Weekly Challenge #12

Dec 27, 2015 08:11

Weekly Challenge #12 is Spending the night together

The rules:

If writing fic all stories must be at least 100 words long. There is no maximum word count.
Art/vids can be any size/length.
All submissions must center around Jack/Sam or Jack and Sam.
You don't have to use the word/phrase in the story/art/etc, it's just there for inspiration.
Please tag your entries with weekly challenge #4

You can use any weekly challenge as inspiration and post at any time.(please don't forget to tag your entries with the appropriate weekly challenge number)

Previous challenges:
1. People will talk
2. Once Upon A Time
3. Just our luck
4. Anticipation
5. Sleepless nights
6. An Affair to Remember
7. Kiss Me
8. Celebration
9. A Quiet Night In
10. In the darkness
11. On holiday


weekly challenge #12

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