[The picture is fuzzy and broken up by static every few seconds. But it's possible to catch a glimpse of the
blond on the other side. She doesn't look so good]
Internal system error...
Reboot...required...Internal system error...
[And this goes on for a while]
Comments 4
[SISTER! This will Len getting a good look at where she is before turning his Dreamberry off and trying to find where she is right now. It doesn't really process that he doesn't know 'where' but he'll get feeling of when he's close and that's all that matters. He is looking through all sorts of buildings he can think of and see right now]
She's desperately trying to reboot, but something is wrong and it just keeps cycling. She'll still be in that state when he finds her]
Rin what kind of internal system error?
Start up files...corrupted...
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