Dec 03, 2009 10:18
The official Star Wars Celebration V announcement when up today. August 12-15, 2010 in Orlando. That's right. Florida. In August. The perfect season and location for people to be wearing thick layers of Jedi robes and heavy, already stifling stormtrooper armor. At least the slave Leias will be comfortable. That said, I think I'll pass this time.
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Comments 7
Orlando has swamp coolers, but you'll still have to go outside to eat. And then the pain begins. What an unfortunate decision. Week after Gen Con + 2 weeks before D*C seems rather...obtuse.
That said, Orlando isn't exactly a selling point for me. I know it will be in an air conditioned space and all, but it just isn't a location that I have much of a desire to visit and the travel time is prohibitive.
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