.”

“I don’t.” Kyuhyun looked up after having defeated a level and took a drink out of Hankyung’s glass.

“Oh.” Hankyung said, watching Kyuhyun’s hand as he put the glass back down.

“Where’s Siwon? I thought you two were, you know.”

Hankyung took the distraction and looked out to the booth that Heechul had gotten for the four of them. Sunny was laughing, and it didn’t look like a cute little giggle, but instead one that caused her whole head to fall back, and her shoulders to shake. Siwon looked like he may have been relaxing upon realizing that she wasn’t the type to deceive.

“Heechul’s monopolizing.” Kyuhyun observed and took another drink from Hankyung’s glass.

“You’re paying for half of that.”

“I’ll pay for this one and the next one.” Kyuhyun said, turning Hankyung back to the bar. “You look like you need it.”

Hankyung raised his glass to Kyuhyun to thank him as he pointedly tried to avoid looking back at Siwon flirting with Sunny.

Around their fourth round Zhou Mi plopped down next to Kyuhyun, arm slung around him. “Kui Xian~ I pawned Sungmin off on Henry and Donghae. Dance with me.”

Kyuhyun sighed but Hankyung could see he wanted to go. Hankyung pushed his shoulder. “Go. Dance. Be merry.”

Zhou Mi chattered off a ‘thank you’ before dragging Kyuhyun to the edge of the dance floor. Hankyung turned away and went back to his drinking.

Siwon was trying to be sociable. It was turning out to be easier than he thought considering that Sunny did most of the talking. All he had to do was smile at her and occasionally say something back and she’d fall into convulsions. At first he hadn’t been sure he was that funny but after hearing Jessica giggle a few times he realized he might just be. Sunny was telling him the plot for a horror movie she had just seen with Jessica when Heechul winked at him and whisked Jessica away to the dance floor.

Siwon turned back to Sunny, trying to avoid watching Heechul dance with Jessica. “Where were you?” He asked, causing Sunny to smile wider. She jumped back into her story, hand on his wrist.

Hankyung glanced away from the sight. He hadn’t meant to look back, but he had, and while it wasn’t as bad as he had thought it would be it still made his stomach twist. He signaled for another drink as someone sat down beside him. Hankyung hoped it was Kyuhyun but he had seen Zhou Mi drag the boy further into the dance floor so it wasn’t likely. His drink was put in front of him and it was picked up by the new person.

“Hey Heechul.”

Heechul smirked as he sipped the drink and then frowned at the bitter flavour. “That’s really vile. How do you manage that?”

“Years of being a man.”

“Oh very nice.” Heechul snorted and waved for his own drink. “Because years of being a man is the reason you can calmly ask out your crush right?”

Hankyung waved his drink in Heechul’s face. “Just shut up and get drunk with me or go back to dancing with your girlfriend.”

Heechul snorted as he grabbed Hankyung’s drink again and tasted it, face contorting. “She’s off dancing with someone else. I threatened him politely before handing her over, so there shouldn’t be any problems. If there are though, her roommate isn’t someone I would want to mess with.”

“Great.” Hankyung muttered and didn’t see Heechul glare at him.

“Hey. Why are you so down in the dumps? I’m over here trying to make sure you aren’t alone. The least you could do is be polite.”

“I offered you the chance to get drunk with me. What more do you want?”

Heechul grabbed Hankyung’s shoulder and looked him steadily in the eye. The bartender put down Heechul’s drink and in defiance Hankyung took a sip out of it. He tried not to gag as he swallowed as he swallowed.

“What was that?”

“Rum.” Heechul grabbed the drink. “Better than whatever you were drinking.”

“It’s disgustingly sweet.”

“That’s the point.”

“You’re tastes are horrible. I can’t believe you’re trying to give them to Siwon.”

Heechul tapped Hankyung’s shoulder. “Hey. I have very good tastes.” Hankyung shook his head, a smiling coming on his lips.

“Like what?”

“You and Siwon.”

“Am I supposed to be flattered that you admitted to liking me?”

“Honored.” Heechul said straight faced.

Hankyung laughed outright.

“Oppa.” Sunny tapped Siwon’s shoulder, causing him to jump and look back at her. “It’s not very polite to space out when someone is talking to you.” She didn’t sound hurt, merely amused.

“I’m sorry. Really sorry.”

“It’s okay.” She smiled. “But oppa, it seems like you aren’t very interested in me.”

“It’s, it’s not that.” Siwon tried to argue. “You’re very cute and I like talking to you.”

“Hey don’t get so defensive.” She laughed. “I was just pointing out. And wondering,” Sunny grinned. “If you don’t like me, who could you like?” She glanced at where Siwon kept looking and she sighed at seeing Heechul and Hankyung. “Why does Heechul always bring the gay ones? I never did anything to him.”

“I’m not.” Siwon looked back at her. He swallowed and looked at Heechul freely touching Hankyung. “Maybe a little.” He grabbed another drink and downed it before Sunny could stop him.

Hankyung was pointedly ignoring the feathering touches up and down his side that Heechul was giving him as they talked pointlessly. His attention was too focused on Siwon leaning closer and closer to Sunny. Hankyung hummed agreement to something that Heechul said, not really paying attention. He jumped when Heechul wrapped a hand around his wrist and tugged him away from the bar.

“What?” Hankyung was cut off by Heechul smirking as he dragged him out on the dance floor. Heechul pressed close to him, arms wrapped around Hankyung’s shoulder.

“This will teach you to pay attention to the people you’re talking to,” he said with a grin.

Hankyung tried to move Heechul’s arms but he just pressed closer. “Heechul, I’m really not in the mood.”

“It’ll take your mind off of him.” Heechul muttered, head resting on Hankyung’s shoulder as they danced.

Hankyung let out a breath, hand resting on Heechul’s hips. He tugged him closer, flexed his fingers and fell into the rhythm of the song.

Sunny was getting nervous. “Hey Siwon, maybe you should stop.” She grabbed his drink and took it away. He leaned over her, trying to reach it.

“Sunny,” Siwon crooned and played with her hair to try and distract her. Sunny shook her head and nodded to the waiter to take the drink away.

“I think we should get you home.” She said, grabbing his wrist and pulling him out of the booth. Siwon stumbled and then followed her out onto the dance floor.

They’d danced to three different songs. Hankyung had slowly loosened up as the songs changed. He responded to Heechul, pressing back against him with the beat of the bass. They were on the outer edge of the dance floor, close to the back, covered by darkness. Heechul’s breath was playing against his cheek, while his hand scrapped up his back.

“You know I like Siwon.” Hankyung muttered as he looked into Heechul’s eyes.

Heechul licked his lips and smirked. “What can I say? I’m selfish.”

“I don’t like you.” Heechul’s hand rested on his waist and Hankyung shuttered as his breath picked up.

“Yeah, but you don’t need to like to do this.” Heechul kissed him full on the lips and Hankyung bit back, mouth open as he tugged Heechul closer. When they broke apart, both gasping for air, Hankyung’s hand found its way up Heechul’s shirt. Heechul groaned as Hankyung’s nails skimmed down his side, and Heechul bit his collarbone. Hankyung groaned and tugged him closer.

“Uh, guys.” Sunny’s voice cut through the din of the club.

Hankyung jumped away from Heechul, guilt written all over his face. His eyes widened on seeing Siwon try to stand and walk forward. He tripped and started to fall. Sunny caught Siwon but her weight couldn’t carry him. She looked guiltily at Heechul as he and Hankyung pulled Siwon up.

“I don’t know- he just started drinking after seeing you two and I couldn’t keep up until he was like this.” She tried to explain.

Heechul shushed her as he tried to look in Siwon’s eyes to make sure he was conscious. “It’s okay Sunkyu. I know you aren’t at fault.”

“We should get him home.” Hankyung muttered, not daring to look at Heechul.

Heechul nodded, pressed a kiss to Sunny’s cheek and the two of them started to pull Siwon out of the club.

Hankyung let out a deep breath as the cool air hit him and he shifted Siwon. Heechul echoed him.

“I’m impressed at Siwon. Didn’t think he could drink that much.” Heechul commented trying to break the silence.

“He’s never tried.” Hankyung sighed and looked over at Siwon. “I shouldn’t have let him come out tonight.”

“Why? He’ll be fine. A little bit of a head ache but not much else.”

“Heechul, he’s not some play toy that you can experiment on! He’s never been in these situations, and he doesn’t know how to handle them.” Hankyung snapped.

“God, he’s not five Hankyung and you aren’t his fucking mother. The boy needs to make mistakes. He’ll wake up wiser tomorrow for it.”

“And it’ll be all your fault.”

“Oh? Tell me how you really feel.” Heechul snarked.

Hankyung was silent.

Heechul waited patiently.

“I wish you had never moved in.” Hankyung whispered.

Heechul dropped Siwon’s other arm, causing all his weight to drop fully onto Hankyung. “And where would you be without me? Siwon wouldn’t know he was gay. You would spend the whole time pining until he finally left and married some girl and maybe if you were lucky he’d have you be his best man! Admit it! I’m the best thing to ever happen to your relationship.”

“Yeah. He thinks you and I are dating. Great.”

Siwon stirred against Hankyung’s shoulder and he glanced up, goofy grin on his face. “You like Heechul.” Siwon slurred, pressing himself against Hankyung. “I like Heechul.”

“Great. He’s delirious.” Hankyung muttered.

“I like you, Hannie.” Hankyung swallowed. “Can’t you like me too?”

Hankyung looked at Siwon finally, and sighed as he realized that Siwon was snoring lightly against his shoulder. Heechul was staring at the two of them and Hankyung shot him a glare upon realizing that Heechul was trying to stop from laughing.

“At least he didn’t throw up on you.”

“Just help me get him home.” Hankyung snapped as Heechul took Siwon’s other arm.

The rest of the walk home was uneventful, though the flight of stairs proved a problem. Hankyung was impressed that Heechul had helped without any complaint except for the big sigh he let out after they had tucked Siwon into bed. Heechul watched as Hankyung headed out of Siwon’s room and he caught Hankyung’s hand before he could enter his apartment.

Hankyung opened his mouth to ask Heechul what he wanted, and to tell him he was tired, and bitchy and just wanted some sleep, before he faced Siwon tomorrow but his thoughts were cut off by Heechul kissing him up against the wall.

Hankyung pushed Heechul off of him with enough force to knock him down.

“What the hell?” Heechul complained, standing up.

“I’m not doing this. I like Siwon. Not you.”

Heechul huffed. “Feelings mutual.”

“Then why this?”

“Because Siwon is dense. And a warm body is a warm body.”

“Not for me.”

“We aren’t martyrs once the lights go out. We all desire.”

Hankyung swallowed as Heechul approached him again and pressed him fully into the wall. “Maybe we do. Maybe I do, but-“

“Maybe one day Siwon will learn, and maybe he’ll pick, but until then why do we have to sit on the side?”

“Because it’s right.”

Heechul huffed and pressed closer. “Right and wrong are just words. When Siwon chooses, if he does, we’ll change.” Heechul leaned in and kissed Hankyung’s neck. “But until then you’ll do. And I’ll do.” Hankyung turned to Heechul, looked into his eyes and swallowed before finally sucking it up and kissing him.

Heechul melted and Hankyung caught his biceps. They maneuvered themselves, stumbling a bit, to the couch. Heechul tugged at Hankyung’s shirt, finally getting it off and running his nails down Hankyung’s back.

Hankyung hissed and bit Heechul’s neck as his hands pulled at his pants.

“This means nothing.” Hankyung muttered as he kissed down Heechul’s stomach. Heechul had no rebuttal as he bit his lip to keep from waking Siwon.

So it hadn’t been a figment of his drunkenness, Siwon thought as he stared at Hankyung and Heechul wrapped around each other. He blushed and looked away upon seeing they had no blanket covering them. It crossed his mind that they might be cold but he couldn’t bring himself to bring a blanket out.

Siwon sighed, closed his eyes and did the only thing he could think of doing. He started to cook breakfast. The smell of something quickly brought a tired looking Henry into the room. He took one look at Heechul and Hankyung, shook his head and took a seat at the table.

“Why didn’t you at least cover them?” Henry whined, lower lip poking out. Siwon shrugged and refused to answer as he just kept cooking. “I know you like looking but that doesn’t mean all of us like your boyfriends naked.”

Siwon shook his head. “They aren’t my boyfriends, Henry.”

“Then?” Henry looked at Siwon, back to the two on the couch and whistled. “I think I hear Sungmin calling for me. I’m gonna bolt.” Henry said the last part in English as he quickly moved out of the room.

Siwon sighed and dropped his head, staring at the finished meal. He put it on three different plates and left two on the counter for Heechul and Hankyung when they woke up. He was heading back to his room when Hankyung stirred.

“Morning.” He said in tired Chinese. Siwon didn’t look back, but he stopped. “What time is it?”

“Almost noon.” Siwon finally got out. Hankyung nodded and yawned, stretching hands over his head. “Did you sleep well?”

“Like a baby.”

Siwon nodded. “I’m going to visit my parents today. Tell Heechul I’m not sure when I’m coming home tonight.”

Hankyung froze and his surroundings finally hit him. He glanced down at Heechul curled up on his hip and inwardly cursed. He nodded though. “Yeah. I’ll tell him. See you tonight.”

Siwon nodded again and entered his room. He left twenty minutes later.

Heechul woke up shortly after Siwon left. Hankyung wasn’t in the apartment and Heechul had to admit that he was more than mildly upset that he hadn’t stayed around till morning. After all, Heechul was rarely the person to be on the receiving end of abandonment; he usually was the one doing the leaving.

He stood up after a long stretch and made his way into Hankyung’s room. He walked past Henry who was pointedly avoiding looking at him.

“Is Hankyung still around?”

“In his room.” Henry said. “Last night was good?”

Heechul looked back at him and saw that Henry was smirking. He shook his head and walked into Hankyung room.

“I don’t like waking up alone.”

“I didn’t think a morning cuddle was part of the bargain.” Hankyung snapped back from where he was stretching.

Heechul openly stared as Hankyung’s body moved through the steps. “I take it Siwon found us.”

“He freaked out.”

“Define ‘freak out.’” Heechul leaned against the closed door.

Hankyung stopped his exercise and stood up. “He left. He went home.”


“Yeah.” Hankyung finally turned around. “And don’t say any quips about anything. Don’t be funny, or try to be. I don’t need that right now.”

“I wasn’t going to say anything.”

“Why don’t I believe that?”

Heechul froze and then nodded his head. “Fine, don’t believe me.” He opened the door. “I just want you to know that this was all for you.”

Hankyung laughed coldly. “What? Sleeping with me?”

“I really did want you and him to be together. I was just trying to be a friend.”

“Yeah, well you make a pretty shitty friend.” Hankyung stopped.

Heechul slammed the door.

part 2


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