Title: Beautiful Lies [Oneshot]
Author: Siriusmoonpup
Pairing: Yunjae
Rating: PG
Summary: What would you do if I’m gone?
Author's Note: Blame the angst on
blurmeese T-T i just finished reading her story If/Or and I felt all angsty ::sniffs::.
Comments are loved <3
Beautiful Lies )
Comments 14
Especially this sentence: What would you do if I’m gone? TT
I think you need to write a sequel for this Jackie. I'll even pester or bribe you with something for it. I need answers woman! Why did Yunho leave JaeJoong? How did JaeJoong ended up being alone? Did Yunho pass away or something?
At the start I thought something was going to happen to Jae, but it was the other way around (I refuse to think Yunho left on his own accord).
So sad :(
this was short, but it still hit me hard.
I thought that something was going to happen to jae, but I didn't think that yunho would leave instead.
he made so many promises, promsing that he would stay with jae, promising never to leave, but he did. he left.
nevertheless, this was great. :)
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