Oh my god I love those high-waisted skirt bottoms, guys, you don't even know.
There are few time-wasters better than running
pooklet's actions over stuff. I'd been meaning to do this anyway, and I had some free time yesterday, so here's some hair, dudes.
This is a recolor, not a retexture, because Ghanima's texturing is gorgeous and seriously, why fix it if it isn't broken. I did want it in Project Mayhem colors, though, so I made that happen.
There's 16 naturals, no greys, since this is YA and adult-only. I did eleven unnaturals, and here's why: sheer, unbridled laziness. I did my favorites. If you feel like completing the set, hey, it's your prerogative. Go nuts. There's a swatch of the unnaturals since I didn't do all of them. These are binned, familied, and compressed. My no-AL version of xizarx's mesh is included.
Ingame preview and swatch!
Models are Virginia and Azayasim.
pooklet, xizarx.
[Download Suddenly.] As for the title reference:
Pick any one of these.
Seriously. I love this song to death and back again. (My last.fm: *
bears testament.*)
I am sitting around in my bathing suit because it is too hot for any of the clothes I have clean. IT IS ELEVEN-THIRTY AT NIGHT IT SHOULD NOT BE SO HOT. I am throwing a petty fit I swear to god.