Sirius Black Fest 2017: "A Black Dog"

Nov 06, 2017 11:38

Title: A Black Dog
Author: toyhto
Pairing: Sirius/Remus
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2363
Prompt #: 68: Sirius keeps buying weird amounts of flowers, flower shop owner Remus wants to know why. By evening12
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: I don't own anything and I don't gain profit from this.
A/N: Thank you to ambruises for betaing this story!
Summary: There's this ( Read more... )

*fest 2017, warning: none, pairing: sirius/remus, rating: pg-13

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Comments 1

evening12 November 7 2017, 00:26:35 UTC
All the yes to a Remus/Remus fic!! I adored this story. So much cuteness :D

I actually laughed out loud at this line. Here in his flat, and they’re here in random places, like, there is a bunch of roses in a shoe in the corridor, can you imagine? In a shoe?”

The relationship between Lily and Remus and how she's trying to get him out of Sirius' flat lol

I'm probably going to leave some more comments of Ao3.


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