AWDT Drabble - A Beautiful Lie

Mar 05, 2007 14:13

Fandom Original fic
Title: A Beautiful Lie
Author: siriusmoonlite
Challenge: A Beautiful Lie
Word Count: 215
Rating PG13

It’s not a cry that you hear at night.
It’s not someone who’s seen the light
It’s a cold and it’s a broken hallelujah.
*Hallelujah - sung by Jeff Buckley*

Link to all AWDT drabbles

My first love
From the moment we became alive
We ceased to exist
Flowing into one another, the WE disappeared into the one

Our hearts beat through the centuries
Through the rising of sun and moon, in a never ending circle
Beginnings and endings just man made interruptions

One and timeless

Echoed through the night sky

One and timeless

Rippled through the streams

One and timeless

Howled in the wind

Yet it was just a beautiful lie.

Time is a silent stalker
Waiting to bare its claws
In an instant, innocence was ripped away
In an instant, the One was rent in two
In that instant I grew up, no more a child

Time exacted its revenge
I died, yet I live on

Through meaningless days I refuse to count
I tuck you away into the recesses of my soul
Vague remembrances of scent and taste, interlacing the sweet and salty
I turn away for fear you will bubble up from below, overflow into the present
Afraid I will perish completely

I turn to the living
I turn to flesh and blood
To hugs and kisses and laughing out loud
To picnics and parties and dancing for joy
To new friends and new lovers

My life….. a beautiful lie.

awdt, drabble

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