The Doctor/Rose Winter Wonderland Romance-a-thon

Dec 01, 2010 14:02

banner by yavie_namarie

Rules for the Romance-a-thon:

1.  There must be romance between the Doctor and Rose.  There can be smut but it is not a requirement of this ficathon.
2.  Versions of Doctor/Rose can be any.
3.  Any alternate versions of these Doctors and any John Smiths that have been fobwatched are also allowed.
4.  To be inclusive, and we are all about inclusive smut here, Jack is allowed.  This means in either a "helping to get the Doctor and Rose together" capacity or in a true OT3 capacity (in other words no straight slash, Doctor and Rose must both be involved).
5.  In the spirit of inclusion, Ten/Rose/Ten2 is also allowed or other variations of Doctor/Rose/Doctor, or you know, Rose/Doctor/Rose.
6.  There must be love, even if it's just lusty up against the console or angry wall sex, there must be an underlying thread of love and romance there, even if unspoken, it needs to be felt and known.  The Doctor and Rose are all about love, even when they're fighting.
7.  The Romance-a-thon begins now and will run until the end of February.
8.  Please post fics in your own journals and then do the standard header with a link here, like you'd do to T&C and the like.  You may post to other comms, too, just please post here first.
8.  To post in the comm, you must be a member.  If you don't want to be a member of another comm you can still participate.  Post it in your LJ and send me the link in a PM and I'll put it up here with an appropriate header.  But we would love for you to join!
9.  Please feel free to pimp this on your own journals.  Please do not pimp this to any comms without permission from their mods!  I cannot stress this enough.
10.  Do not hotlink the prompts in your LJ's if you use a picture prompt on your fic.  Upload it to your own photo account, please.
11.  You may use one prompt, or a combination of prompts, and write as many fics as you want.  All prompts are open to all people.
12.  If the prompts don't do it for you, and you have romantic or smutty ideas of your own, they are perfectly welcome here.

Most of all enjoy yourselves and write, write, write!
Photo Prompts:






























Quote Prompts:

At Christmas, all roads lead home.  ~Marjorie Holmes

Instead of being a time of unusual behavior, Christmas is perhaps the only time in the year when people can obey their natural impulses and express their true sentiments without feeling self-conscious and, perhaps, foolish.  Christmas, in short, is about the only chance a man has to be himself.  ~Francis C. Farley

Maybe Christmas," he thought, "doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas... perhaps... means a little bit more." ~ Dr. Seuss

I prefer winter and fall, when you feel the bone structure of the landscape - the loneliness of it, the dead feeling of winter.  Something waits beneath it, the whole story doesn't show.  ~Andrew Wyeth

I like these cold, gray winter days.  Days like these let you savor a bad mood.  ~Bill Watterson

Antisthenes says that in a certain faraway land the cold is so intense that words freeze as soon as they are uttered, and after some time then thaw and become audible, so that words spoken in winter go unheard until the next summer.  ~Plutarch, Moralia

Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire:  it is the time for home.  ~Edith Sitwell

One kind word can warm three winter months.  ~Japanese Proverb

Lovers forget your love And list to the love of these She a window flower And he a winter breeze~ Robert Frost

"Outliving them all, all--how cold. ~ Issa

"One leaf left on a branch
and not a sound of sadness
or despair.  One leaf left
on a branch and no unhappiness.
One leaf left all by itself
in the air and it does not speak
of loneliness or death.
One leaf and it spends itself
in swaying mildly in the breeze."
~ David Ignatow

"There is neither heaven nore earth
only snow,
falling incessantly."
~ Hashin

New Year's Resolution:  To tolerate fools more gladly, provided this does not encourage them to take up more of my time. ~ James Agate

"New Year's eve is like every other night; there is no pause in the march of the universe, no breathless moment of silence among created things that the passage of another twelve months may be noted; and yet no man has quite the same thoughts this evening that come with the coming of darkness on other nights." ~ Hamilton Wright Mabie

Request Prompts:

From juliet316:  Nine/Rose or Ten/Rose, one warms their partner who's encased in a block of ice.

From juliet316:  Nine/Rose and smut by the fireplace.

From kilodalton:  Rose tries to teach Nine/Ten how to ice skate.

From arnica:  A flower that only blooms on the longest coldest night of the year.

From devilish1:  A snowball fight gets out of hand.

From devilish1:  Stuck in a remote cabin, snowed in, with no entertainment.

From valiant_queene:  Hot chocolate and exploding marshmallows.

From othermewriter:  9/Rose--the Doctor and Rose go holiday shopping and discover something magical to give the other in a market far from Earth with or without a surprise twist of some sort.

From othermewriter:  Rose accidentally gives the Doctor a potent aphrodisiac in a off world holiday beverage guaranteed to warm him up when author invented circumstances get him chilled. (existing relationship)

From othermewriter:  Smut ensues when someone on team TARDIS falls through the ice.

From othermewriter:  Multi-Doctor holiday celebration with Rose and each Doctor 1-??.

From irishlullaby:  Nine/Rose. The Doctor takes Rose to an castle made of ice (preferably on an ice planet) after she mentions that it should be Christmas soon and they have their own private Christmas celebration. Must contain general amounts of UST and flirting, of which resolving it is mandatory optional, but very much encouraged. Whether the planet/castle is inhabited is up to the author.

From catyuy:  Ten/Rose/Ten2.  "Why is there a evergreen coniferous tree decorated with baubles and popcorn in my TARDIS?"

From yavie_namarie:  Nine/Rose or Ten2/Rose.  Peppermint kisses.

From turtle_goose:  Nine/Rose or Eleven/Rose, if it's allowed *puppydogeyes* (It's allowed)  The oldest planet in creation celebrates it's New Years. Cue Rose fighting off other women who want to kiss the Doctor.

Song Prompts:

From irishlullaby:  Hurt--Johnny Cash version:

From amberfocus:  It Won't Be Christmas Without You by Brooks and Dunn:

From oliversbludger:  Baby, It's Cold Outside:

From oliversbludger :  All I Want For Christmas is You:

From oliversbludger:  Christmas is All Around-(From Love, Actually):

From oliversbludger:  Let It Snow:

From oliversbludger:  I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas:

From oliversbludger:  O, Little Town of Bethlehem:

From oliversbludger:  Santa Baby:

From oliversbludger:  I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause:

From annissag:  Into the Mystic Vision by Van Morrison:

From yavie_namarie:  Christmas in Kilarney by Bing Crosby:

From yavie_namarie:  I'll Be Home for Christmas by Frank Sinatra:

From yavie_namarie:  Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas by Judy Garland:

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