Title: Too Old For Batman?
siriuslyyellowRating: PG-13
Warning(s): slight language, movie watching, useless character, Samlike!fanboy!Dean
Spoilers: I highly doubt it. (No spoilers for TDK, either!)
Word Count: 983
jenniferkaos, Dean/OFC, clowns, a Justin Timberlake calendar, and condoms, "You want me to put what, where?"
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Eric
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Comments 3
HAA, this was awsome. *shakes head at Dean* Man, come ON Dean, you know there are just some movies you have to see with your boy.
LOL, I just posted 2 ficlets regarding Sam + the Joker last Saturday. One is angst and one is schmoop. They both explore Sam's fear of clowns.
It's so obvious, isn't it? The Joker would be Sam's all time scariest bad guy. :-)
This was GREAT.
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