Title: ...And It Feels So Good [2/2]
Author: Sirocco
Fandom: X-Force/X-Factor v.3
Pairing: Rictor/Shatterstar
Rating: NC-17 for profanity and sexual content
Warnings: AU, M/M slash
Edited to add: Changed one line of dialogue because I can't leave things alone.
Part 2 )
Comments 21
Also, I freaking loved this line:
"I presume you are speaking figuratively, because I have no way of knowing the state of your digestive --"
I don't know why, but I like split my sides laughing when I read that because I could totally see Star saying something like that.
Also, the sexy stuff was really well written. Excellent descriptions AND emotions. Very well done. Kudos to you! :D
PS - You should definitely write more RicStar again when you get the inspiration! I really enjoyed your take on them :)
I don't know why, but I like split my sides laughing when I read that because I could totally see Star saying something like that.
Yeah, that line popped into my head and it had Shatterstar written all over it.
Also, the sexy stuff was really well written. Excellent descriptions AND emotions. Very well done. Kudos to you! :D
*MAN,* sex scenes are tough to write effectively! I'm really glad you thought it worked. I was worried about that.
And it's a good thing you liked it, because there's a sequel in the works. :)
Thanks again!
By the time 'Star had carefully touched his lips to the fresh abrasions on Ric's knees and was s‚Äël‚Äëo‚Äëw‚Äël‚Äëy inching up his inner thighs,
And also:
'Star did that gave Ric the last  jolt he needed
Glad you liked it. :)
Second, I've been a fan of these two for over ten years, but there was virtually no fanfic about them back then. The 'Brokeback Mutant' remark last year made me go searching again, and your Rictor/Shatterstar page kept me entertained for hours. I know it hasn't been updated in a while, but I'm glad it's still there.
Third, I've got a sequel/series planned. Be careful what you ask for. ;)
I liked that you had Julio a little out-of-shape, because, well, yeah, he would be, and Shatterstar's examination and announcement of it was hilarious.
“We can’t wreck the bed this time.” <--lmao, too funny!
Shatterstar being turned on by the scars--totally great.
Just... yeah. All around goodness. ^^ Thank you for sharing it.
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