Jul 28, 2017 21:29

Borrowed from years before... Most of the info is the same... Please ask questions if things don't make sense!

Hello all! Below you'll find the rules, FAQ, and timeline for our upcoming fest. If you have any questions that aren't covered in the FAQ please post them in the comments and we'll do our best to answer them.


Prompting Opens: August 1
Prompting Closes: August 10
Claiming Opens: August 13
Claiming Closes: Claiming stays open
Submissions Due: October 20
Posting Begins: November 3

Rules & FAQ

What is the Sirius Black Fest?

It is an anonymous, prompt-based fest in which any pairing or genre is permissible as long as the focus of the fic/art is on that most wonderful, talented, sexy, and dashing of the Blacks Sirius Black. (editor's note: Please change the password to the community; it seems someone has sussed it out...) We want Sirius doing everything and everyone you can think of.

Since this is an anonymous fest, we ask that all artists and authors not give away the details of their submission(s) to anyone other than their beta(s). A week after the fest finishes posting, all authors and artists will be revealed and will be free to post their works on their own journals. Until that time, we ask that everyone keep their submissions on the down-low.

What is the minimum length requirement for fic?

All fic entries must be at least 500 words in length. There is no maximum word count.

Do I have to use a fic beta?

Yes, please. You can try hp_betas or hp_betas_wanted to find a beta and we will put out a call for betas when the due date for entries draws near. The mods will be proofreading all entries and will return fic if there are a large amount of spelling/grammatical errors.

Do I have to use an art beta?

Due to the nature of art and how subjective it is, an art beta is not necessary. However, all artwork files should be of a good pixel size (at least 640x480 pixels). 2-dimensional art should be a clean work, more than a rough sketch, and scans of physical artworks should be clean and clear. Photos of crafts and the like should be clear and well-lit. If you have any questions about a piece or would like an art beta, please e-mail padfoot.mod@gmail.com.

Resources for Artists

The Most Comprehensive Drawing Tutorials Collection
The Artistry of Male Beauty (NWS) - Excellent resource for photo reference of the nude male form.

Are crafts and other unconventional art allowed?

That would be an enthusiastic yes!

What about poetry?

That would be another enthusiastic yes!

What ratings are allowed?

Anything from G to NC-17 is allowed.

Is chan allowed?

Chan is allowed but must be clearly warned for in the headers, no exceptions.

Are threesomes/moresomes allowed?

Yes. As long as Sirius is the main attraction in the cuddle puddle you can have him canoodling with as many people as you think he can handle. (editor's note: And we hear tell he can handle quite a lot!)

Are all genres allowed?

Yes. We're interested in everything from the darkest of dark fics to the fluffiest of kid!fics and everything in between.

I like more than one prompt, may I claim more than one?

The more the merrier! However, we do require you to finish your first prompt before claiming a second.

How many times may a prompt be claimed?

While we would prefer that each prompt only be used once for art and once for fic, we realize that different authors/artists can have completely different takes on a prompt and we're hesitant to stifle anyone's creativity. So, we are allowing prompts to be used up to three times for either art or fic.

Can I claim my own prompt?

Absolutely! Sirius has no objections if you'd like to play with yourself; he does it all the time. (That is a bloody lie!! S.B.) (editor's note: The truth hurts, doesn't it?)

How many prompts can I submit?

As many as you can come up with. Go wild! A large and varied selection of prompts is never a bad thing.

Can I submit a prompt(s) even if I'm not going to write or draw for the fest?

Yes please! As stated we are looking to have a wide variety of prompts for our authors and artists to choose from.

Can I claim a prompt even if I haven't submitted one?

By all means, there should be more than enough prompts to go around.

May I submit a story which is part of an existing series or a WIP?

No, we'd like brand spankin' new stories and art that are unique to this fest. However, please feel free to post your series or WIP featuring Sirius to the community before or after the fest, since we'd love to see it.

Are crossovers and fusions allowed?

Yes, so long as Sirius is the main character and remains recognizable as himself anything goes.

Are non-magical AUs allowed?

Sure! You can have Sirius doing anything from working in the local coffee shop to running away to join the circus. As long as that barista or expert sword swallower remains recognizable as Sirius Black it's all good.

Are collaborations allowed?


I finished my entry early. May I submit it early?

Please do! Once your entry is completed and beta'd, e-mail it as an attachment to padfoot.mod@gmail.com with your username and prompt number in the subject line. Fic submissions should include all desired HTML markup (bold, italics, etc.) already done by the author and may be sent as an attached Word file, RTF, or plain text. Please do not send fic in the body of the e-mail.

For HTML assistance please see phoenixacid's excellent HTML tutorial.

Once your submission has been accepted, you're free to claim a second prompt if you'd like!

Will you grant extensions?

Of course! We realize RL (that's real life, not Remus Lupin, although he may occasionally get in the way too) gets in the way of the best of intentions, so if you find you need an extension, or even think you may need an extension, please e-mail us.

Since claiming is staying open, how will you handle those who sign up late?

We want to give everyone the opportunity to play and so we're not going to close claiming. If you sign up less than two weeks before the start of posting you will be given an automatic extension. This means you will be given a specific date your entry will be due to us, depending on how many fics/art we've received at that point, so we can give you a slot that allows you a reasonable amount of time to finish and have your submission beta'd while also avoiding any gaps in the posting schedule.

I need to drop out. What do I do?

As with extensions, we realize things come up and sometimes you just can't get an entry done. That's life. If you find yourself in this position, just e-mail us at padfoot.mod@gmail.com as soon as possible; no harm, no foul. However, participants who do not inform us in due time of their intention to drop out may not be allowed to participate in future fests.

If you're planning to join us as an author, artist, reader, or enthusiastic cheerleader, please join/watch: SIRIUS_BLACK. You can also follow us at Dreamwidth: Sirius_blk

Entries will be crossposted to AO3 as well as posted here on LJ and DW. When submitting your piece, please include your AO3 username so we may attribute your piece to you on the archive.


For fic, please the include the fic header within the text of your fic document. For art, please include the art header in the body of the e-mail.

Prompt #:
Word count:

Art Template:

Prompt #:

We look forward to seeing all your tributes to my truly remarkable person, and if it wouldn't be a bother could you please see to it that I have loads of amazing sex, oh and that I get to ride my motorbike or better yet have loads of amazing sex on my motorbike. That would be brilliant! seeing your creations! (editor's note: Can someone please change the password already?!)

*fest rules

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